Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 240 Surprising Remuneration, Ye Chunlin Becomes a Rich Landlord

Chapter 240 Surprising Remuneration, Ye Chunlin Becomes a Rich Landlord
A few days later, Xiao Guoqiang came to pick up the little Huzi. When he saw that the little Huzi was really walking like flying, he immediately laughed.

Now he also has to admire He Jincheng's medical skills, which are simply superb.

"Professor Xiao, you are here, please sit down!"

Ye Qing dreamed that Professor Xiao was coming, and quickly asked him to sit down.

"Hello, Mr. Ye, I'm here to pick up Xiao Huzi. I've already told Xiao He when I passed by the clinic just now!"

Xiao Guoqiang said with a smile.

"Grandpa, grandpa, look at the little duck I made!"

When the little tiger saw Xiao Guoqiang coming, he happily took the duckling that had just been squeezed out of mud, and ran over to show Xiao Guoqiang.

"Oh, this is a little duck, it's so pretty, who did the little tiger learn from!"

Xiao Guoqiang rubbed the little tiger's head and said.

"Sister Tingting taught me, we still have to knead a lot of fun things!"

Little Huzi's face is covered in mud now, but he looks in good spirits and is playing vigorously.

Xiao Guoqiang is very satisfied with the current state of his grandson.

That's right, I was suffering from illness before, and I was listless every day, so I don't look like a young child full of vigor!

After playing with Xiaohuzi and Tingting for a while, Xiao Guoqiang mentioned the matter of translation to Ye Qingmeng.

"I have translated the document you gave me, I will bring it to you to see if it is okay!"

Ye Qingmeng smiled and got up and went into the room and took out the translated documents in the past few days.

Xiao Guoqiang couldn't wait any longer, opened it and took a look, only took a second look, and immediately clapped his legs and applauded.

"Okay, that's great, Student Ye, your translations are so good, they are very accurate, I can be regarded as finding a real expert!"

You know, people who know English may be able to understand some foreign articles.

However, if you want to write the articles you understand in words, that's different.

It's like, when you write a novel, you think of a lot of interesting things in your mind, but when you write it out, you can't write it well, or even completely change the meaning.

Therefore, translation work is not simply a matter of translating the literal meaning. It is also necessary to truly understand the content before being able to translate the real article.

"Professor Xiao thinks it's okay. I'm a little rushed. If it takes longer, maybe it will be better!"

Ye Qingmeng was also very happy to be recognized by others.

"Hahaha, it's okay, it's okay, this level is better than that of several teachers in our school! By the way, this is the remuneration agreed last time, 1000 yuan. Now I even feel that this 1000 yuan is worth it. Give less!"

Xiao Guoqiang said quickly.

"It's a lot, a lot, I'm just too busy at home, otherwise, I won't get any money!"

Ye Qingmeng said with a wry smile.

She didn't intend to use this to make money at first. In her opinion, it's not a big deal to just translate the article. It's not worth 1000 yuan!

"Student Ye, you may not know that some well-known translators charge tens of thousands of yuan for an article with a mere 1000 words. Your level of translation is no lower than anyone else. 2000 yuan is really wronging you. , I will increase the fee for you, and I will give you [-] yuan for each document.

Xiao Guoqiang explained, and expressed his willingness to raise Ye Qingmeng's salary again.

As a university, Nandu Normal University also has a special subsidy for document translation, which can be regarded as doing things for the country. The documents and papers it translates are also of great value, so 2000 yuan is simply nothing to ordinary people. Astronomical figures, but for Nandu Normal University, it is definitely worth it!
"This is not good, Professor Xiao, I am a little flattered by you!"

Ye Qingmeng was very surprised, as if everything was like a dream.

"Okay, that's it. I just brought two more documents. You take the translation first, and give me a copy in about ten days. Remember, it must be as authentic as possible, reflecting the The context and environment in the original work, etc., the more realistic the better!"

Xiao Guoqiang said.

"Okay, I understand Professor Xiao, I will definitely finish this job seriously!"

Ye Qingmeng nodded vigorously.

Ye Qingmeng was very happy to receive the first draft fee for translation.

1000 yuan, which was unthinkable for her before.

Now, she finally realized the feeling of power.

After He Jincheng came home from get off work, he found that Guo Lan had made a table of delicious food, and he immediately laughed.

"Mom, what's the good thing about this? How did you cook so many dishes?"

"Of course it's a good thing. Qingmeng earned 1000 yuan in just five or six days of translating some documents for Professor Xiao, and Professor Xiao also said that the next document will increase in price!"

Guo Lan was very proud of Ye Qingmeng.

She is a farmer, how could she have imagined that she could earn so much money by studying.

"Oh, as expected of my wife, this is too amazing!"

He Jincheng was also very happy.

"Dad, what about Tingting, Tingting is helping grandma cook the pot today, isn't Tingting very good?"

Xiao Tingting came to He Jincheng's side, holding a chicken leg in her hand, and said very seriously.

"It's amazing, of course it's amazing, my Tingting is the best!"

He Jincheng hugged Xiao Tingting with a smile, and kissed her hard.

"Oh, Dad is so annoying, Dad hates it!"

Tingting looked disgusted, and He Jincheng's oily face was wiped with oily little hands.

Spring goes and autumn comes, and in a blink of an eye it is the New Year again.

Ye Qingmeng's stomach has been in the stomach for more than eight months, and now He Jincheng doesn't let her do any work, and she goes to the medical clinic every other day, and almost all her thoughts are put on Ye Qingmeng.

Although He Jincheng checked Ye Qingmeng's pulse and confirmed that Ye Qingmeng's expected date of delivery was around the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, but He Jincheng was still not at ease, and decided to take care of Ye Qingmeng himself until the childbirth was successful.

On this day, Ye Qingmeng was reading in the yard, and He Jincheng was making medicinal materials beside him.

Suddenly there was a car noise at the door, He Jincheng put down his things and went out to have a look, and saw a brand new Santana parked at the door.

Just wondering who it was, the car door opened, and a young man wearing sunglasses got out of the car.


The young man yelled, but He Jincheng was stunned for a moment. After looking carefully, he recognized who it was. Isn't this the boy Ye Chunlin!
"Chun Lin, you are here!"

He had called before and said he wanted to come and see Ye Qingmeng.

"Hahaha, brother-in-law, it's been a while since I missed you!"

Ye Chunlin laughed loudly, stepped forward and gave He Jincheng a firm hug.

"Your boy is now a rich man, and he even bought a car!"

He Jincheng thumped Ye Chunlin and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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