Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 241 The store was stolen, and the loss was a full 3

Chapter 241 The shop was stolen, and the loss was a total of [-]
"Hahaha, our medicinal material factory and winery are doing well now. As a shareholder, of course I can make some money!"

Ye Chunlin laughed out loud.

The medicinal material factory is now expanding its business very well. Not only has the lotus village started to plant medicinal materials, but the neighboring villages have also begun to plant them together. The supply of this medicinal material is not only sufficient, but also has an advantage in price. Before Jincheng left, he had laid a good foundation for the medicinal material factory. The monthly operating income of the medicinal material factory can reach tens of thousands of yuan, and the performance is getting better every day.

As for the winery, the launch of the lotus wine is very smooth, and the reputation is getting bigger and bigger. Now the factory can also have a monthly revenue of more than 1.

This is definitely a good performance for a company in a small town.

And the next step, the winery is also planning to expand to the county, and has already begun to look for the address to build the factory.

Listening to Ye Chunlin's narration, He Jincheng also nodded slightly.

The two factories are actually Huimin's factories.

Among them, the winery mainly sells the lotus wine brewed by the villagers themselves, which is also the characteristic of the winery. Under the leadership of Xiao Jingran, they will definitely insist on benefiting the people and themselves.

As for the medicinal material factory, it is even more beneficial to the common people.

The original intention of building the factory was to lead the villagers of Lianhua Village to get rich together. Some of the shares are owned by the village collective. In addition, many of the raw materials of the medicinal plant are collected from the villagers, so It also brought a lot of income to the villagers.

"We now, every villager can have an income of more than [-] per month, which is much better than just farming and relying on the sky to eat, and at the end of the year, everyone will still have dividends. According to the current situation, It is estimated that each family can get another two to three hundred dividends, and now I have become a charity entrepreneur!"

Ye Chunlin said with a smile, with a bit of complacency on his face.

In the past, when I was in the village, I was a bum that everyone hated, and I knew how to ask my family for money all day long.

It's different now. Not only is he rich, but he also has status and is respected by others, which naturally makes people happy.

In this day and age, they can earn hundreds of yuan a month, which is even higher than the wages of some civil servants. Naturally, the villagers are very grateful to the factory.

"No matter what, when we make money by ourselves, we must not forget the people in the village. We all get rich together, and that's called real wealth!"

He Jincheng is very satisfied with his brother-in-law's current attitude. This kid has changed a lot since he sold wine with him. Although he still likes to show off, he has matured a lot.

"Of course, we are not the kind of ungrateful people!"

Ye Chunlin laughed.

Seeing Ye Chunlin coming, Ye Qingmeng and Guo Lan were also very happy.

It was another sumptuous dinner in the evening, and He Jincheng even called Gao Ziqiang to have dinner together.

When Ye Chunlin learned that Gao Ziqiang was in the literary and entertainment business, he immediately became interested and wanted to invest in it together.

However, this proposal was directly rejected by He Jincheng.

First of all, this line of work does not mean that you can do it if you want to.

If you don't know how to do it, no matter how much money you have, it's not enough to pay for it.

Besides, Gao Ziqiang worked hard with He Jincheng and managed Shanbaozhai well. Of course, He Jincheng would not treat him badly, and directly distributed [-]% of the shares to Gao Ziqiang.

If Ye Chunlin wants to join, he will inevitably divide some of Gao Ziqiang's shares, which is unfair to Gao Ziqiang. After all, Shanbaozhai's cash flow is relatively normal now, and there is no need for investment.

Gao Ziqiang has learned a lot from He Jincheng in the past six months, and he has started to think and judge. Of course, he knows why He Jincheng rejected Ye Chunlin, and he is very grateful.

After dinner, Ye Chunlin insisted on going to Shanbaozhai, but there was no other way, He Jincheng, Gao Ziqiang and Ye Chunlin went to Shanbaozhai together, and they simply slept there at night, anyway, the upstairs room That's enough, the three elders don't have much to pay attention to.

All three of them drank, but luckily no one was investigated for drunk driving, and Shanbaozhai was not far away, so they drove the Santana in Ye Chunlin, and soon came to the gate of Shanbaozhai.


As soon as he arrived here, He Jincheng suddenly yelled.

Gao Ziqiang's alcoholism made him sober for a while, and when he looked up, he saw that the door of Shanbao Zhai was opened, and there were still people moving inside.

There was a thump in his heart, Gao Ziqiang's heart was broken, he was not in the store for a day, and he was met by a thief.

There are many valuable items inside, if lost, it would be terrible!

The three rushed out of the car immediately.

The people inside seemed to have heard the movement, so they hugged their bags and fled in one direction.

"Made, you've eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard. If you dare to steal brother Qiang's shop, don't let me catch you!"

Gao Ziqiang was so angry that he picked up the brick and threw it in the direction where the thieves were fleeing.

Originally, Ye Chunlin wanted to drive after the thief, but He Jincheng stopped them.

"Go to the store to see if there are any valuables missing. If you lose valuables, let's call the police as soon as possible!"

He Jincheng said.

The three entered the store quickly, and Gao Ziqiang saw at a glance that the most valuable item in the store was gone.

It was a piece of paperweight that He Jincheng personally extracted from the stone, and then let Gu Fengyue process it himself. It was named Emerald Ruyi Paperweight. It is an extremely pure high-grade ice species. The cost price alone costs more than 5000 yuan. That's not counting labor costs.

The price tag is even more than 9000 yuan, and many people have come to ask about the price, and several of them said that they need to think about it if they want to buy it.

However, now this treasure of the town store has been lost.

To Gao Ziqiang, this was undoubtedly like being struck by lightning.

"Made, you actually stole it from me, don't let me know who did it, or I must have skinned him!"

Gao Ziqiang was so angry that he was going crazy.

On weekdays, he lives in the store every day, but there have been no accidents.

Unexpectedly, while drinking some wine at He Jincheng's house, it was stolen, and all the lost items were extremely valuable. If they can't be recovered, the shop may close down directly.

"Don't worry, go to the police first, and then think of a solution!"

He Jincheng frowned, he was a little uncertain, it was really unlucky for Shanbaozhai to be picked up by thieves, or was this someone behind the scenes deliberately planning to teach Shanbaozhai a lesson.

"I'm going to call the police, you guys count the losses!"

Ye Chunlin hurriedly called the police.

Gao Ziqiang did some calculations here, and was so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. This time, the theft was worth [-] yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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