Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 244 The Warehouse in the South of the City, Gao Ziqiang Went Deep into the Den of Thieves

Chapter 244 The Warehouse in the South of the City, Gao Ziqiang Went Deep into the Den of Thieves
The trading location is arranged in an abandoned warehouse in the eastern outskirts of the city, and the trading time is 09:30 in the evening.

Hu Zhengsheng asked Gao Ziqiang to bring the cash, and he had to be alone.

Before seven o'clock, He Jincheng and Ye Chunlin arrived at the warehouse ahead of time and found a hidden place to hide.

Gao Ziqiang drove a van and came to the warehouse alone.

After parking the car, Gao Ziqiang looked around, confirmed the route of entry and exit, and then walked into the warehouse with his leather bag.

There are no street lights on the side of the warehouse, and because it has been abandoned for a long time, the inside is also pitch black and nothing can be seen.

Gao Ziqiang was not afraid at all, he went straight to the warehouse door, and knocked on the warehouse door according to the agreed signal.

After a while, with a creak, the warehouse door was opened.

A bright flashlight shone on Gao Ziqiang's face, making him unable to open his eyes at all, and then he felt that two people, one on the left and one on the right, held him in the middle, and they dragged him inside.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing, you don't have such things in business!"

Gao Ziqiang shouted loudly.

He was not afraid, but wanted to give a signal to He Jincheng nearby, telling them that he had met those bandits.

"Brother-in-law, brother Qiang will be fine!"

Ye Chunlin, who was hiding not far away, said worriedly.

This was the first time he had done such a thing, so he was somewhat nervous.

"It's okay, if the things in those people's hands are not sold, they will not be exchanged for money. If they directly sell Qiangzi, no buyers will come to them to buy things in the future!"

He Jincheng wasn't too worried. Even if the other party did make a move, Gao Ziqiang's skills were not just for display, and he would definitely have no problem sustaining it for a while.

On the other side, the bandits ignored Gao Ziqiang's yelling, dragged him into the warehouse, and closed the door directly.

A few kerosene lamps were lit, and there was some dim light in the warehouse.

"Okay, let him go!"

Said a rough voice.

Gao Ziqiang regained his freedom with a bit of anger on his face.

"Is this how you do business? If I had known this, I wouldn't have come here at all!"

Buyers naturally have a buyer's temper. Gao Ziqiang deliberately pretended to be very angry so as not to arouse the other party's suspicion.

Seeing that the other party is so cautious, he must have done this kind of thing before.

So you have to be careful with yourself.

"Hehe, brother, don't be angry, this is also a routine for us, after all, in our line of work, there is always nothing wrong with being careful!"

A man wearing a Peking Opera mask with a black face spoke with a smile.

"Then you should notify me in advance, and drag me in so roughly. If it weren't for the sake of having goods in your hands, I would have fucked with you a long time ago!"

Gao Ziqiang put on a look that it's not that I haven't seen time, and that I'm not so easy to mess with.

Such sloppy words made these bandits very adaptable.

If they really trade with an honest person, they will be worried. Such people often don't know the rules, and after buying something, they will turn around and tell others.

If Gao Ziqiang had been a fool, he must have understood the rules.

"Hahaha, I will apologize to my brother first, and if our transaction goes well later, brother, I will definitely apologize to you again!"

The black-faced masked man laughed loudly.

"I see that you have no sincerity at all. You don't want to see people with your true colors, and you don't report your family background. Even if you are on the road, you must have a nickname!"

Gao Ziqiang said lightly, with a very dissatisfied look on his face.

"Okay, brother seems to be in the same way. Give me face on the road and call me Brother Monkey. If you want to, brother, you can also call me that, or you can just call me Monkey!"

The black-faced masked man nodded and said.

"Monkey? Well, Brother Monkey, I don't care about your identities, so let's take out the goods first!"

Gao Ziqiang narrowed his eyes slightly.

He had also heard of this monkey brother.

From north to south, there have been several crimes committed. It seems that they have been professionally trained.

"I want to see the goods, but brother, have you brought enough money?"

Monkey laughed.

"What am I going to do without money? See for yourself!"

Gao Ziqiang proudly threw the leather bag in his hand to the monkey and asked him to check it himself.

The monkey immediately had someone check it, and found that there was 5 yuan in it.

"It's hidden, brother is so proud. We agreed on [-] before, why is there [-] more?"

Monkey said with a smile, staring at Gao Ziqiang, trying to read something from his expression.

"Why, Brother Monkey still thinks there is a lot of money? If that's the case, give it back to me!"

Gao Ziqiang stretched out his hand.

"Hahaha, brother, you are joking, we have a lot of good things besides the ones you asked for, why don't you buy them together?"

Brother Monkey said with a smile.

He felt that Gao Ziqiang was just a novice who didn't understand anything. If he didn't get some money from such a person, would he be worthy of a gangster like himself?

"The fifteen thousand is conditional. I don't ask who you are, I just want to know who ordered you!"

Gao Ziqiang asked.

"Don't worry about it bro, we naturally have our own way! You know how these things come from, but no matter how much you want to ask, please forgive me for not having any answer!"

Monkey said with some vigilance.

"Ham, you said how much you have said honestly, do you still have to do it?"

Gao Ziqiang sighed, and a playful smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"You...what do you mean?"

The monkey frowned slightly, but didn't react for a while.

Could it be that I, a gangster, met a robber today?
But in a blink of an eye, he smiled.

Let alone whether Gao Ziqiang came to blackmail and rob, even if he did, so what?There are five people on my side, everyone is a good fighter, and here is the wilderness. If Gao Ziqiang really has any plans, he will kill this kid directly and find a pit to bury. No one will find out for years.

"You stole my things, and now you ask me what I mean? Don't you think it's a little ridiculous?"

Gao Ziqiang also stopped acting, and said with a sneer while clenching his fists.

"Made, are you courting death? Well, it just so happens that I don't intend to sell these things. Now that the money is in our hands, you can get out! Otherwise, be careful that you won't be able to keep your things, and you will have to pay for your life here!"

The monkey's face was extremely ugly, and a hint of ferocity flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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