Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 245 Take money and goods, He Jincheng's next step

Chapter 245 Get back the money and goods, He Jincheng's next step

"Hmph, I've been looking for you for a long time, and I saw you today. Obediently bring me the things and the money, otherwise, be careful that I won't recognize you with my fist!"

Gao Ziqiang snorted coldly.

"Looking for death, brothers, work, kill this kid, we have 5 yuan, which is enough to live happily for a while!"

The monkey immediately ordered the younger brother to take down Gao Ziqiang.

If you don't do anything, if you don't do anything, since the other party is looking for you, then just let him never get out.

"Ma De, I didn't expect that you would dare to come here. Today, I will relax your muscles and bones!"

A masked man with a red face yelled at Gao Ziqiang while waving his fists.

Gao Ziqiang snorted coldly, advanced instead of retreating, and started fighting with that man.

In this fight, Gao Ziqiang was a little surprised, because the opponent's skills were also very good, and he would not be able to take him down for a while.

"Let's do it together, make a quick decision, and run away after packing up!"

Monkey snorted coldly, and the five of them rushed over together, ready to deal with Gao Ziqiang quickly.

At this time, a flashlight came from not far away.

The monkey was startled, thinking something bad in his heart.

They clearly checked for four weeks before, but they didn't find that Gao Ziqiang had brought anyone here.

Obviously, this kid came prepared.

It seems that today I have to bleed a little more.

"court death!"

He Jincheng let out a low cry, stepped a little faster, and rushed over quickly, kicking a person to the ground with one kick.

"Bright guy!"

Seeing the menacing approach of the opponent, the monkey knew that it was not easy to deal with, so he asked the younger brothers to take out their tools to deal with them.

However, He Jincheng's skills are amazing. Although the skills of these bandits are not bad, they are not He Jincheng's all-in-one enemy. In less than 2 minutes, these five people were all beaten to the ground, each in pain Moaning, unable to get up.

"Haha, brother, you are amazing, these bastards are all Lianjiazi, I almost suffered a disadvantage!"

Gao Ziqiang laughed.

"Tie up everyone, let's interrogate them!"

He Jincheng smiled.

Houzi was stubborn, no matter how Gao Ziqiang beat him up, the kid didn't say a word.

It seemed that they had bitten He Jincheng to death, they didn't dare to kill him, as long as they gritted their teeth and survived.

"It's really tough, can you tell me who ordered you?"

Gao Ziqiang slapped the monkey twice and said angrily.

"Hmph, kill us if you have the guts, but I warn you, if you move us, it is equivalent to moving the family behind us, and you will soon be in trouble!"

The monkey gritted his teeth and said, still unwilling to confess.

"Let me come!"

He Jincheng stepped forward, smiled and took out a needle bag from his arms, which was full of silver needles that He Jincheng used to treat patients on weekdays.

As a master of traditional Chinese medicine, He Jincheng's acupuncture skills are also superb.

Acupuncture can be used to save people. As for torturing people, there are also many methods.

So, no matter who you offend, you can't offend a genius doctor, especially a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Don't you scare me so much, you really think I'm scared!"

Monkey didn't take He Jincheng seriously at all, and said with a sneer.

"I don't know if it scared you too much. I just want to know who ordered you. As long as you tell us, you can leave. We will definitely not call the police!"

He Jincheng said persuasively again.

"Hmph, if you have any means, just use it, I, a monkey, have never been afraid of anything!"

There was a bit of sarcasm on the monkey's face.

"Well, my silver needle is usually used to save people, but today I can't help it, so I can only use it for you!"

After He Jincheng finished speaking, he took out the silver needle and stood directly on an acupuncture point on the monkey like a gust of wind.

At the beginning, the monkey didn't even snort, but after 3 minutes, the monkey felt his bones start to itch, showing faint signs of breaking.

After 5 minutes, the monkey finally compromised.

There is no way, my bones are itching uncontrollably, that feeling is almost worse than death.

"I said, I said, it was the Hu family's young master Hu who let us sit! You stop quickly, stop for me, I will tell you everything!"

monkey shouted.

He Jincheng had guessed this a long time ago, but now it's just been confirmed, it really is that bastard Hu Zhengsheng!
"Do you have any evidence? It would be best to prove that the Hu family has something to do with you thieves. Don't worry, we are here for Hu Zhengsheng. Tell us all the information you know!"

"I said, I said, we have actually had contact with the Hu family for a long time. Basically, Hu Zhengsheng contacted them, but the contact process was very careful. Basically, he asked his followers to contact him. We didn't actually see each other. Hu Zhengsheng himself."

Monkey said quickly.

Not only this time, but the five of their brothers had contacted Hu Zhengsheng to help realize the things they did before!

"Bring out all the evidence!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

Now that the matter was up to now, the monkey could only agree, and took out a notebook from his arms, on which was the transaction between the Hu family and the bandits like them.

Every time Hu Zhengsheng withdraws [-]% of the proceeds, the amount of money is not small.

"Very good, you did a good job, I forgive you, Qiangzi, Chunlin, let's go!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

After speaking, several people were ready to leave.

"You untie us, we've told you everything we know!"

cried the blind man.

"Don't worry, someone will come back and untie you. When you get inside, remember to reform and be a new person!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Before he showed up, he called the police, and the police officers from this store had already arrived.

Hearing that the robbers who have been rampant recently have been caught, the police station was very excited, and five or six cars were dispatched at once, and they drove directly to the warehouse.

Seeing that the monkeys and the others were tightly tied up, the police officers all looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what was going on, but there is still someone who can clean up these five thugs clearly. of.

On He Jincheng's side, he got his things back and left with the money.

Next, He Jincheng planned to use this notebook to directly report this matter to the official side. No matter how low-key the members of the Hu family were, once this matter was exposed, they would definitely not be able to sit still.

After all, as one of the five major families, the Hu family also wants face.

Such a scandal in my own family is definitely a big blow to the Hu family.

(End of this chapter)

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