Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 246 Unable to Repent, Hu Zheng Has a Murderous Heart

Chapter 246 Unable to Repent, Hu Zheng Has a Murderous Heart

Soon, the entire Southern Metropolis knew that the bandits who had been rampant recently had an unclear relationship with the Hu family.

This time, the Hu family also panicked.

Hu Dashan, the old head of the Hu family, also Hu Zhengsheng's grandfather, was sitting in the hall with a dark face at the moment.

Looking at his grandson, Hu Dashan felt very helpless.

His son died young, and he didn't have the heart to take care of family affairs, so he left everything to Hu Zhengsheng to do.

He had warned Hu Zhengsheng many times before not to touch those gray industries.

The times are different now, and the rule of law is getting stricter. The Hu family finally cleared up their crimes and can no longer go back.

But I didn't expect that Hu Zhengsheng promised well on the surface, but he still came into contact with those gray businesses behind his back, and even colluded with the bandits.

"Tell me about you, how many times have I told you that you can't touch these things, but you just don't listen, what should I do now?"

Hu Dashan said with a bit of hatred for the lack of iron.

My grandson is good at everything, has a smart head, does things quickly and neatly, and manages most of the family's property in an orderly manner.

But this kid just couldn't bear his heart, and insisted on touching these things.

Sooner or later it will be ruined on this!

"Grandpa, it's not my fault, it's all the fault of that barefoot doctor He Jincheng. If it weren't for him, this matter would never have been exposed!"

At this moment, Hu Zhengsheng didn't feel that he had done anything wrong. Instead, he pushed all the responsibilities on He Jincheng.

However, he never thought that there was actually no major conflict between himself and He Jincheng.

It's all just a battle of wills.

Just for this reason, he let the monkey steal He Jincheng's Shanbaozhai, but he didn't expect that He Jincheng's reaction was so fast, and he directly exposed his old background.

If I had known this before, I shouldn't have let the monkeys ship the goods, but to avoid the limelight.

This was also done too smoothly before, which gave Hu Zhengsheng a lot of luck.

"You still blame others? If you don't collude with those bandits, what will happen to you? Our Hu family is not short of money. The current property is enough for you to be rich and prosperous for the rest of your life. Why do you want to touch those things? Woolen cloth?"

When Hu Dashan saw that Hu Zhengsheng was still stubborn, he was very angry, and his tone was a little bit harsher.

"Grandpa, we made our fortunes by earning a fortune. I think it's very good. As long as we do things carefully, not only will nothing happen, but also make money quickly! Besides, with the current status of our Hu family, even if other people know about it, they can make money." How? Are you afraid to catch me?"

Hu Zhengsheng said indifferently.

"Nonsense! Everyone you are dealing with now knows that the Hu family is still making money. Who else will cooperate with us in the future? The official side will definitely keep an eye on us! You are just helping people sell stolen goods, and the crime is not counted." Big, the authorities are not worth using this crime to arrest you! But after a long time, they will definitely not be able to tolerate you, do you think you can really sit back and relax?"

Hu Dashan wished he could slap Hu Zhengsheng, this bastard, is he really going to make himself mad before giving up? "Grandpa, don't worry, I know this matter well, and I promise it won't implicate our Hu family."

Hu Zhengsheng looked disapproving.

In his opinion, even if the Hu family's current status and status were official, it was impossible to easily move them.

Since He Jincheng did such a trick to himself, if he didn't take revenge and go back, how could he hang out with Nandu in the future?

"Are you still thinking about taking revenge and going back? I advise you to give up. In my opinion, you are not He Jincheng's opponent at all."

Hu Dashan frowned slightly, he heard the meaning of his grandson's words.

"Grandpa, don't you underestimate me. Now that the Hu family is in my care, you should follow my arrangement. You are old and can't keep up with the times. You'd better enjoy your old age at home."

Hu Zhengsheng was also a little impatient with his grandfather.

He thinks that Hu Dashan is an old antique. When he gets old, he is timid, and he looks forward and backward in everything he does.

How is it possible to make the business bigger and stronger in this way?

"Bastard, is this the way you're talking to me?"

Hu Dashan slapped the table angrily.

"Grandpa, it's better to be less angry when you are older. Let's stop here today. You don't have to worry about the next thing. I will take care of it."

Hu Zhengsheng chuckled, turned and left.


Hu Dashan was furious, he stood up and wanted to stop Hu Zhengsheng, but Hu Zhengsheng left as if he hadn't seen him at all.

His face was full of disbelief, his body froze, and then he slumped on the sofa powerlessly.

His heart was full of sadness. In just a few short years, the entire escort had been out of his control, and was completely controlled by his grandson.

It never occurred to him that his grandson was such a white-eyed wolf who didn't take himself seriously at all.

Maybe I am really old.

"That's all. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Since you want to mess around, then go ahead and make trouble. At worst, you will end up with nothing."

Hu Dashan had a downcast look on his face, as if he had already seen that the Hu family would soon perish.

After going out, the expression on Hu Zhengsheng's face became very solemn.

In this confrontation with He Jincheng, he was completely at a disadvantage, and even caused a commotion.

Although I said that I had nothing to do in the end, the reputation of the Hu family was indeed greatly affected.

The more this happened, the more he hated He Jincheng, and he wished he could be killed.

After driving in the car, Hu Zhengsheng came directly to a tavern.

He has a box here dedicated to his usual entertainment.

Today he invited a big brother on the road to come here to discuss things.

The purpose, of course, is to deal with He Jincheng.

Pushing open the door of the box, Hu Zhengsheng saw a bald man sitting there drinking with his arms around a beautiful woman. The two of them had a great time.

"Brave-headed brother, I have to ask you to go out this time, little brother, I'm being ridden on the head and shit and pissed."

As soon as he entered the box, Hu Zhengsheng complained directly.

"Hehe, who is so courageous to bully Young Master Hu? I have benefited from you a lot these years, brother. Tell me, what do you want me to do? I promise to make it beautiful for you." of."

The bald head touched his bright forehead and said with a smile.

"I don't know, how much is a life at Brother Bald's side worth?"

A gloomy look flashed across Hu Zhengsheng's eyes.

He has already murdered He Jincheng.

(End of this chapter)

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