Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 247 Looking forward to 2 treasures, Ye Qingmeng postpartum hemorrhage

Chapter 247 Looking forward to the second treasure, Ye Qingmeng's postpartum hemorrhage
"You want to be that kid? What is the origin?"

The bald head narrowed his eyes slightly, this is not a trivial matter, although he did have two lives in his hands, but he rarely does this kind of thing.

"There is no way out. That kid is a barefoot doctor. Not long after he came to the south, he opened a medical clinic and a shop for literature and entertainment on Qiangu Street."

Hu Zhengsheng said with a smile that he looked down on He Jincheng from the bottom of his heart.

In particular, I have suffered from He Jincheng's side twice in a row, and I hate He Jincheng to the extreme.

So on Brother Bald's side, he naturally tried his best to belittle He Jincheng.

"No, I don't think it's easy for someone who can make Young Master Hu miserable."

The bald brother is not a fool, he sees many things better than anyone else, so he naturally knows that Hu Zhengsheng is not telling the truth.

"Do you think I can still lie to you about the tall bald head you said? That kid is indeed like this. If you don't believe me, you can go and investigate first, and contact me after the investigation is clear."

Hu Zhengsheng smiled, then took out an envelope from his pocket, and put it in front of the bald brother.

"Here, it's just a deposit. You eat it first, bald brother. It's fun. We'll do it after we're sure."

The bald-headed brother reached out to pick up the envelope, weighed it in his hand, felt the weight, and then nodded with a smile.

"As expected of Hu Whistle, it's a generous move, but there are rules, and I really need to investigate. If it's really what Young Master Hu said, then this matter will be considered a deal."

The bald man smiled and said.

"No problem, even if it's true, if there are other things, I can still increase the price! Besides, we have known each other for so long, so why don't the bald brothers give me a little discount?"

Hu Zhengsheng said with a chuckle.

"You boy, I can give you discounts for other things. This is a matter of human life. It's not appropriate for you to ask me to give you discounts."

The bald man patted Hu Zhengsheng on the shoulder vigorously.


After the matter of the Hu family was exposed by He Jincheng, the Hu family immediately became low-key.

He Jincheng finally got quiet for a while.

His wife is about to give birth, and He Jincheng doesn't want to cause more troubles during this period, he only thinks that his wife can give birth smoothly, and that it is safe and sound.

Everything is in order, smooth and stable.

Until one day, Ye Qingmeng suddenly felt a pain in his stomach, He Jincheng immediately sent Ye Qingmeng to the best hospital in Nandu.

Although He Jincheng is a genius doctor, it is best to go to the hospital and use professional people to do things like delivering babies.

Outside the delivery room, He Jincheng walked back and forth nervously in the corridor.

His heart has long been extremely firm, and at this moment, his palms are sweating nervously.

His second child is about to be born.

When Tingting had an accident, I didn't even take a look at it. Even when I heard that she was a daughter, I still looked disgusted, and almost gave Tingting to other people to raise.

As a father, what I have done is indeed failing or not worthy of being a father at all.

To live a new life, He Jincheng wanted to be a good father from the bottom of his heart.

The birth of the second treasure seems to give him another chance to redeem his sins.

Seeing He Jincheng so anxious, mother-in-law Guo Lan couldn't laugh or cry.

"What's the use of being so anxious at this moment, kid? Qingmeng's body is very good on weekdays, and the body raised by you is strong. There must be no problems after birth, so don't be so nervous."

On the contrary, it was very easy to come here. He is also a person who has given birth to a child. He knows that Ye Qingmeng's body is well taken care of by He Jincheng, so there will definitely be no problems.

"Yeah, brother-in-law, look at my sister cooking for us in the morning. Don't worry if there's nothing wrong. I'll definitely give birth to a white and chubby boy for you later."

Ye Chunlin said with a smile.

"You kid is still making sarcastic remarks here. Your sister and brother-in-law both have a second child. When will you find me a daughter-in-law?"

I was very dissatisfied when I came here, and I waited for Ye Chunlin to say.

Ye Chunlin immediately stopped talking.

He is currently working on his own business, and he is very comfortable. He has not thought about finding a wife to marry.

Now that I have money, it is the time to be romantic and happy, how can I get married and find someone to take care of me.

"I think what Mom said is right. You should find a partner. You know how to go out and fool around all day long. Only when you get married can you be sure."

He Jincheng also nodded in agreement with his mother-in-law.

Once you have a family, you have responsibilities, and with responsibilities, you will be able to do things in a down-to-earth manner.

This kid Ye Chunlin has indeed changed a lot recently, but as long as he is free, this kid will run around again.

"Okay, okay, I'll just take care of this matter myself, so don't worry about it. I'm a bit skilled now, can I still find a wife?"

Ye Chunlin said a little dumbfounded, now he is waiting for his sister to have a baby, why did he bring the matter to himself?

At this moment, the door of the delivery room opened, and a nurse came out with a hurried expression.

"Are you family members of pregnant women?"

The nurse looked at He Jincheng and the others and said seriously.

"Yes, what's the matter?"

He Jincheng immediately realized that something seemed wrong, so he hurriedly asked.

"The baby was delivered smoothly, but the pregnant woman is bleeding profusely after delivery. We need to send it to the emergency room immediately. Let me tell you, so you can rest assured that our hospital is quite professional, and I believe it will be resolved soon."

After the nurse finished speaking, she turned around and was about to walk back.

"Wait, why do you say that there is postpartum hemorrhage? I am also a doctor. I know my wife's physical condition very well. It is absolutely impossible for postpartum hemorrhage. What is going on?"

He Jincheng said in a deep voice with anger on his face.

There was a look of panic on the nurse's face, as if he had been hit by something He Jincheng said, but he soon calmed down.

"Why are you like this? Hemorrhage after childbirth is a very normal situation. No one can guarantee that a normal delivery will be [-]% safe. Don't worry about whether it is your wife who is delaying me, or go to the door of the emergency room. Wait, then."

After the nurse finished speaking, he broke free from He Jincheng and walked back to the delivery room.

Wait a minute, He Jincheng and the others panicked.

"Oh, what's going on here? How can there be postpartum hemorrhage?"

When he came over, his eyes immediately turned red, and there were already tears in the corners of his eyes.

"It's okay, mom, don't worry too much. My sister's health has always been very good. Maybe it was just an accident. Besides, we are in the hospital now. This little problem can definitely be solved."

Ye Chunlin quickly comforted him.

(End of this chapter)

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