Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 248 The Blood Flows Not Stopped, He Jincheng Takes the Shot

Chapter 248 The Blood Flows Not Stopped, He Jincheng Takes the Shot

He Jincheng frowned, and immediately began to think in his heart.

My wife's health has always been very good, and I often check her up. I haven't found any hidden dangers that may cause accidents during the childbirth process, but why did an accident happen?
He really wanted to rush in to have a look now, but this is a hospital after all, and the door of the delivery room cannot be entered unless it is broken open.

There was no way, they could only continue to wait outside.

He Jincheng calculated the time in his mind, 10 minutes, 10 minutes at most, if the situation has not been alleviated, He Jincheng would go in and treat Ye Qingmeng himself even if he broke down the door of the delivery room.

Time passed by a little bit, and it seemed that 10 minutes would be up, and the door of the delivery room was opened again.

The nurse from before came out in a hurry.

"Well, how is my daughter?"

Guo Lan immediately stepped forward to grab the nurse and asked.

"The situation of the parturient has temporarily stabilized, but..."

The nurse hesitated to speak, obviously there was still something wrong.

"Just what, you say!"

Guo Lan was anxious and urged.

"It's just that the mother is still bleeding and can't stop it. The doctor said that the patient's platelets may be too low and the blood viscosity is not enough, so the blood flow will not stop. But now the amount of bleeding has dropped. The doctors are still thinking about other things. Method!"

The nurse had no choice but to tell the truth.

"Have you taken blood clotting medicine?"

He Jincheng asked in a deep voice.

Platelets are less dense, which does cause blood flow to stop.

There is a disease known to many people called hemophilia. As long as any part of the body is injured, even if the skin is scratched, as long as the bleeding is bleeding, the bleeding will not stop and it is difficult to stop the bleeding. This is because there are too few platelets in the blood caused by.

To describe it in a vivid way, if a kettle has a hole and there is clear water in it, it will be easy to pour it all out.

Then if there are tea leaves in the kettle, these tea leaves may block the water outlet during the pouring process. Sometimes when we pour the tea, we need to shake it twice before continuing to pour. This is the reason.

Of course, the concentration should not be too high, otherwise, the blood will be too thick, and it will adhere to the blood vessels after a long time, leading to calcification of blood vessels, blockage of blood vessels, and finally causing myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction. serious illness.

Therefore, it is very important for our human body to maintain a reasonable concentration of platelets.

He Jincheng also secretly thought that he was negligent, because Ye Qingmeng's body has always been relatively healthy, and he usually pays attention to other problems. He really didn't pay much attention to blood problems.

Although he also found out that Ye Qingmeng was a little qi deficient during the pulse diagnosis, he felt that this was caused by malnutrition, so he formulated a lot of supplement plans, but the effect on supplementing platelets was relatively mediocre.

This has led to the current bleeding.

After thinking about everything, He Jincheng couldn't help but secretly blame himself.

I still didn't take good care of Ye Qingmeng, damn it!

"How do you treat it now?"

Ye Chunlin was also very anxious and asked quickly.

"I have already been treated by landfill, and I will take some blood coagulation drugs next, and then send the patient to the intensive care unit, waiting to see the next step! Don't worry, this problem is not particularly serious. Our hospital's blood bank is relatively sufficient. Nothing will happen!"

The nurse could only smile wryly.

"Okay, Mom, go and see the child, leave Qingmeng to me, and I will definitely send Qingmeng out intact!"

He Jincheng said in a deep voice.

"Then... well, the child can't be left alone, Chun Lin, you are waiting here, and if there is anything, please tell me immediately!"

Guo Lan knew that she could only be anxious here, and the child was left alone.

"Okay, Mom, you can go there. My brother-in-law and I are here. You know your brother-in-law's medical skills, so there must be no problem!"

Ye Chunlin nodded and said.

After a while, Ye Qingmeng was pushed out, but at the moment she was pale and fell into a coma, with a bag of blood still hanging on the bedside.

He Jincheng couldn't help feeling distressed, stepped forward to hold Ye Qingmeng's hand, and secretly blamed himself, he was the one who made his wife suffer so much!

"Doctor, how is the situation now?"

He Jincheng asked again.

"We were also very worried about bleeding during delivery, so we took various preventive measures and arranged for the best experts. The delivery went smoothly and there was no bleeding, but 3 minutes after delivery, there was a sudden slight bleeding, and then Bleeding started again, we first used gauze stuffing for conservative treatment, but it couldn’t stop the bleeding, and finally when the situation worsened, we had to have a blood transfusion and replenish blood clotting factors and platelets, but the situation still didn’t improve, but there were signs of continued aggravation.”

The doctor in the obstetrics and gynecology department was a middle-aged woman in her 40s. When she spoke, her brows were tightly furrowed. Obviously, she also felt that this situation was very difficult.

"Okay, then my wife will leave it to me for treatment, and your hospital will just cooperate with me!"

He Jincheng said in a deep voice.

His own medical skills are unmatched by anyone here, so naturally he has to treat them himself.

"Nonsense! Who are you, how can you treat patients casually?"

The obstetrician and gynecologist immediately said displeased.

This is a hospital, how could a stranger be allowed to see a patient? Even if you are the patient's husband, you can't act like this. If something goes wrong, who will be responsible.

"I don't have time to explain to you! Your vice president is Professor Shi Mingkun. You can contact him and tell him that I am He Jincheng. I am going to treat my wife myself!"

He Jincheng didn't have time to argue with this doctor.

He remembered that when he was treating Mr. Liu, this hospital also had an expert, and it was the vice president, Shi Mingkun.

But Shi Mingkun also took the initiative to leave his contact information for himself.

Originally, he thought that his wife's childbirth would be very smooth, so He Jincheng didn't have anything to do with it.

Now I have to use this relationship.

"Do you know Dean Shi?"

The obstetrician was a little surprised, and then asked the nurse to contact Shi Mingkun immediately.

After sending Ye Qingmeng to the intensive care unit, He Jincheng just got his pulse when there was a rush of footsteps at the door.

"Doctor He, it's really you!"

A hearty laugh came, and a man in his 60s wearing a white coat stretched out his hand to He Jincheng in surprise. It was Shi Mingkun, the vice president.

"President Shi, it's troublesome. Please pay urgently. We'll talk about the past later. Can you please cooperate with me from your hospital?"

He Jincheng shook hands with Shi Mingkun, and then said hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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