Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 249 Angelica Activating Blood, Discussion of Blood Coagulation Mechanism

Chapter 249 Angelica Activating Blood, Discussion of Blood Coagulation Mechanism

"No problem, of course no problem. I know Dr. He's medical skills. If you can't do anything about it, our hospital will be even worse!"

Shi Mingkun said without hesitation.

The doctors who followed were all stunned.

what's the situation?
Everyone originally thought that He Jincheng was some kind of acquaintance or relative of Shi Mingkun, so they mobilized so many people to help, to show that the hospital attaches great importance to patients.

But now it seems that the situation is not what everyone thinks.

"Dean Shi, this doesn't seem to be in line with the rules!"

A doctor questioned.

"Don't talk too much. It's your honor to be able to observe Dr. He's treatment today. Everyone, please remember today's lesson carefully. Every word of Dr. He must be kept in your heart, and you should study hard when you go back! Don't Blame me for not promoting you, Dr. He's medical skills, even Meng Lao is ashamed of himself!"

Shi Mingkun frowned and said displeasedly.

This time, everyone couldn't sit still.

Lao Meng felt ashamed of himself, how superb is this young man's medical skills!
How could He Jincheng have the time to be polite with them here, so he said to Shi Mingkun: "Is there a Chinese medicine department in the hospital?"

Shi Mingkun immediately nodded and said, "Yes, yes!"

"Danggui blood-enriching soup, add a piece of calcined keel, let the pharmacy cook it and send it right away!"

While talking, He Jincheng wrote down the prescription and handed it to Shi Mingkun.

The object of treatment is his wife, He Jincheng must ensure that the pharmacy is safe and not to take the wrong medicine.

Shi Mingkun took Fang Zi and immediately handed it to the assistant next to him.

"Immediately go to the Chinese pharmacy to decoct the medicine. You will watch it yourself, and the medicine will be delivered as soon as it is decocted."

The assistant took the prescription and turned to leave.

However, at this time, someone raised doubts.

"Isn't angelica alive with blood?"

Although most of the people present were doctors of Western medicine, there were also a few Chinese medicine practitioners, or people who knew some Chinese medicine.

Angelica promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis, this is the most basic common sense.

Everyone immediately understood what this meant.

The puerpera can't stop the bleeding now, wouldn't the bleeding be more serious if the blood is activated again?
Although the bleeding is continuous now, after some treatment, the amount of bleeding has stabilized and is not too large. At this time, if a dose of blood-activating medicine is used, there is a high probability that it will become a hemorrhage again.

Judging from the current situation of the parturient, if there is really a lot of bleeding, it will be hard to save the gods!

Is this healing or killing people?

Everyone looked at He Jincheng with suspicion.

This kid, wouldn't he want to kill his wife on purpose here, and then rely on him to go to the hospital to make the hospital lose money!

Faced with these doubts, He Jincheng looked normal and ignored them, but said to Shi Mingkun: "Go and fry the medicine first, and I will explain later!"

It's just that the assistant didn't dare to move anymore, and turned around to look at Shi Mingkun's face.

This is no small matter, it might kill someone.

Shi Mingkun's expression was also a little subtle, and he was a little uncertain.

That's right, what's going on with He Jincheng today?The level is greatly out of standard, it is completely different from what I have seen before.

But after much deliberation, I felt that things should not be so simple. Finally, I nodded slightly to the assistant and fried the medicine first. If He Jincheng's reasoning doesn't make sense, I just don't let him eat it!

As for He Jincheng wanting to take this opportunity to blackmail the hospital, Shi Mingkun felt a little ridiculous.

He has seen He Jincheng's financial resources before, and he doesn't feel any pressure at all. How could he use this kind of thing to extort money!

After receiving Shi Mingkun's statement, the assistant hurried away with the prescription.

He Jincheng looked at the crowd and knew that if he couldn't speak clearly, he might not be able to continue the treatment, so he sat on a chair beside him and spoke slowly.

"What do you think is wrong with my prescription?"

"Doctor He, don't you know what the mother's symptoms are now? What is the basis for you to use the blood-activating drug Angelica?"

The doctor who raised the question before couldn't help asking.

He Jincheng looked at the doctor, but he was not angry.

In medicine, there are different theories and different treatment methods, so naturally there will be disputes.

He Jincheng asked rhetorically: "Your hospital has already adopted many treatment measures before, so what is the basis and what is the conclusion on the condition?"

Hearing He Jincheng's rhetorical question, the obstetrician and gynecologist stood up and answered.

"The patient's platelet count continued to decrease and blood clots were discharged. After consultation, we thought it might be disseminated intravascular coagulation."

He Jincheng nodded, "Very well, I don't think there is any problem with your conclusion!"

This is the knowledge of Western medicine. He Jincheng is proficient in Chinese and Western medicine, so he naturally understands it.

However, his answer made everyone even more confused.

Especially the obstetrics and gynecology doctor.

Since you agree with our diagnosis, why do we need to coagulate the blood, but you want to activate the blood instead?
Could it be that everyone is a fool and you are the only one who is smart?

Seeing this reaction from everyone, He Jincheng smiled and continued to explain.

"Since it is coagulation bleeding, should we solve the problem of coagulation instead of bleeding?"

In one sentence, everyone was stunned.

"About the coagulation mechanism, western medicine is indeed better than traditional Chinese medicine, and the explanation is more detailed and clear. I believe you know better than me. The so-called blood clot is formed by the coagulation of platelets. The patient's coagulation mechanism has problems, resulting in a large number of platelets. Coagulation, originally the platelets are far less than ordinary people, but now they are all coagulated and aggregated into clumps, so the number of platelets flowing in the blood vessels is greatly reduced, how can it not bleed?"

In a few simple words, the truth is explained very clearly.

There is nothing wrong with infusing blood coagulation factors and platelets, but the problem is that the patient’s blood coagulation function has problems. The platelets you infuse will eventually turn into blood clots and be discharged. Of course, the problem is getting worse.

To solve this situation, the patient's blood coagulation function must be corrected, that is, to activate blood, break up the agglomerated platelets and enter the blood vessels, so that the bleeding problem will naturally be solved.

In traditional Chinese medicine, this is called promoting blood circulation, and in western medicine, it is called anticoagulant blood, but people who dare to use anticoagulant treatment in the case of heavy bleeding are really hard to find!
Of course, He Jincheng made this judgment with a basis. Ye Qingmeng's platelet count was low, but she did not bleed during childbirth, but she did bleed after childbirth. This shows that her blood coagulation function is very strong. The problem is that Too strong.

Coagulation at this time will only lead to more and more blood clots, which is not conducive to hemostasis.

For a while, there was complete silence in the ward.

We are all doctors or nurses, so we naturally understand the principles of medicine.

He Jincheng's words were simple and clear, and directly explained the main problem of the mother's situation.

Shi Mingkun nodded secretly. It really is that Dr. He who has superb medical skills. Such remarks are concise and clear, but they are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. No one can find any faults at all.

(End of this chapter)

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