Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 250 Inviting lectures, what fathers should do

Chapter 250 Inviting lectures, what fathers should do

However, although what He Jincheng said was very clear, everyone could understand it.

However, his remarks, in the eyes of the doctors, are somewhat contradictory.

Just imagine, if you want to stop the bleeding, you must first activate the blood. This kind of theory, no matter how you look at it, most people will find it a bit weird.

Even those old doctors who have been practicing medicine for more than ten or twenty years still half-understand these remarks.

Shi Mingkun thought of something, and felt that he needed to ask He Jincheng for advice.

"Since angelica is effective, isn't heparin faster and more convenient?"

The heparin in his mouth is an anticoagulant drug commonly used in western medicine. Like angelica, it can also play a role in promoting blood circulation.

However, He Jincheng shook his head.

"If it's just a normal situation, using heparin is indeed more effective. If it is injected intravenously, the effect will be faster, but now my wife's platelets are too low, and now it is an internal bleeding, so if heparin is used, the risk will be greater!"

Shi Mingkun was slightly taken aback, but soon figured it out.

Heparin does have the effect of promoting blood circulation, but its anticoagulant effect is faster, and it is more used for anticoagulation in vitro. Although it has gradually begun to be used for internal bleeding in recent years, the dosage used, It requires an extremely skilled grasp to be able to do it, and a bad one may cause even more irreversible risks.

Although he lost some face, Shi Mingkun was quite happy in his heart.

I really learned something new today.

Bleeding and blood coagulation, He Jincheng's remarks, explained the problem of human blood coagulation mechanism very well. This kind of contradictory and combined views will definitely benefit people who are really willing to study.

It can be applied to many pathologies in daily life.

I must write it down carefully and organize it into materials. When the time comes, I will let the doctors in the hospital study it. It will definitely improve their understanding of medicine.

He Jincheng attached so much importance to Ye Qingmeng, of course he wanted to use the most reasonable and best medicine.

The medicine he prescribed was very simple, with only two medicines, angelica and astragalus.

5 grams of angelica, 50 grams of astragalus.

Angelica can replenish blood and activate blood. If used in small amounts, it can only activate blood without bleeding.

Astragalus is to replenish Qi and invigorate the heart. If the dosage is higher, it can strengthen the heart.

It can be simply understood that Angelica transforms blood and Astragalus preserves life.

One rushes forward to overcome difficulties, and one retreats with comprehensive protection.

In the end, these two medicines have a relatively good effect of contracting the uterus, and they are definitely the most suitable for Ye Qingmeng who just gave birth.

"Okay, great, Dr. He's remarks made me want to learn Chinese medicine!"

Shi Mingkun said with a smile.

"Dean Shi is not too late to learn now! The times are advancing. Whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, they actually have their own advantages and also have their own shortcomings. We can exchange and research with each other, and we can learn a lot if we think about it. harvest!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Shi Mingkun was slightly taken aback, and then laughed.

"In the future, if you have a chance, please invite Dr. He to teach our hospital. Many of our young doctors need Dr. He's guidance!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shi Mingkun directly invited He Jincheng.

Now he admires He Jincheng's medical skills. It would definitely be a good thing if He Jincheng could be invited to give a lesson to young doctors.

He Jincheng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Shi Mingkun would respond directly to his polite words, and even invited him to give a lecture.

"Haha, Dean Shi was joking. I don't know how to teach any classes. I'm afraid I will mislead my students!"

He doesn't care too much. In the previous life, it wouldn't matter if he taught the doctors in the hospital. After all, his age and qualifications are all there. Many hospitals and universities are vying to let him go to the class.

It's just that, now, I'm just an ordinary doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, and I give classes to others, but they don't know me.

"Where is it, Dr. He's medical skills are far superior to mine. If you are not qualified, then who is qualified? It's settled. I will arrange this matter. Doctor He must not refuse. Let’s make some contributions to the medical cause in Nandu!”

Of course Shi Mingkun would not miss this opportunity.

Today, I have benefited a lot from watching He Jincheng's treatment. If I let him come to class again, let alone other things, I will definitely gain a lot.


He Jincheng still hesitated.

"Okay, okay, Doctor He, let's make a deal like this, you won't give me this bit of face!"

Shi Mingkun said directly.

Now that he has said that, if He Jincheng refuses again, it will be a bit embarrassing, and it is not easy for Shi Mingkun to step down.

There was no other way, so I had no choice but to agree.

"Okay, but I can only take one class, and most of the lectures are related to Chinese medicine. For Western medicine, I won't play tricks!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

"Then let's talk about Chinese medicine. I just discovered that it is very necessary for doctors of Western medicine to learn some knowledge of Chinese medicine!"

Shi Mingkun was overjoyed and said with a smile.

"Dean Shi, the medicine is ready!"

At this time, the nurse came over with a bowl of medicinal soup.

He Jincheng quickly picked it up, checked it, and after making sure there was nothing wrong, he went into the ward and fed Ye Qingmeng a drink.

It didn't take long for Ye Qingmeng's complexion to look much better, and the bleeding finally stopped.

After He Jincheng confirmed that Ye Qingmeng was not in danger, he handed it over to the nurse.

Erbao is still in another nursery, and he has been busy treating Ye Qingmeng, so far he hasn't even seen the child's face.

When he came to the door of the nursery, He Jincheng heard Guo Lan's business of coaxing the children from inside.

"Erbao, good boy, your mother worked so hard to give birth to you, you must be filial to your mother when you grow up!"

He Jincheng pushed the door and walked in, feeling a little nervous.

Although she had Tingting, when Ye Qingmeng gave birth to Tingting, she was still playing in the casino. When she came home the next day, she fell asleep without even looking at the newborn Tingting.

With Erbao's birth, everything seemed to start all over again.

He walked slowly to the crib, looking at Erbao with his eyes closed tightly and his hands and feet dancing wildly, He Jincheng's heart almost melted.

Is this my second treasure?

I finally did what a father should do, watched his child be born, and wanted to accompany him to grow up in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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