Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 251 Naming the child, the strange disease of falling asleep suddenly

Chapter 251 Naming the child, the strange disease of falling asleep suddenly
When Ye Qingmeng's condition stabilized, Ye Chunlin immediately ran over and told Guo Lan, so she was relieved now and looked at the child with peace of mind.

Seeing He Jincheng approaching, Guo Lan stepped aside so that He Jincheng could better check on the child.

He Jincheng stretched out his hand, and gently touched the second treasure. The little guy seemed to feel it. He stretched out his hand and grabbed He Jincheng's fingers. His little mouth was still open, and his wrinkled little face looked like a little old man. Same.

Newborn babies are like this. They can't tell whether they are good-looking or ugly. As long as they develop a little in two days, they will be able to return to normal.

However, in He Jincheng's eyes, the current second treasure is naturally the most precious person in the world.

"Two treasures, two treasures, are you worried about mom too? Don't worry, mom will be fine with dad around!"

He Jincheng said softly.

After staying with Erbao for half an hour, a nurse came to tell He Jincheng that Ye Qingmeng had woken up and wanted to see the child.

He Jincheng pushed a small cart and sent the child to Ye Qingmeng's ward.

Right now Ye Qingmeng is still a little weak and unable to hold the baby, but looking at the baby lying on the crib, Ye Qingmeng's heart warms, and the pain she experienced just now dissipated in an instant.

Xiao Tingting also looked at her little brother on her feet, and kept talking to tease Erbao, but the little girl didn't know that Erbao couldn't speak now, so of course she wouldn't talk to her.

This made Xiao Tingting feel a little lost. She originally thought that her little brother would be able to play with her in the future.

Seeing that the big and small children looked like this, everyone also laughed.

"Jincheng, have you decided on the name of the child?"

Guo Lan asked with a smile.

This is a big deal, I can't just call him Erbao all the time, it's not even easy to get a registered residence!
"The birth of the second treasure is thanks to Qingmeng, remember to be grateful, why not call him He Mengen! This name is also very good for boys!"

He Jincheng had already thought of this name.

Mengen not only means that Erbao has received the favor of his mother, but also his own gratitude for the favor of his relatives.

"Meng'en, our second treasure is called Meng'en, it's a very good name, does Erbao like it?"

Ye Qingmeng said with a smile.

"Yeah ah..."

Unexpectedly, it just so happened that the little guy suddenly babbled twice at this time, as if responding to his mother's inquiry.

All of a sudden, everyone in the ward laughed, this little guy is really cute!
A week later, Ye Qingmeng's body had almost recovered, so she was discharged from the hospital and went home to continue confinement.

Although the medical conditions in the hospital are good, it is not suitable for confinement.

Guo Lan bought a lot of old hen ribs and so on in the past few days, saying that she wanted to give Ye Qingmeng a good boost.

When Ye Qingmeng was fine, He Jincheng went to work again, and Ye Chunlin also returned to Lianhua Village after Ye Qingmeng was discharged from the hospital.

There are still a lot of things to do at home. Ye Shanhe manages the medicinal material factory alone, and he is still a little busy, especially after the factory starts this year, and many squeezed orders need to be made as soon as possible.

In the past few days, Shi Mingkun came to He Jincheng whenever he had nothing to do, and he still asked He Jincheng to go to class.

He really had a persistent attitude, as if He Jincheng didn't go to class for a day, he would come to him every day.

There was no way, He Jincheng said that he had to prepare, and he must go to the hospital for class in a week, which made Shi Mingkun feel relieved, and then hurried back, saying that he also had to prepare.

He Jincheng was very helpless, but since he had agreed to Shi Mingkun, of course he couldn't break his promise.

On this day, He Jincheng was in the clinic when a middle-aged woman walked into He Jincheng's clinic with a little boy in her arms.

There was no one in the medical hall, so He Jincheng quickly asked him to sit down.

"Sister, is it you or the child who sees the doctor?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

"Take care of the child, doctor. I heard that your medical skills are very good, so I came here specially from the Children's Hospital. Please help my daughter to see what's wrong with her!"

As the middle-aged woman spoke, her eyes turned red, as if she had mentioned something sad.

He Jincheng was a little surprised, what's going on, he came to see a doctor in his clinic from the Children's Hospital?

I didn't see anything wrong with the child in my arms!

Just when He Jincheng was about to speak, the twelve o'clock clock sounded, and the little boy's body suddenly shook, and then he lay on the woman's shoulder.

"The child is tired, why don't you let him rest on the hospital bed for a while!"

He Jincheng thought the child was tired, so he said.

"No doctor, we are looking for this disease. My child is called Xiao Shitou. I don't know why. He will suddenly fall asleep at twelve o'clock in the noon. He will wake up after sleeping for two hours, and then he will not be sleepy anymore. , At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, I will suddenly fall asleep again."

The woman said anxiously.

"Huh? Let me see?"

He Jincheng was a little surprised, and quickly got up to check the situation of Xiao Shitou, and then took his pulse.

Now that he has a second treasure, He Jincheng also pays special attention to children, and the worst thing is to see a child get sick, so whenever a child comes to see a doctor, he will pay special attention to it.

After some inspections, He Jincheng frowned slightly. Judging from the pulse condition, the little guy seemed to have no problems. His body functions were all normal, but he was just a little weak. Eating some nutritious food would be enough alright.

For a while, He Jincheng also couldn't understand.

"Does it happen often? How long does it last?"

He Jincheng asked.

"It's been like this all the time. It's been going on for half a year. Doctor, tell me what's going on with my little stone!"

Seeing He Jincheng's reaction, the woman felt a little disappointed, but she still asked tentatively.

"How is the child's usual diet? Do you have an appetite? Do you eat a lot? What is your favorite food?"

He Jincheng asked again.

"Eating is basically fine, I can eat chicken, duck and fish, and I eat eggs for every meal!"

The woman answered truthfully.

"Well, you put the child on the hospital bed first, let me think about it!"

He Jincheng said with a frown.

This is a bit strange, there is nothing wrong with the body, and the diet is relatively good. Logically speaking, there should not be a sudden fainting situation, and He Jincheng also checked the little guy's brain specifically, and did not see any problems.

If ordinary people encounter this situation, they will definitely think that the little guy is pretending to sleep on purpose, but in fact he is not sick at all.

But He Jincheng didn't think so. He could see that the little guy was really asleep, and he was sleeping relatively deeply. He was indeed sick, but He Jincheng couldn't remember what kind of illness it was for a while. .

(End of this chapter)

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