Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 255 Hospital Examination, He Jincheng's Diagnosis Results

Chapter 255 Hospital Examination, He Jincheng's Diagnosis Results

For a moment, everyone in the room was a little stunned.

What's the situation, this young man, you look thin, how did you get rid of the four strong men?

And so fast!It's not human at all!
"You...what are you going to do? I'm warning you, you're breaking into the hospital by force, and you dare to beat someone, you're looking for death!"

Dr. Kong said angrily, but the legs below were already trembling, obviously he was also frightened by He Jincheng.

"What's going on? It's a mess, who is on duty?"

At this time, a very displeased voice came in.

Immediately afterwards, several people walked in.

When Dr. Kong saw the leader, he immediately walked over respectfully.

"President Ma, you are here. Take a look. These people came to the hospital to make trouble. They owed our hospital money and refused to settle the bill. Instead, they beat them. Hurry up and call them over!"

The person called Dean Ma frowned.

There are often medical troubles, which hospital would not have such a situation, but today it is a bit big, there are four hospital security guards lying on the ground, each with their arms drooping, it seems that they must be broken.

Just when Dean Ma was about to ask about the situation, another voice came over, but there was a bit of surprise in this voice.

"Doctor He, why is it you?"

A person came out alone, and stretched out his hand towards He Jincheng.

He Jincheng took a closer look and thought it was a coincidence that it was Dean Shi Mingkun!
"Dean Shi, it's you, what a coincidence!"

The two reached out and shook hands, looking very familiar.

"Hahaha, we made an appointment last time. We will come to our hospital to give a class to teach our young doctors. Doctor He, you haven't forgotten it!"

Shi Mingkun said with a smile, looking very happy.

"Of course, I'm also preparing materials recently, Dean Shi, what is this?"

He Jincheng asked suspiciously.

Shi Mingkun is the director of the No. [-] Hospital, why did he come to this children's hospital?

"Oh, the Children's Hospital is also a subordinate hospital of our No. [-] Hospital. I'm here today to check the situation of the hospital. By the way, Doctor He, who did it? It didn't hurt you!"

Shi Mingkun explained briefly, and then asked about the current situation.

"I did it all!"

He Jincheng did not refute, but spoke bluntly.

"You hit it, what the hell is going on?"

Shi Mingkun was very puzzled, He Jincheng doesn't seem like a person who can beat people!

"Dean Shi, please read this medicine list before we talk about it!"

He Jincheng handed the medical record card to Shi Mingkun.

When Dr. Kong saw this scene, his legs became weak immediately, and he almost sat down on the ground.

It's over, it's over, why does this person still know Dean Shi of the First Hospital? I just scolded this kid severely!

What's more, the people in the same company knew the tricks in that medicine list at a glance.

Whether it's Dean Jin or Dean Ma, they are all furious, wishing to kill Dr. Kong directly!

"Bastard, bastard, is this a prescription for children? You are not treating a disease, you are killing people!"

Shi Mingkun trembled with anger, and said angrily.

Not to mention children, even adults, who take so many medicines every day, don't know what it will be like to be tortured.

"Doctor Kong, what's going on? I want a reasonable explanation!"

Dean Ma was also furious.

It's an embarrassment to the doctor for a child to do such a tragic thing!
"Dean, I...I..."

Doctor Kong talked and talked for a long time, but he didn't say anything.

"Hmph, just wait for the suspension. I will ask the police to investigate the specific matter!"

Dean Ma has already had someone call the police.

Today, the leaders of the headquarters hospital came to inspect the work.

Then something like this happened.

The inspection work and inspection results of the general hospital will affect the hospital's budget next year, as well as the funding from the general hospital.

If Shi Mingkun gave the hospital a low score, then next year's budget will definitely be much less!
"Dean, I was wrong. I was just confused, so give me another chance!"

What made everyone dumbfounded was that Dr. Kong, when he heard that Dean Ma was about to suspend his duties and was taken away by the police, he immediately became cowardly, and even knelt at the heels of Dean Ma, pleading bitterly.

"Asshole, what do you look like? Are you still a doctor from our children's hospital?"

Dean Ma was even annoyed. Didn't you see that Dean Shi Mingkun of the general hospital is here?You still behave like this, you are courting death!
"President, I..."

Dean Ma didn't want to hear any more explanations, so he interrupted him directly!
"Where is the security guard, take it out for me, and wait for the police to come!"

Dean Ma scolded angrily.

Then, Dr. Kong was carried out by the hospital security.

The whole box became much quieter at once.

"Doctor He, if you are concerned about this matter, we will definitely deal with it fairly and give you a satisfactory answer!"

Dean Ma looked at He Jincheng and said with a smile.

"It's okay, it's just the security guard. You still need to improve your quality. Don't just glance at everyone coldly as soon as you enter the door."

He Jincheng and Xiao He said.

"Doctor He, we have seen Xiao Shitou's illness, but there is no way to explain it at all. I wonder if you have any solution?"

A doctor asked quickly.

He Jincheng came here this time because of Xiao Shitou.

After suffering such a great crime, there must be an explanation no matter what.

"This is the negligence of our hospital, we will definitely pay compensation!"

Dean Ma said quickly.

"By the way, Dr. He, what do you think about this disease?"

Dean Shi asked quickly.

He knew He Jincheng's medical skills superbly. He thought there must be a way to cure the little stone!

"From my point of view, Xiao Shitou has an imbalance of yin and yang in his body. You only need to restore the balance of Xiao Shitou's body!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Oh, how should I treat it?"

Everyone looked at He Jincheng, especially Shi Mingkun's eyes were the brightest.

The last time I saw He Jincheng's treatment process, I benefited a lot from it. If I can see him again today, it will definitely not be in vain today.

Involuntarily, Shi Mingkun felt a little excited.

"There is Xiaobuihu soup here in the hospital, go to decoct the medicine, a bowl of medicine soup will do!"

He Jincheng asked with a smile.

The nurse at the side immediately went out to prepare Xiaobuihu soup after seeing Dean Ma's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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