Chapter 256

Xiao Chaihu Decoction comes from "Treatise on Febrile Diseases".

There are Ge Jue, Xiao Chaihu Decoction and Jie Gong, pinellia ginseng and licorice, and Scutellaria baicalensis and ginger jujube, Shaoyang and all diseases.

This prescription is mainly used to reconcile Shaoyang.

All medicines are used in combination, mainly to reconcile Shaoyang, and also tonify stomach qi, so that evil qi can be relieved, the cardinal benefits, and stomach qi is harmonized, then all diseases will be eliminated.

The biggest feature of this side is the word "he".

We say that harmony generates wealth, and the same is true for the body. All indicators must reach a state of harmony, which can also be called balance.

In Chinese medicine, if the body has excess yang or yin, it will lead to an imbalance of yin and yang in the body.

Little Shitou would feel drowsy and want to sleep every twelve o'clock at noon and early morning.

This is an obvious manifestation of the imbalance of yin and yang in the body.

The use of Xiaochaihu Decoction, a medicine based on harmony, is extremely symptomatic.

In fact, He Jincheng had already seen it before. His main purpose of coming to the Children's Hospital this time was to see how unscrupulous Dr. Kong could be, to use such a young child to make money.

After Shi Mingkun heard the prescription Xiaochaihu Decoction, he immediately slapped his thigh.

He is also a famous doctor, not to mention that he has read all the medical books, but basically he has dabbled in all of them.

Isn't this kind of medicine just to reconcile yin and yang?

"Okay, prepare immediately according to what Dr. He said. I remember that the hospital should have Xiaobupleurum granules. Take two doses!"

Shi Mingkun ordered.

Now this traditional Chinese medicine, there are already granules, which are similar to Banlangen granules, you only need to drink it with water, which is much faster than taking the medicine and decocting it.

He Jincheng didn't say anything.

Although the small Chaihu granule has the same effect, but because it is made into granules, the medicinal effect is weaker than that of the authentic Xiao Chaihu Tang, but it can also have the effect of reconciling yin and yang, at most it needs to be taken more times.

Now that Shi Mingkun said so, He Jincheng didn't say anything.

The child's illness was cured, and Xiao Shitou's mother was so grateful to He Jincheng that she almost knelt down.

He Jincheng hastily persuaded that it is a doctor's bounden duty to cure diseases and save lives. If it is for the gratitude of patients' families, then he is not qualified enough to be a doctor.

Shi Mingkun did not continue to inspect the hospital, but invited He Jincheng to dinner with Dean Ma.

At the dinner table, both of them also asked He Jincheng a lot of questions about medicine.

He Jincheng also knew everything and said everything, which made both of them feel enlightened.

According to He Jincheng, if he can help improve the level of the hospital and allow more patients to receive better treatment, then he will not hesitate to share what he knows.

It was late in the evening after the meal, and He Jincheng returned home.

Now that Ye Qingmeng is confinement at home, seeing He Jincheng come back drunk, he felt a little bit scolded.

"Look at you, after drinking so much wine, what if you become drunk again in the future?"

He Jincheng smiled and took Ye Qingmeng's hand, and told her what happened today.

Ye Qingmeng's face turned pale when he heard that the child was stabbed with needles all over his body.

As a mother of two children, especially when the second baby was just born, Ye Qingmeng loved her children very much.

Thinking that if my child encountered such a thing, I would definitely go crazy.

"So, after cleaning up a cancer doctor, I was in a good mood, so I drank a few more glasses. I promise to drink less in the future, and try not to drink!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Drinking is never a good thing.

Drinking a small amount of alcohol can indeed promote blood circulation, promote food digestion, increase appetite, help to absorb more nutrients, and even slow down the process of atherosclerosis, prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and so on.

But all of this is based on the premise of drinking in small quantities.

Moreover, it also depends on who you are and what your physique is.

If you suffer from diseases such as alcoholic liver or gastrointestinal diseases, drinking a small amount of alcohol will not only have no benefit at all, but will aggravate the condition.

As for excessive drinking, there is no benefit at all.

Many people who can drink say that they can drink a thousand cups without pouring.

But, in fact, although people are not drunk, the harm to the body is real.

If it accumulates for a long time, sooner or later there will be big problems.

The two chatted deeply, and Er Bao who was next to him suddenly cried out.

"Oops, I must be wetting the bed again, change the diaper quickly!"

Ye Qingmeng said quickly.

He Jincheng changed the child's diaper in a hurry. He really didn't have much experience in this area, and he did it according to his impression. In the end, He Jincheng realized how troublesome it was.

After working for a long time, the two coaxed Erbao to sleep. They were also tired, so they both lay down and fell asleep.

The next day, He Jincheng got up early to practice boxing, and after breakfast, he went to the clinic for consultation.

Just as he was seeing a patient, Gao Ziqiang suddenly rushed over.

"Brother, call!"

He Jincheng was startled, thinking what's going on?Isn't it just a phone call? Why are you so nervous?
It happened that there were no patients, so He Jincheng came to the next door to answer the phone.

After a while, He Jincheng's face turned ugly, and a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

"Chunlin, don't worry, take Dad to the county hospital first, and I'll say hello there, please do your best to treat him, I'll drive back right now!"

After finishing speaking, He Jincheng hung up the phone, then called Beishan County Hospital, explained the situation, and then asked Gao Ziqiang for the car keys.

"Brother, what's the matter? From Chunlin's tone, I seem to be in trouble!"

Gao Ziqiang handed the key to He Jincheng and asked with some concern.

"My father-in-law had a car accident, and I need to go back immediately. Don't tell your sister-in-law about this, lest they worry. If I don't come back these days, please help me take care of your sister-in-law and aunt!"

He Jincheng said with a solemn face.

"Ah, why is this happening? Then go quickly, sister-in-law and aunt, just leave it to me!"

Gao Ziqiang was a little surprised and said quickly.

After taking the car keys, He Jincheng went straight home and told Ye Qingmeng and Guo Lan that he was going to take a long trip, and someone asked him to go to the doctor.

"So anxious, why don't we leave tomorrow!"

Ye Qingmeng said with some surprise.

"Yeah, the child is only this big, if you leave, no one will take care of you!"

Guo Lan was also a little puzzled.

"Qingmeng, Mom, this patient's condition is quite serious, and he needs to rush over there as soon as possible. It may take a few days to go out this time. Don't worry, I will call when the time comes!"

He Jincheng couldn't tell them, otherwise, the mother-in-law and Qingmeng would definitely collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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