Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 257 Chasing Zhang Beishan, the father-in-law is in critical condition

Chapter 257 Hurry back to Beishan, the father-in-law is in critical condition

"Okay then, you must pay attention to safety when you go out, I will pack some clothes for you!"

Ye Qingmeng didn't suspect anything, but she was worried that He Jincheng was working too hard, so she hurried to pack his clothes.

"I'll do it myself, you sit on the bed!"

He Jincheng was also a little anxious, quickly took some clothes, and after giving Ye Qingmeng a few instructions, he was ready to take his things and leave.

Guo Lan sent some steamed buns and a thermos.

"You take these with you. If you're hungry on the way, you can rest them up!"

When a man goes out, he always brings some dry food, so as not to be hungry.

"Thank you mom!"

He Jincheng nodded, took the steamed buns and water that Guo Lan handed over, put them in his bag and went out.

After getting into the car and saying hello to Guo Lan, He Jincheng stepped on the accelerator impatiently, and the van drove out quickly.

Guo Lan looked at He Jincheng who drove away, feeling a little strange.

This kid looks very steady on weekdays, why is he in such a hurry today, is there something wrong?

He Jincheng couldn't care what his mother-in-law thought.

His mind is now full of things about the old man.

According to Ye Chunlin, the situation seems to be very serious, and there is no mobile phone now, so it is impossible to know the latest situation, so he can only step on the gas pedal desperately and rush to Beishan County.

Fortunately, there are not many cars on this road. Although there are relatively few expressways, there is not much speed limit.

He Jincheng was almost one hundred and thirty the whole way, and it took almost four hours to finally arrive at the gate of Beishan County Hospital.

After listening to the car, there was no time to rest, so He Jincheng hurried to the county hospital.

"Hello, where is the patient named Ye Shanhe?"

He Jincheng asked at the nurse's desk.

Seeing He Jincheng's dusty look and anxious look, the nurse hurriedly checked for him.

"Oh, Ye Shanhe was involved in a car accident and has undergone surgery, but the situation is not ideal. He is currently observing the situation in the No. 3 intensive care unit!"

"Thank you!"

He Jincheng's heart skipped a beat, and he hurried to the No. 3 intensive care unit after saying thank you.

When I came to the corridor, I saw Ye Chunlin squatting against the wall, holding his head in his hands, looking very sad.

"Chun Lin, how is Dad?"

He Jincheng hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"Brother-in-law, you are finally here!"

When Ye Chunlin saw He Jincheng coming, he stood up with red eyes. He also panicked, and now he finally saw the backbone.

"Talk about the situation!"

He Jincheng shouted in a low voice.

"Dad's ribs were broken three times, his internal organs were damaged, his head was also hit, and he was in a coma. The hospital had an operation and the bones were connected, but the situation is still not optimistic. It's... it's big. The probability may be..."

Speaking of this, Ye Chunlin finally couldn't help crying.

He Jincheng felt sad in his heart, but now is not the time to be sad, the injured must be treated in the shortest possible time.

"It's okay, with me here, our dad will be fine!"

He Jincheng clenched his fists and said seriously.

"You wait here, I'll go in and see!"

After speaking, He Jincheng was ready to go in.

But just as he was about to open the door, he was blocked by the nurse who was about to come out from the opposite side.

"What are you doing? Intensive care unit, non-family members are not allowed to enter!"

The nurse was conscientious, seeing that He Jincheng was relatively unfamiliar, she stopped him and refused to let him in.

"I'm a family member of the patient, I want to go in and see my dad!"

He Jincheng said.

"Oh, then you should come out as soon as possible. The patient's condition is not very good, and there may be surgery at any time. You must be mentally prepared!"

The nurse snorted, and saw Ye Chunlin next to him nodding slightly towards her, so she didn't stop He Jincheng again.

He Jincheng entered the ward and saw Ye Shanhe lying on the bed, wrapped in gauze over and over again, thinking of him who was in high spirits before, he couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

No matter how high-spirited you were when you were young, when it comes to life, old age, sickness and death, in fact, everyone is the same, and there is no difference at all from what you were like before.

He immediately stepped forward to check Ye Shanhe, and his expression became more and more serious.

Looking at Ye Shanhe lying on the bed, He Jincheng quickly took out a jade bottle from the medicine box and poured out three pills.

This is his special heart-protecting pill. After taking it, one pill can last for a day. No matter how serious the injury is, it can hold your last breath.

According to the current situation of Ye Shanhe, if he still cannot wake up within three days, then there is a high probability that the most serious consequences will occur.

Next, He Jincheng began to take his pulse again while performing acupuncture for Ye Shanhe. It took a full half an hour, but Ye Shanhe's condition did not improve at all.

This made He Jincheng a little anxious.

My father-in-law, why are you so miserable? You were the one who got into a car accident!
He Jincheng could only force himself to calm down, and then continued to think about countermeasures.

At this time, the door of the ward was pushed open, and a doctor came in. When he saw someone walking around in front of Ye Shanhe's bed, as if he was treating him, he suddenly became furious.

"Who are you and what are you doing?"

The doctor stepped forward and pushed He Jincheng away.

The patient's condition is very serious, but this person is still messing around here. Isn't this murder!
"Hello, I'm Ye Shanhe's son-in-law and a doctor. I want to show my dad the situation!"

He Jincheng didn't blame the doctor's scolding, it was also the professional ethics of a doctor to be able to protect the patient at the first time.

"You are a doctor, so you can't mess around. Do you know the patient's condition? If you treat him casually, there will be serious problems!"

said the doctor angrily.

He Jincheng shook his head with a wry smile. He was a little anxious, so he didn't tell me when he got to the hospital. Direct treatment would inevitably be misunderstood.

"Doctor, don't get excited, how about this, you go tell your dean, just say that I, He Jincheng, are here, and then my father-in-law will be handed over to me for treatment!"

He Jincheng said.

The dean of the county hospital is called Zhang Wenjin, who is Zhang Wenyuan's younger brother, so He Jincheng also knows him.

And Zhang Wenjin had heard of He Jincheng's medical skills for a long time, and he had always wanted He Jincheng to come to work in Dao County Hospital.

It's just that He Jincheng couldn't leave at all, so he declined.

"You know our dean?"

The doctor became less angry, and asked with a frown.

"Yes, you just need to tell him and he will understand!"

He Jincheng nodded.

The doctor asked the nurse to inquire about the situation, while he stayed here to prevent He Jincheng from disturbing again.

"You said you were a doctor, so what did you find out?"

The doctor stared at He Jincheng and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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