Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 258 Fully cooperate, put it to death and survive

Chapter 258 Fully cooperate, put it to death and survive

"You performed bone surgery on the injured, but the level of the operation was too low, resulting in secondary injuries and internal bleeding. You also used blood coagulation drugs to stop the bleeding quickly. Although the blood has stopped now, the damage to the injured has already cause."

"At the same time, the injured's brain was hit, and intracranial hemorrhage has already occurred, and the injured fell into a coma. You dare not perform craniotomy, which will cause further delays in the injury!"

Having said that, He Jincheng looked at the doctor in front of him.

"If you continue to give it to you for treatment, the injured will not survive tonight!"

After saying these words, cold sweat broke out on the doctor's forehead.

He also participated in the treatment process of the injured, so of course he knew that what He Jincheng said was not wrong at all.

It's just that they didn't even tell their family members about these situations.

If the family members know that the hospital caused secondary injury to the injured during the rescue process, is that okay?Definitely going to the hospital.

He Jincheng was not angry.

Ye Shanhe's injury was indeed very serious. The level of the county hospital is like this. If he wants to get better treatment, he can only be sent to the city hospital. However, the bumpy road is also likely to lead to a second time.

Therefore, when He Jincheng said so much, he didn't mean to blame, but just expounded a fact.

"You... who are you?"

The doctor was a little panicked. If this matter was publicized, how much the reputation of the county hospital would be affected!
"Doctor He? It's really you!"

At this moment, a group of people poured into the ward, and the leader, somewhat similar to Zhang Wenyuan, was Zhang Wenjin, the dean of the county hospital.

"Hello, Dean Zhang, the ward is not suitable for talking about things, let's go out and talk!"

He Jincheng stepped forward and shook hands with Zhang Wenjin, and everyone walked out lightly.

When he got outside, Zhang Wenjin looked at He Jincheng regretfully, with a hint of guilt in his tone.

"Doctor He, I'm really sorry. After my uncle's accident, my brother called me, and our hospital sent an ambulance immediately. However, our level is indeed limited, so..."

He Jincheng cured Zhang Wenyuan's illness, and the medicine factory in Lianhua Village also has Zhang Wenyuan's shares, and has made a lot of money this year, so Zhang Wenjin attaches great importance to Ye Shanhe.

However, the level of the hospital is limited. Even with all-out treatment, it still caused secondary trauma. The current situation is very bad.

"President Zhang, let's not talk about anything else. I hope that the hospital will fully cooperate with me in the treatment. At present, there is still hope!"

He Jincheng is extremely calm now. He knows that he can't be distracted, and must devote himself to thinking about the treatment plan. Although the old man was seriously injured, he is very sad, but at this time, how can he have time to grieve?
"Okay, Dr. He's medical skills are superb, there must be a way, you all listen carefully, and then, all follow Dr. He's orders and cooperate with Dr. He's treatment!"

Zhang Wenjin said without hesitation.

The hospital has done everything that can be done, but there is nothing to do.

Since He Jincheng said that he has a way, he had no choice but to let him handle the treatment.

All the doctors and nurses were a little surprised. They didn't expect Dean Zhang to let this young man take over Ye Shanhe's treatment. But since the dean said so, they could only cooperate.

"Thank you, Dean Zhang!"

With that said, He Jincheng took out a pen, scribbled a prescription on a notebook, tore it up and handed it to Zhang Wenjin.

"This is my first prescription, please arrange the decoction as soon as possible, don't worry about the dosage above, just follow my instructions!"

Zhang Wenjin took the prescription, handed it to the nurse without looking at it, and asked her to grab the medicine and decoct it immediately.

"Thank you, please ask a nurse to come with me, so the others don't have to spend time here!"

He Jincheng nodded, and then returned to the ward with a nurse.

Now it's not that there are more people and more opportunities. He Jincheng only needs a nurse to help him.

Back in the ward, He Jincheng asked the nurse to help take off the gauze, and then asked her to get some silver needles.

Although the nurse didn't understand what He Jincheng was going to do, but the dean said to cooperate fully, she naturally didn't dare to say anything more, after helping to remove the gauze, she hurried to get the silver needle.

Seeing the horrific wound on Ye Shanhe's body, He Jincheng felt a little sad, but the trace of emotion disappeared in a flash, and he quickly took out the silver needle he carried with him, and began to prick the needle.

After a while, the nurse also brought a lot of silver needles.

He Jincheng didn't stay on the [-]th, one needle went down, and near the main big acupuncture points on Ye Shanhe's body, there were all densely pricked with silver needles, which seemed to make people's scalp tingle.

After 10 minutes, the medicinal soup was ready.

Besides a nurse, there was also a middle-aged man who delivered the medicine.

On the badge of this middle-aged man, there are three words of pharmacist written, and it seems that he took the medicine.

After He Jincheng smelled the decoction and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with it, he was about to pour it into Ye Shanhe.

"Doctor He, are you sure you want to use this medicine? 50 grams of aconite, this is poisonous! If you drink it, something will happen!"

asked the pharmacist, frowning.

He Jincheng nodded slightly, but he didn't explain anything. Now is not the time to explain, so he just poured Ye Shanhe down.

"You, you are disregarding human life, can this thing be drunk?"

The pharmacist said angrily.

"Don't worry, I can confirm that the old man will be fine!"

Soon, a bowl of medicinal soup was poured down.

However, Ye Shanhe still didn't respond at all.

"Increase the dosage, keep the other things the same, add another 100 grams of aconite!"

He Jincheng said with a frown.

"What, you need to add another 100 grams? You are not a traditional Chinese medicine, it is clearly poison!"

The pharmacist quit.

He has been in this business for more than 20 years, and he has never caught this medicine.

Speaking of aconite, in fact, many people should know.

It is said that Huo Guang, a power official in the Western Han Dynasty, his wife poisoned Emperor Xuan and Empress Xu with aconite.

Therefore, many people know that aconite is highly poisonous.

However, in traditional Chinese medicine, there is a saying of fighting poison with poison, which can often have unexpected effects.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Zheng Qin'an, a famous doctor in Sichuan, founded the Vulcan School, which is famous for emphasizing yang energy and being good at using aconite, which has very distinctive characteristics.

The biggest feature of the Vulcan School is that it dares to use aconite, reuses aconite, and it has a surprising effect on some serious illnesses.

And He Jincheng's prescription borrowed from the technique of the Vulcan School.

Ye Shanhe was already on the verge of death.

With this prescription of death and survival, maybe you can fight for a glimmer of hope.

(End of this chapter)

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