Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 262 Look at the village, the lazy man Hou Sanguang makes trouble

Chapter 262 Going back to the village to see, the lazy man Hou Sanguang made trouble
Chapter 273

The three of them chatted until late at night, and drank a lot of wine. When the show ended, they were all a little drunk.

He Jincheng stayed at the guest house in Shanbei County tonight.

Because I drank too much alcohol, I fell asleep in bed after a while.

After waking up the next day, he went to the hospital to check Ye Shanhe's condition. Everything was relatively normal, and He Jincheng was finally relieved.

Next, Ye Shanhe only needs to rest in peace, and he can be discharged from the hospital in half a month at most.

Thinking that it had been four or five days since he left Nandu, and Ye Shanhe's condition was stable now, He Jincheng called Ye Qingmeng.

"Qingmeng, let me tell you something, but don't get excited..."

He Jincheng told Ye Qingmeng about Ye Shanhe's car accident.

When Ye Qingmeng heard that Ye Shanhe was seriously injured and was dying, Ye Qingmeng couldn't help crying immediately.

He Jincheng quickly comforted him, and then explained the current situation, Ye Qingmeng's mood calmed down a little.

"Is that why you left in a hurry before? You should tell me!"

Ye Qingmeng almost couldn't see her father's side, and Ye Qingmeng somewhat complained that He Jincheng had concealed this matter.

"Oh, I was afraid that you were worried, so I didn't tell you. You are still in confinement, and our mother is too old to bear too much stimulation, so I thought about coming here first to stabilize Dad's condition Come down and talk!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

According to Ye Qingmeng's personality, if he knew Ye Shanhe's terrible situation, he would probably faint on the spot.

So He Jincheng couldn't bring Ye Qingmeng back at all, and bringing Ye Qingmeng back would not be of any help, but would distract He Jincheng and affect the emergency treatment.

"Well, I understand, when will you come back?"

Ye Qingmeng also calmed down gradually, she was not the kind of unreasonable person, she figured it out after she calmed down a bit, knowing that He Jincheng was doing it for her own good.

However, thinking of He Jincheng facing such pressure alone, Ye Qingmeng felt a deep sense of self-blame.

In the face of difficulties, as a wife, she did not face it with He Jincheng, which is really incompetent.

"After Dad's health improves and he can move, I will drive him to Nandu to recuperate!"

He Jincheng said, "I'm not here these days, so you have to take care of your body. Only when your body is healthy can you take care of our dad!"

"Well, don't worry! Come back early, Tingting has been asking where Dad has been for the past few days!"

Ye Qingmeng said softly.

He Jincheng felt warm in his heart. Thinking of Tingting and Erbao, he felt that he was the happiest person in the world.

In the afternoon, he checked Ye Shanhe again, and after confirming that there was nothing unexpected, He Jincheng decided to go back to Lianhua Village.

It's been more than a year since I left, and I don't know how Lianhua Village is doing now.

There is a medicinal herb factory, if you want to come to Lianhua Village, you should also get rid of poverty!
After saying hello to Ye Chunlin, He Jincheng drove back to Lianhua Village.

Before reaching the entrance of the village, He Jincheng saw a nine-meter-high archway with the three characters of Lianhua Village written on it.

He Jincheng shook his head with a wry smile, this really feels like a nouveau riche.

It seems that the villagers of Lianhua Village have indeed made a lot of money this year, especially those villagers who took the lead in planting medicinal materials with He Jincheng, and the harvest is full, earning more than other people in the village.

And as the performance of Lianhua Village Medicinal Material Factory got better and better, the nearby villagers also made money together.

What He Jincheng didn't know was that in this era when the per capita salary was [-] to [-], the income of the villagers in Lianhua Village had already exceeded [-].

And his reputation in Lianhua Village has also reached a very high level.

In the nearby villages, everyone who didn't know He Jincheng and even wanted to match him, but heard that He Jincheng was married, was very sorry.

Driving into the village, He Jincheng was quickly noticed.

"Oh, isn't this Jincheng? Jincheng is back, everyone come out!"

Some villagers immediately shouted in surprise when they saw He Jincheng in the car.

When He Jincheng came to the door of the house, many people had already gathered here, all of them looked at He Jincheng getting off the car with excitement on their faces.

"Hahaha, you kid still knows how to go home and have a look, how about it, do you think our village has changed?"

When the village chief Huang Baofu heard that He Jincheng was back, he also ran out immediately.

"Village Chief, what are you doing? Lianhua Village is my home, so of course I'm coming back!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

"Jincheng, I heard that you have started doing business again in Nandu, how are you doing?"

"That goes without saying, it's not like you don't know Jincheng's ability, it must be doing so well!"

Everyone laughed and teased He Jincheng, as if they were as happy as they got rich.

However, there are also people who are very upset.

Before He Jincheng led everyone to plant medicinal materials, some people did not choose to work with He Jincheng. As a result, after the medicinal material factory was built, they would only work in the factory at most, and they paid 60 yuan a month. Compared with the people, it is more than half less.

"He Jincheng, you made a fortune in Nandu, why don't you take us there with you, we are here in the village, although our income is a bit higher, but how can we compare with you, you see, your car is already on the road !"

Someone said with a bit of sarcasm.

Everyone looked over one after another, frowning.

The speaker was Hou Sanguang from Lianhua Village.

Because this guy eats everything, spends everything, and loses everything. Although he doesn't cause trouble and doesn't cause trouble, he is a well-known pauper in the village.

Originally, Hou Sanguang's family background was relatively good in Lianhua Village. Before his parents passed away, they left him more than 20 mu of land. As a result, within a few years after the death of the second elder, they were all wiped out by him.

Now seeing that He Jincheng has made a lot of money, he also wants to follow He Jincheng.

He felt that if He Jincheng had money, he should help the villagers, otherwise he would be ungrateful.

"I believe that as long as everyone works hard, it won't be long before everyone can afford their own car!"

He Jincheng heard the jealousy in Hou Sanguang's tone, but he didn't care.

My current self is of a different height, so of course I don't have the same knowledge as this lazy man who sits and eats mountains and sky.

"Really? How long will it take, why don't you leave your car for us to drive first?"

Hou Sanguang didn't hold back at all, but sarcastically said.

"Hou Sanguang, what are you going to do? You bastard, if you've been a little bit more diligent these years, you won't end up begging like you are now!"

Huang Baofu said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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