Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 263 Unreasonable demands, workers of the quarrying team

Chapter 263 Unreasonable demands, workers of the quarrying team
"What's the matter? I'm just talking, and it's no big deal. He Jincheng is now the richest man in Lianhua Village, even in Shanbei County. How can he be so stingy? Why don't you just take me with you? The requirements are not high, as long as you can earn 600 yuan a month!"

Hou Sanguang has a neck, and he doesn't feel that his request is too much.

A small car costs tens of thousands, and He Jincheng bought it as soon as he said it. One can imagine how much money this kid made in Nandu.

I just want 500 yuan, that's not a drop in the bucket!

Most people think that Hou Sanguang is really fooling around.

However, there are also a small number of people who have the same thoughts as Hou Sanguang.

"Jincheng, you see that you are so capable, everyone will definitely follow you!"

someone shouted.

"Nonsense, it's just nonsense, Jincheng's money didn't come from the wind, why give it to you, you white-eyed wolves, Jincheng has built such a big factory, and it has brought you benefits that you couldn't even imagine before. , and now you still have to push an inch, do you have any conscience at all?"

Huang Bao stamped his feet angrily.

He also has nothing to do with these villagers.

After all, there are all kinds of birds in the forest, not to mention the great trade-offs.

At this moment, behind the crowd, a burly man ran in hastily, who looked to be in his 40s.

On this man's back was a young boy. It was hard to tell what disease the boy had, but his painful muffled groans could be heard from afar.

"Doctor He, Doctor He, help me!"

The man was sweating from running, he came from the crowd, stood on the yellow alarm line, and begged He Jincheng with his eyes.

He Jincheng frowned slightly, and hurried forward to help the man lift the young man behind him.

"Put it on the ground and let me see!"

He Jincheng said quickly.

But he saw that the young guy's foot was injured, his left foot was completely bare, and the back of his foot, which was originally smooth, now bulged out a big lump, which was horribly shaped, black and blue with purple.With the naked eye, I can feel that there seems to be a hard object in the big bag, as if a huge earthworm is lurking under the surface, but it may break out of the ground at any time.

"What's the matter with your foot?"

He Jincheng frowned.

This injury is quite serious.

However, in the treatment of orthopedics in Chinese medicine, it is also necessary to know how the other party was injured, so that knowing the direction and range of the force will make it easier to treat.

At this moment, the young man was sweating coldly from the pain, and his back was wet. Hearing He Jincheng's question, he endured the severe pain and gritted his teeth.

"I... we were driving in the mountains, a stone rolled down, but it didn't hit me, but the person next to me was scared away. However, Guo Furong accidentally fell... fell down the stairs, and fell It's like this, it's actually not bad!
The bones inside seem to be broken! "

Only then did He Jincheng realize that the hard object inside the big bag was a bone, not something else. He squatted down and gently kneaded the young man's feet a few times, feeling the condition of the bones inside. After a while, he Stand up, think carefully, and prepare to say your own conclusion.

When Huang Baofu saw the opponent's feet, he immediately clicked his tongue.

He has been at odds with those who started the mountains in these mountains.

These people built mountains and destroyed the environment. Sometimes villagers would be hit by rolling rocks. Instead, these people went to work and earned a lot of money, but the damage to the environment was also great.

In just a few years, half of the mountain next to Lianhua Village was mined by them.

Huang Baofu gleefully tapped the young man's feet twice.

The young man immediately yelled: "It hurts! It hurts, it hurts!".

The middle-aged man next to him looked ugly and wanted to stop him, but when he thought about his nephew's situation, he didn't dare to take it.

"It doesn't hurt to fall like this! I think it's probably broken!"

Huang Baofu said with a smile, and he came up with another conclusion, saying: "Go and take a film to see!"

He Jincheng shook his head.

This place is so far away from Shanbei County, to make a film, we have to wait until the Year of the Monkey to go.

In traditional Chinese medicine, bone injuries are based on a kind of hand feeling. Whether the bone is broken can be felt as soon as you start it. Of course, he is not opposed to taking a film for observation. If the doctor is inexperienced in hand feeling, it is best to take a film. More intuitive and accurate judgment.

"Then Doctor He, you..."

The big man supported his cousin, looked at He Jincheng and said hesitantly.

Let me double check, so far it doesn't look like it's that bad
Every time He Jincheng pressed his hands, he had to stop and feel for a while, then press again at a different angle, and feel again. After seven or eight rounds of this, he basically felt the condition of the bones inside, stood up and said .

"Fortunately, the bones are not broken, but they were dislocated by the shock!"

"However, although your injury is small, it may be difficult to restore it with techniques. I think it will be operated on, and the misplaced bones will be put back in place with physical techniques, and it will be almost healed after a month of recuperation."

"Surgery, is this an operation?"

Both the young and the middle-aged said nervously.

"That's right, surgery is necessary, and it's a major surgery!"

With a dignified expression, He Jincheng pointed to the young man's feet and said, "The protrusion itself is not serious, but the position of the protrusion is really bad. You see, the bone just supports the nerves and blood vessels. If the surgery is performed, If the nerve line is definitely injured, then the leg will be useless; and if the blood vessel is oppressed for too long, resulting in insufficient blood supply, it will definitely be difficult to keep the leg. My opinion is to take advantage of the condition before it deteriorates. Before, amputate, cut off this foot, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain!"

"Huh? Amputation?"

This time, the young and middle-aged people were a little dumbfounded.

Why amputation is necessary!

"That's right, I suggest that you find someone to prepare it now. It should be too late. If it's too late, it's hard to say!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

"Doctor He, we..."

"Okay, let's go, there is nothing I can do here!"

He Jincheng waved his hand and said.

The two looked at each other, sighed heavily, and then prepared to walk outside.

As soon as he turned around, He Jincheng said again: "I almost missed a major event. I remembered that there is a person who specializes in treating this kind of bone injury, and he treats it as soon as possible. Do you want to try it?"

These words are like a glimmer of dawn in a dark night, especially for the injured boy, he forgot even the pain in his feet when he heard these words, he turned around abruptly with excitement on his face: "I wish..."

Before he could say anything, he saw He Jincheng strode forward suddenly, raised his leg and stomped fiercely, and he stomped on the big bump on the patient's foot.

There was a "click", and there was a dead silence around.

(End of this chapter)

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