Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 265 Sudden feeling of loneliness, old friends come to meet each other

Chapter 265 Sudden feeling of loneliness, old friends come to meet each other
Everyone also surrounded He Jincheng, asking him to help him see a doctor.

He Jincheng did not refuse anyone who came, and he took the pulse of the villagers on the spot.

I have been busy for a long time, and this is considered to have seen everyone.

Dinner was eaten at Huang Baofu's house. There was everything there. Ye Chunlin lived here, and He Jincheng also packed it up.

At night, He Jincheng was enjoying the shade in the yard.

The sky is full of stars, the mountain village is quiet and quiet, and the insects and birds are singing, which makes people feel calm.

Lying on the grand teacher's chair, He Jincheng thought back to the short year of his rebirth.

God gave him another chance, so far, it seems that he has not let down this chance.

The old man has also overcome the difficulties, the next step is to let Ye Qingmeng go to college, and he needs to earn enough money to give his wife, children and family members a home without any worries.

Another thing is my parents.

The last time I secretly went to see my parents, my father's legs were cured, and I don't know how they are doing now.

When Er Bao is older, shouldn't he visit them once?
He Jincheng hesitated, because he didn't know if his parents and elder brother would forgive him.

After so many years of no contact, they must have forgotten themselves long ago!


Sighing deeply, He Jincheng suddenly felt a little lonely.

Although his wife and children are all around, it seems that no one can tell his heart.

Maybe, my secret needs to be rotten in my stomach for a lifetime!

The next day, the sky was clear and the mountain breeze was warm.

After a night of rest in his hometown, He Jincheng only felt refreshed, and his lonely mood also improved a lot.

After packing up some things, He Jincheng was going to go to the county seat first, and if Ye Shanhe's health allowed, he would be taken to Nandu, so that it would be convenient to take care of him.

As for Ye Chunlin, He Jincheng also planned to take him to the Southern Capital.

Although the winery and medicinal material factory can make a lot of money, they are small factories after all, and they don't need so many people to take care of them. It is enough to hand them over to the village chief and Xiao Jingran, and the big deal is to get some dividends.

He Jincheng already told Huang Baofu and Xiao Jingran about this matter yesterday, and his shares were reduced to [-]%, and the management of the factory will be handed over to them in the future, and he will not interfere.

On the contrary, the two were a little reluctant, thinking that the loss of He Jincheng in the factory would be a great loss.

In the end, under He Jincheng's persuasion, he reluctantly agreed, but the shares should be at least 15.00%, which cannot take advantage of He Jincheng.

He Jincheng couldn't resist the two of them, so He Jincheng could only agree.

After saying goodbye to those who were close to him and taking a last look at Lianhua Village, He Jincheng was about to go home and drive.

When he came to the door of the house, he saw a brand new Crown sedan parked at the door.

He Jincheng was very surprised, whose is this?Xiao Jingran?No, I saw him driving a Santana two days ago. According to his personality, he wouldn't spend money like that!

Zhang Yuanshan?Impossible, now this guy is not in Lianhua Village, not even in Beishan County.

Before He Jincheng could walk over, the car door opened suddenly, and a cute little girl jumped out of the car, and ran towards He Jincheng in surprise.

He Jincheng was slightly taken aback, and soon remembered who the little girl was, wasn't it the mother and daughter who he had helped in Chaoyang City before.

The little girl is Nini.

And it wasn't Zhao Qianlan who was following Nini.

"Nini, sister Zhao, why are you?"

He Jincheng was very surprised.

Before he helped them, it was entirely out of admiration that they were the family members of heroes, and he couldn't bear to see them wandering in despair.

So he spent money to open a Qianlan tailor shop for Zhao Qianlan.

Looking at Zhao Qianlan's current attire, and this Crown car, the Qianlan Tailor Shop is obviously doing a good job!

Somewhat unbelievable, but within reason.

Although Zhao Qianlan is a rural woman, she is very smart and hardworking. Coupled with the clothing design she provided, it is not impossible to make some famous things.

It's just that He Jincheng didn't expect that Zhao Qianlan did such a good job, which is really surprising!
"Uncle, Nini misses you so much!"

Nini opened her arms and was hugged by He Jincheng, and said happily.

He Jincheng cured Nini's strange disease before, and helped Zhao Qianlan open a tailor shop. Basically, every day, his mother would tell Nini that he must repay Uncle He Jincheng.

That's why Nini has a special affection for He Jincheng, and seeing her again after such a long time, she is not afraid at all, but very happy.

"Nini, be good, uncle misses you too!"

He Jincheng touched Nini's little head and said with a smile.

"Brother He, we finally meet again!"

Zhao Qianlan's temperament has completely changed now.

Fashionably dressed, with fair skin, he looked about 25 or six years old.

The tone of voice and the look in the eyes are completely like a capable female boss.

"Sister Zhao, I haven't seen you for a year, you've changed so much, I almost didn't recognize you!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, and then hurriedly invited them into the room.

There was also a driver in the car who also got off, looking at He Jincheng warily with sharp eyes.

This surprised He Jincheng, why did he feel that the driver was like a bodyguard?
"Brother He, don't get me wrong. He was retired from my husband's team. He was injured and couldn't continue to serve, so he stayed here and followed me!"

Zhao Qianlan quickly explained.

He Jincheng nodded slightly, it turned out to be Li Xiangqian's subordinate, no wonder he was so vigilant.

"Haha, it's okay, let's go in and talk!"

Several people entered the yard, He Jincheng moved a bench for everyone, sat under the tree and chatted.

After asking each other about the situation, Zhao Qianlan asked the driver to bring a handbag over.

"Sister Zhao, this is..."

He Jincheng was a little puzzled.

"This is a dividend for you. Our factory has made a lot of profits this year. As a major shareholder, of course you should have a dividend!"

Zhao Qianlan said with a smile, and then opened the handbag.

There are bundles of bundles in between, which are all in great unity. If it is roughly estimated, there must be 10 yuan.

"There are so many, Miss Zhao, don't scare me, are they all opening factories?"

He Jincheng was shocked.

"Yeah, those designs you gave, I made one and sold one at a time. Later, I couldn't make it at all, so I hired some people. In less than three months, there were more than a dozen people in the tailor shop, and the supply was still in short supply. .”

"I really made a lot of money later on. I should have sent it to you as soon as possible, but because the tailor shop is on the rise, I will continue to invest and continue to expand!"

Zhao Qianlan spoke eloquently.

(End of this chapter)

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