Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 266 Rich chapter report, He Jincheng hires security guards

Chapter 266 Huge rewards, He Jincheng hired security guards
"Later, in about half a year, I took 6 yuan and directly bought a clothing factory that was on the verge of bankruptcy. A profit of 3 yuan!"

Zhao Qianlan said with a smile.

3 yuan, which really shocked He Jincheng.

Under the hard work of him and Gao Ziqiang, Shanbaozhai can make a profit of more than [-] a month. They all feel very good, but compared with Zhao Qianlan, it is really far behind!
"Sister Zhao, when I helped you before, it was out of respect for you and your husband, and I didn't expect anything in return. You should take the money back. The factory has only been established for half a year, so there must be a lot of money needed. You can take it back and use it!"

He Jincheng pushed the bag of money back and said with a smile.

I also have a lot of money in my hand, so I don't need the 10 yuan at all.

"Brother He, don't be polite to me. Maybe for you, it was just an unintentional help at that time, but for me and Nini, it was a life-saving grace. Without your help, we and Nini Ni doesn't know if she can last until now, let alone wait for that bastard Li Xiangqian to come back!"

Zhao Qianlan said quickly, her face was full of sincerity, without any falsehood.

Not only because He Jincheng found a job for the mother and daughter to live on, but also because after Qianlan Tailor Shop became famous, Li Xiangqian got the news of the mother and daughter, and found his mother not long after the factory was built. both.

This surprised He Jincheng and was happy for Zhao Qianlan.

Didn't they work so hard just to wait for Li Xiangqian to come back?

I didn't expect it to be really successful, but at this point in time, it seems to be a little different from what I remember!
Suddenly, He Jincheng thought of something.

Because he found that the development of things around him seemed to be starting to deviate from the situation in his memory.

The father-in-law had never been in a car accident before, and it was because he was helping out at the medicinal material factory that a car accident almost killed him.

In He Jincheng's memory, Zhao Qianlan had waited for more than ten years, but in the end he couldn't wait for Li Xiangqian.

When Li Xiangqian came back, he only saw a lonely grave of his wife.

It was also on TV at that time, He Jincheng absolutely remembered it correctly.

But now, Li Xiangqian found Zhao Qianlan so much earlier, all this seemed to be really different.

At this moment, He Jincheng suddenly felt that things were not that simple.

My own rebirth is changing the progress of some things around me.

"Brother He!"

Seeing He Jincheng in a daze, Zhao Qianlan yelled several times before waking him up from his thoughts.

"Oh, it's okay, I'm just happy for you! But I still can't accept the money. I just spent some money on the tailor shop, and I didn't help much. How can I reap the benefits of being a fisherman!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

If it was someone else, He Jincheng would accept it as well.

But since it's Zhao Qianlan, it's not good for He Jincheng to accept the money.

"Brother He, don't be polite to me. I bought that factory, and you have 50.00% of the shares in it. You are the real big boss. As for me, I can only be regarded as the second boss. If you don't accept With this money, how can I run the factory with peace of mind in the future!"

Zhao Qianlan put on a straight face, as if if He Jincheng didn't accept the money, she would lose her face.

After all that was said, He Jincheng could only nod his head, and it would be a bit hypocritical to refuse, since everyone is not a person who cares about money, so there is no need to be so polite.

"Okay, I'll accept it, thank you, Sister Zhao!"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

"I should thank you. By the way, why is there no one at home? I remember you said before, siblings and children are all there, why are you alone!"

Zhao Qianlan asked suspiciously.

This time when she came here, she also brought some gifts for Ye Qingmeng and Tingting, but He Jincheng was the only one in the family.

"Oh, they're in Nandu, our family has moved there, and my wife is going to college soon, so we all followed, and I'm in Nandu, and I've also started some small businesses!"

He Jincheng explained.

"Well, that's such a pity. I still want to see my younger siblings. It seems that I can only go back next time! Hu, go and get the presents from the car, and let Brother He take them back!"

Zhao Qianlan showed regret, and then gave instructions to the driver.

The driver nodded slightly, turned around and walked out without saying anything.

Seeing the capable look of the other party, He Jincheng had some ideas.

"Eldest sister, elder brother is a soldier. I think there must be a lot of retired friends. If they don't have a job, they can come to me. I just want to hire two security guards. The salary is the highest price in the market. How about it?"

The last time Shanbaozhai was stolen, He Jincheng thought about asking two security guards to watch over it.

After all, the items in Shanbaozhai are becoming more and more precious now, and if you lose one, it will be very difficult to get it back, and the loss will be serious.

Judging from the driver's performance, these people's abilities are quite good, and most importantly, they are also very sensitive, especially for all kinds of unexpected situations.

Most importantly, these people are generally very dedicated, and there is no need to worry about them delaying work.

Therefore, it is definitely a good choice to invite two veteran kings to be security guards.

"Of course I have. I also know that the army is streamlining its troops and optimizing its types. Some wounded soldiers have to retire. Because you, Brother Li, are the captain of an army, many of your subordinates have retired, and They all need resettlement, there are quite a few in my factory, and there are still many that cannot be resettled, if you really need it, Brother He, I can arrange it for you right away!"

Zhao Qianlan said immediately.

"That's great, I believe these people must be the best security guards!"

He Jincheng was overjoyed.

Invite the King of Soldiers to be a security guard, one can support ten people, and there is no need to worry about being missed by thieves.

"Okay, after I meet Chaoyang, I'll tell you Brother Li, and I'll call you when the candidate is confirmed!"

Zhao Qianlan nodded. She was also very happy. As a military wife, she certainly knew that the living conditions of these retired people were not very good, and they needed a job very much.

"Don't be so troublesome. My shop is on Qiangu Street in Nandu City. When the time comes, let them report directly to Shanbaozhai on Qiangu Street. Just say that I introduced them, and everything will be arranged!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Okay, that's a deal, I'll thank you on behalf of the brothers first!"

Zhao Qianlan reached out her hand, and the two shook hands, an agreement was reached.

(End of this chapter)

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