Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 267 Back to Nandu, the train station was slandered by thieves

Chapter 267 Returning to Nandu, the train station was slandered by thieves
He Jincheng happily shook hands with Zhao Qianlan.

"I just want to thank you, elder sister. You don't know. My store was stolen before. I have been looking for a few capable people to help me look after the store. If they can come, it will be a solution for me. Big trouble!"

The two chatted a lot, but in the end it was too late and Zhao Qianlan was not suitable to stay here overnight, so she said goodbye and left.

He Jincheng stayed in Lianhua Village for one night, and went to the county town the next day to check the situation of Ye Shanhe.

Now that Ye Shanhe's condition has completely stabilized, it should be no problem to drive to Nandu.

Ye Chunlin also made a handover with Xiao Jingran. Although Xiao Jingran felt a little pity, he also felt that Ye Chunlin would have a better future if he followed He Jincheng, so he didn't want to keep him.

That afternoon, He Jincheng drove Ye Shanhe and Ye Chunlin out of Beishan County to Nandu City.

Guo Lan and Ye Qingmeng cooked a table of delicacies, saying that they would clean up Ye Shanhe.

Seeing the lovely Tingting and the second treasure, Ye Shanhe was also very happy.

When Ye Qingmeng gave birth to a child, Ye Shanhe didn't come here because the medicinal material factory really couldn't do without people, and he felt a little guilty. Today, he finally saw his grandson, not to mention how happy he was.

"With my parents helping me take care of the children, I can go to school with peace of mind!"

Ye Qingmeng said with a smile.

School will start soon, and if she can't go to college, it will definitely be an unforgettable regret for her.

"Go, go, of course you can't miss the opportunity to go to college, if I'm not old, if I have the opportunity, I'd like to go to it too!"

Ye Shanhe said so, after experiencing a life and death, he is no longer as strict and rigid as before, and he is a little more intimate, and he even took the initiative to joke.

A few days later, He Jincheng received a call from Zhao Qianlan, saying that the two brothers had been sent to Nandu and He Jincheng should take good care of them.

Of course, He Jincheng had no objection, and drove directly to the train station to pick them up.

Nandu Railway Station is crowded with people every day. Now people's living standards are not high, and the train fare is relatively low, so it is the first choice for everyone to travel far.

Coupled with the rapid development of the commodity economy in recent years, more and more people have started to do business, so more and more people take the train.

"Brother-in-law, the train number is Z2898. I checked and it will arrive in 10 minutes!"

Ye Chunlin ran over from the ticket hall and told what he had just found out.

"That's coming soon, let's wait here! Both brothers are retired, and they have shed blood and sweat for the country before. When they come to our side, they must be respected enough, understand? "

He Jincheng exhorted.

People came all the way to help, and they had to settle down well.

"Don't worry brother-in-law, you don't understand me yet, I will definitely treat the two brothers well!"

Ye Chunlin patted his chest and promised.

"The house is rented, and daily necessities such as bedding and washing have to be bought in advance!"

"It's all done, and I promise to live in it wherever I go, without any problems!"

The two waited for about ten minutes, and passengers with large and small bags gradually began to appear at the exit.

Outside the exit, there are also more and more people picking up the bus.

He Jincheng and Ye Chunlin found a good place in advance, which happened to be facing the exit.

Ye Chunlin held up the sign prepared in advance so that people could see it at a glance.

At this moment, Ye Chunlin was suddenly bumped from behind and almost fell down.

"What are you doing? Keep an eye out as you walk!"

Ye Chunlin glared at the person who bumped into him very displeasedly.

"I'm sorry, I'm too busy looking at the station entrance, so I didn't notice you!"

The person who bumped into him was polite and apologized directly to Ye Chunlin.

"Okay, be careful when walking in the future, so many people are walking so fast, really!"

Ye Chunlin didn't get entangled with the other party, and planned to let the other party go after saying a word.

However, just when the man was about to leave, He Jincheng who was at the side yelled violently.


The man was slightly startled, and turned to look at He Jincheng.

"This brother, what's wrong?"

When he said this, the man's face was still full of doubts.

"Stuff stays, I can act as if nothing happened!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

"What? What do you mean?"

There was a flash of panic in the man's eyes, but he still spoke firmly.

"Chun Lin, check to see if your wallet is still there."

He Jincheng said.

Ye Chunlin was startled, and hurriedly checked his wallet, but it was gone.

"Damn, you are a thief, give me back the wallet!"

If he couldn't react to this, he would be a real fool, and Ye Chunlin was furious immediately.

"What wallet? Are you blackmailing someone?"

The man immediately shouted loudly, attracting many people to watch.

"Extortion? You are so courageous, you stole it from your grandfather. Return it to me immediately, or I will kill you!"

Ye Chunlin grabbed the man by the collar and said angrily.

"He beat someone, he beat someone, everyone, come and see, this person is going to beat someone!"

The man immediately shouted loudly, and many people who didn't know the situation pointed at Ye Chunlin.

Three big men came out from the crowd with righteous indignation on their faces.

"You dare to hit someone in broad daylight, it's too arrogant, let him go immediately, otherwise, we won't sit idly by!"

One said in a cold voice.

"That's right, with so many people watching, you still want to blackmail people, don't you? Believe it or not, we kicked you away with one kick!"

Another person also yelled.

"You don't know the situation, this guy is a thief and stole my wallet!"

Ye Chunlin said very anxiously, why are these people like this? They didn't figure out the matter, so they came to blame themselves.

It is unreasonable for a thief to be maintained by so many people!
He Jincheng sneered, the three people who jumped out to help were clearly the thief's accomplices.

Judging by their proficient acting skills and accurate cooperation, it is obvious that they have done such things many times.

Ordinary people don't realize it at all, and they are branded as blackmailers. In the end, it's fine if their wallets don't come back, and they have to pay for an apology.

It is not uncommon for such a forced loser to apologize to the thief!

"I accidentally bumped into you just now, but I also apologize to you. You can't falsely accuse me of stealing your wallet! If you don't believe me, I can ask you to check on the spot to see if there is anything on me. His wallet!"

The thief shouted loudly, and he still looked confident, which won the trust of many onlookers.

(End of this chapter)

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