Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 268 Principled, Seamless Cooperation

Chapter 268 Principled, Seamless Cooperation
"Dude, you said he stole your wallet, so tell us, what does your wallet look like and how much money is in it?"

said one of the thief's accomplices with a sneer.

"I was in a black leather wallet with my name on it. There were more than 100 cash in it and a few food stamps. I was still in my pocket just now, but after I was bumped by this man, it was gone, no? Who else could he have stolen!"

Ye Chunlin was in a hurry, it was justified to steal, but the person who was stolen didn't care, it was simply unreasonable!

"Okay, you said that I stole your wallet, then you should check my body carefully, if there is, I will go with you to the Security Bureau to surrender, if not..."

The thief looked at Ye Chunlin with a sneer.

Ye Chunlin looked at He Jincheng, saw him nodding towards him, and immediately gained confidence in his heart.

"If I slander you, I will compensate you 500 yuan for mental damage!"

There was a sudden commotion from the people around.

500 yuan, this is the salary of an ordinary working class for several months, this person is too rich!

The thief was slightly taken aback, then laughed out loud.

"Okay, that's what you said. There are so many people watching, whoever cheats is the grandson!"

After finishing speaking, the thief began to take off his clothes, and after a while, only a pair of big pants were left, but in the end, he only saw a brown wallet, and there was only a pitiful big union in it.

Ye Chunlin's face turned dark all of a sudden.

No?How is this possible? Did my brother-in-law miss you?

"Okay, everyone has seen that I didn't steal this man's money at all, it was he who slandered me, everyone must decide for me!"

The thief said loudly very proudly.

"Why are you like this? If you lose your wallet, you can't just ask someone to ask for it!"

"That's right, I think this person is making money by blackmailing people. In fact, he doesn't have a wallet at all!"

"Damn it, did someone call the police? Arrest this kid!"

The onlookers were all discussing, obviously they were more willing to believe in the thief.

"Hmph, what else do you have to say now? It was agreed just now. If you are slandering this brother, you have to pay 500 yuan. No matter where the lawsuit goes, it is your fault. Get your money out now!"

The thief's accomplice cried out.


Ye Chunlin was a little at a loss.

It costs 500 yuan per mouth, the key is what I said, so there is no reason for this!
"That's right, hurry up and give us the money. Don't you want to renege on your debt? Do you think we are blind? The security hall is next to it. If you don't pay, I will send you there!"

Someone threatened.

"Hehe, your hands are quite fast. If I guessed correctly, the four of you are in the same group. The wallet should be on your body now!"

He Jincheng pointed at the four of them, and finally said to a man with a mole on the corner of his mouth.

"What nonsense are you talking about? We drew our swords to help when we saw injustice. We couldn't bear to see you blackmailing people here, so we spoke up for justice. Hurry up and pay, otherwise, don't even think about leaving today!"

The man with the mole immediately became anxious and said loudly.

"You can also prove yourself. If the wallet is not with you, I am willing to pay another 1000 yuan for compensation. How about it?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

The man with the mole suddenly panicked.

Isn't the wallet on him? If you check him, you will be exposed, so you can't let him check it!

"Why should I, I just can't see your ugly face, stand up and say a few words of justice, I think you are dogs, whoever bites whoever you see!"

The man with the mole said immediately.

1000 yuan, but he is still unwilling to prove himself, and some onlookers are a little skeptical.

With so much money, ordinary people can't earn so much in a year, how can ordinary people not be tempted?
"Hey brother, 1000 yuan, don't say it's just for inspection, even if you take off your clothes, you can earn it, why don't you want it!"

"Yeah, don't be cowardly, just talk to him, if they still dare to renege on their debts, we can't spare them!"

Everyone booed one after another.

Such a thing is really rare, and everyone is very interested.

"Well, I have a lot of money in this bag!"

He Jincheng patted his handbag, opened it for everyone to take a look, the great unity of the bundles made people's eyes straight, there must be more than two thousand!

"I'm not happy, I'm not short of this money, but I won't let you check it!"

The man with the mole complained incessantly.

1000 yuan, I want it too, but I can't make much money in the end by stealing chickens and dogs all day long.

But no, I have several stolen wallets on my body. If it is discovered, there are so many people here, and I must not be able to escape!

"It seems that you are very guilty, otherwise, why are you so far away?"

He Jincheng said with a smile, "Let the big guys check it together. If you really slander you, I will pay you the head office for all the money in this bag!"

The crowd roared again, and everyone's eyes were red.

There is such a good thing?It costs more than 2000 yuan to take off one's clothes. This is simply a great thing that falls from the sky.

However, the man with the mole still shook his head and refused.

"I am a man of principles, you don't need to believe me, but I still stick to my principles!"

The man with the mole raised his head, as if he had a high-spirited appearance.

"Principle? Bullshit! You obviously don't dare to let us check. You bastards must be in the same group. Everyone catch them, you hateful thieves!"

Ye Chunlin was very excited and said loudly.

This time, everyone was a little confused who was the thief and who was the blackmailer, let alone someone who did it.

"It's too much to deceive people. You are clearly relying on your own two stinky money to sell the stolen goods like this. I still don't believe it today. Can you blackmailers still steal money from our pockets?"

The man with black moles gritted his teeth and said, then several people looked at each other, and then quickly rushed towards He Jincheng and Ye Chunlin.

"Hmph, I'm not sincere when I give you a chance!"

Just as He Jincheng was about to lift his legs, he heard two shouts like thunder.

"Dare to attack Dr. He, court death!"

Immediately afterwards, two crew cuts, wearing a camouflage uniform, looked rustic, but gave off a capable temperament and feeling.

"Why, two more nosy people jumped out!"

The mole man gritted his teeth and drank in a low voice, feeling a little nervous in his heart!
Before, the four men on my side couldn't escape him.

(End of this chapter)

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