Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 270 Invited by Elder Lu, the two elders bet on the doctor

Chapter 270 Invited by Mr. Lu, the two old people bet on the doctor
The next day, He Jincheng went out early in the morning.

Today, Mr. Lu Yuan invited He Jincheng to the mansion as a guest, saying that he was an important guest who wanted to gradually he Jincheng.

Of course, Alloy couldn't refuse Mr. Lu Yuan's invitation.

I am developing here in Nandu, and I still need the help of Mr. Lu for many things.

When he came to Lu Yuan's mansion, in the reception hall, He Jincheng saw Mr. Lu Yuan.

After these days of self-cultivation, Mr. Lu's mental outlook has obviously improved a lot.

Sitting on the sofa next to Lu Yuan, there was also an old man in a Tang suit, looking at He Jincheng at this time

"Old Lu, this is Dr. He you mentioned just now?"

"That's right!"

Lu Yuan smiled slightly and said, "You shouldn't be judged by your appearance! Don't look at Dr. He's young age, but he is very accomplished in medical skills!"

The old man chuckled twice, noncommittal, picked up his teacup and took a sip, but didn't say much.

"Old Kong, what do you mean! I invited you, but you have such an attitude"

Lu Yuan put the teacup on the table and said with some dissatisfaction.

"I heard there is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine, it is called: arsenic can save life when it comes, but licorice can kill when it is transported away!"

After that old Wu said this sentence, he smiled and looked at Lu Yuan, the meaning was already very clear.

Even their Chinese medicine practitioners think that whether they can cure the disease depends on the bad luck of the times, so what can this young man do?

He Jincheng smiled. There is indeed such a saying in Chinese medicine, but it has its source and allusion.

It is said that there was once a Chinese medicine doctor who took the wrong medicine for a patient due to negligence, and ended up being confused. Instead, he cured a strange disease of the patient.

Later, because of carelessness, the Chinese medicine doctor misunderstood the condition of the disease and prescribed a very safe tonic during a visit to the doctor after drinking. He went to prison and was executed by Qiuhou Wen.

Before he died, this confused doctor made a summary of his life, which was: "Arsenic can save life when it comes, and licorice can kill when it is transported away."

The original intention of this sentence is to warn the later doctors: be careful when treating diseases and prescribing medicines. Don’t be negligent like that confused doctor and make such low-level fatal mistakes again!

However, this sentence was later spread out of shape and lost its original meaning.To a large extent, it is because many quack doctors are not good enough, and they prescribe the medicine rashly when they are not sure about the disease, which has caused such a phenomenon that the time is not effective, so everyone attributes whether Chinese medicine can cure the disease to luck. , this sentence has become a corroboration.

Corresponding to this allusion, there is another allusion called "Returning from the Dead to Life", which is about the genius doctor Bian Que. This is definitely a compliment to Chinese medicine, but it is also harmful to Chinese medicine.

You must know that since it is an allusion, it has a source. The reason why the death can be brought back to life is because the patient in the allusion either suspended animation or fainted, but there is a possibility of resuscitating it. It was saved.

These well-known allusions, on the contrary, make many people ignorant, take the meaning out of context, and draw conclusions on Chinese medicine based on a few words, or overestimate or underestimate, but these are not the original face of Chinese medicine.

"Old man Kong, don't be stubborn!"

Lu Yuan laughed and leaned on the armrest of the sofa.

"Well, let me make a bet with you. As long as Dr. He feels the pulse, he will know what's wrong with your old bone. If you are not sure, I will give you the villa in Nanshan!"

There was a flash of light in Lao Kong's eyes, and he immediately said: "You said this yourself!"

"Never regret it!" Lu Yuan laughed, and continued to say the following, "But if the agreement is right, I will give you that small mansion of yours, how about it?"

He Jincheng smiled faintly, watching the two bet here, but didn't say anything.

Lao Kong patted the table and said, "Okay, then let's gamble!"

"Haha, let's do that!"

Lu Yuan looked at He Jincheng, "Doctor He, you heard everything!"

He Jincheng looked at the two of them, and there was only one thought in his mind.

Who do you want to win?
Instead, it was this problem that gave He Jincheng a headache.

Lu Yuan smiled and waved to He Jincheng.

"Doctor He, come, give this old Kongtou a good look! I've been eyeing his little mansion for a long time!"

Old Kong also said with a smile: "My big villa, I finally have it!"

He Jincheng smiled, and thought that these two old men are quite interesting. The game of gambling has not yet started, and they are already fighting hard.

He stood up, moved a chair, and sat opposite Kong, then stretched out a hand, saying: "Old Kong, please extend your hand..."

Lao Kong glanced at He Jincheng lightly, then leaned against the armrest of the sofa, and stretched out his left hand calmly. Looking at this posture, he seemed to have concluded that he would definitely win.

He Jincheng was not too polite, he stretched out three fingers and took the pulse, his eyes were slightly closed, he didn't ask any questions, he just savored the pulse carefully.

After 3 minutes, He Jincheng let go of his hand, sat there and considered for a while, then raised his head and said with a smile: "It seems that Lao Kong is usually a person who takes good care of himself. Your physical condition is very good!"

Old Kong laughed, the young man can really talk, seeing if there is a pair of Tai Chi balls in my hand, I don’t leave my body for 24 hours, just for health care, saying I can take care of it, there is absolutely nothing wrong!

Lu Yuan was not happy about it, and wondered what happened to He Jincheng today. At that time, a group of doctors were shocked by how dared to give me the medicine of tiger and wolf for a person who could not eat or drink in bed for a month and was already dying. At a loss, why are you so polite to this old Kongtou today? Where is your peeing? Could it be that old Kongtou can eat you!
He said: "Doctor He, have you not figured it out? It doesn't matter, you can feel it again, and when you understand it, it's not too late to draw a conclusion!"

Old Kong laughed, and said: "Try it, young man, feel it again! It doesn't matter how long you feel it, but you must find out the situation. You can't draw this conclusion casually!"

He Jincheng stood up, put the chair back to its original place, and said, "Don't touch it anymore, I already understand it very well!"

When Lao Kong heard this, his spirits were greatly lifted. He turned his head to look at Lu Yuan, and said, "Brother Lu, I'm really sorry to take away your love. When will I take over the villa?"

Lu Yuan didn't expect that He Jincheng would do this to him, and he was very stunned. He let himself have nowhere to vent his anger. This was too wronged and too angry. He gave Lao Kong a hard look.

"Isn't it just a villa? I have a lot. I'll buy another one at worst! It's cheap for you old thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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