Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 271 Syndrome of Liver Cough

Chapter 271 Syndrome of Liver Cough
"Then I won't be polite! Oh, look at you old Lu, I came to your house as a guest, but you gave me a villa instead. You see, this is such a mess, I'm so sorry!"

Kong Lao said he was embarrassed, but he looked proud.

"Hmph, it's just a villa. It's not as good as my Lu mansion. You can take it if you want it. How proud of it!"

Lu Yuan snorted, very displeased.

He also has a little opinion on He Jincheng. His medical skills were clearly superb before. Why did he lose the chain today? Could it be a coincidence that he treated himself last time?

Seeing the two old men fighting, He Jincheng couldn't help laughing.

"Second Elder, can you let me finish talking?"

As soon as he heard that there was something to say, Lu Yuan immediately regained his spirits.

Mr. Kong was also very magnanimous. He was sure that He Jincheng didn't see anything, so he waved his hand and said, "Well, the more careful you say, the better, and it will convince Old Man Lu! Hahaha!"

"In my opinion, Mr. Kong really takes good care of himself, and he is in good health on weekdays, but..."

When He Jincheng said this, he changed the subject, "It's just that it's not all smooth sailing. If I'm not mistaken, Kong Lao has just recovered from his illness, and he is still a persistent illness!"

Hearing this, Kong Lao's complacent expression froze, and his brows slightly raised.

He was very surprised, because what He Jincheng said was right, he had just recovered from his illness, and this illness had troubled him for many years. Although it was not fatal, it was very annoying.

Lu Yuan was overjoyed immediately, sure enough, he was right, He Jincheng had something to say!
"Hurry up, hurry up, let's see if Old Man Kong still admits it in the end!"

Kong Lao glared at Lu Yuan, and instead of continuing to quarrel with him, he looked at He Jincheng with a look of anticipation on his face.

"Little Doctor He, tell me, what is my stubborn illness?"

"If I'm not mistaken, Mr. Kong will cough when he enters the spring. The pain will not heal, and the pain will reach his ribs. There is blood in the phlegm. It is a liver cough!"

He Jincheng said slowly.

Both Kong Lao and Lu Yuan were shocked.

Old Kong was surprised that what He Jincheng said was not bad, and he was indeed in this situation.

What surprised Lu Yuan was that the old man Kong seemed to be in good health, so why was he still coughing up blood?Will it be particularly serious?
Although the two of them would quarrel non-stop when they met, but in fact the relationship between the two was close and they were old friends who had known each other for decades. Of course, Lu Yuan didn't want Mr. Kong to have any problems.

"Old man Kong, what's your situation? Is what Little Doctor He said true?"

Kong Lao waved his hand, his face was full of indifference, and he said with a smile: "It's just a cough, it's not a big problem, otherwise you old guy would never see me!"

Hearing this, Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, that's fine, as long as it's not particularly serious, then there's nothing wrong with it.

"Little Doctor He, please continue to talk about it. What does this liver cough mean?"

Lu Yuan looked at He Jincheng and said.

"There is a folk saying whooping cough, but it is actually a liver cough. This disease is easily triggered in spring, and a cough lasts for a hundred days. Although it is not serious, it is very uncomfortable to cough every day!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Yeah, I've been coughing non-stop all day long, almost breaking my old bones!"

Kong Lao felt the same way and greatly agreed.

"The "Huangdi Neijing" has a saying: 'The five viscera and six internal organs make people cough, not only the lungs!'. Liver cough is a cough caused by liver problems. Regarding the cause of cough, "Huangdi Neijing" also explains, 'People and Heaven and earth interrelate, so the five zang-organs are treated according to the treatment of cold and disease, mild cough, and even diarrhea and pain!'."

After He Jincheng finished speaking, he paused, and then continued: "The seasons ruled by the five internal organs are the time of governance. The liver governs spring, the heart governs summer, the spleen governs long summer, the lungs govern autumn, and the kidneys govern winter. Spring is the liver In different seasons, the five zang organs are more likely to get sick during their own treatment time. After the disease, the slight one is cough, and the severe one is diarrhea and abdominal pain. Generally, the cough caused by the five zang organs during the treatment time is difficult to treat and will last. It will take a long time, and even wait until the time of treatment has passed before it can be cured."

"That's how it is. No wonder I cough for a hundred days. This spring, for three months, it just happens to be a hundred days!"

Kong Lao suddenly said, he just felt that a doubt that had troubled him for a long time was solved.

"Then what is causing my cough?"

Yes, the pathology has been clarified, but what is the cause of the disease and how to treat it?

"Among the five elements, wood helps fire, while the lungs belong to metal qi, and wood fire burns gold, which makes the lungs seem to be baked on a frame. I am afraid that Kong Lao's temper is relatively hot, so the liver qi is strong, which is wood qi. Exuberant, spring is the revival of all things, spring wood qi is in season, wood qi is more prosperous, the combination of the two causes the lung qi to be transpired!"

He Jincheng slowly explained, "If I'm not wrong, the treatment that Kong Lao received before basically started from the lung qi to reduce the lung fire, which can be relieved in a short time, but it can't cure the root cause. Tang Zhibo, of course, cannot be compared with dredging from the bottom of the pot!"

The two elders are both smart people. Comparing this to the bottom of the pot, I immediately understood what He Jincheng said just now.

Now Kong Lao’s lungs seem to be baked on a stove. During his daily treatment, he only wants to cool the water on the stove. This is like raising soup to stop boiling, but the soup may be cooled a little. Yes, the fire is strong, and of course it will boil again.

If you want to cure this disease, you have to draw from the bottom of the pot. There is no fire in the stove, so naturally the water cannot be boiled anymore!
"Wonderful, it's really wonderful! Doctor Xiao He's understanding of Chinese medicine is simply unbelievable. These words made me, an old man who doesn't know medicine, understand everything immediately!"

Kong Lao patted his thigh and exclaimed wonderfully.

His doubts were gone, no wonder those doctors couldn't cure his cough. It turned out that the previous treatment didn't hit the root of the disease at all!
"Hahaha, okay, okay, little doctor He said well, so now it seems that I won, old man Kong, what's your opinion?"

Lu Yuan laughed out loud. Unexpectedly, He Jincheng couldn't help telling about Kong Lao's illness, and what he said was so profound that anyone could understand it after listening to it. It was impeccable!
"Of course, my old Kong is not the kind of person who doesn't believe what he says. My little mansion is yours!"

Kong Lao lost the bet, but he was not angry at all, but very happy.

The problem that has plagued me for many years, now I finally figured out what's going on, of course I'm happy!
(End of this chapter)

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