Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 272 Cure Prescriptions, Take Ye Chunlin to Watch the House

Chapter 272 Cure Prescriptions, Take Ye Chunlin to Watch the House
"Haha, I don't want this little mansion. Since Little Doctor He cured you, then this little mansion should be given to Little Doctor He!"

Lu Yuan laughed loudly, then looked at He Jincheng.

He Jincheng was slightly taken aback, and quickly waved his hands to decline, saying: "Don't dare, it's just a minor illness, it doesn't take much effort, how can I bear it!"

"Hey, I think what Old Lu said is right. Lu Yuan is not short of money. His house is everywhere. My small mansion. This old guy may not be very fond of him! Little Doctor He , you don't have to be polite, just accept it!"

Kong Lao smiled.

If it was given to Lu Yuan for nothing, he would still be a little unwilling.

But since it was given to He Jincheng, he felt much more comfortable.

"Little Doctor He, you are welcome. This old guy has a lot of money. He can't live in that small mansion a few times a year. You can accept it with peace of mind and treat it as a place to stay!"

Lu Yuan also persuaded.

He knew that He Jincheng's family still lived in the courtyard.

Originally, he wanted to give He Jincheng a house directly, but according to He Jincheng's personality, he would definitely not accept it, so today when old man Kong came, Lu Yuan thought of such a way.

"No, no, it's too precious, you deserve it!"

He Jincheng waved his hands again and again.

He knew that the small mansion would be worth hundreds of millions in the future, and if he really wanted it, he would be taking advantage of it.

"Doctor He is looking down on me. I, Kong Fenglei, have never taken back the things I sent out!"

Kong Lao was a little unhappy, and even said his real name.

Kong Fenglei?
He Jincheng was slightly taken aback, and then remembered who this old Kong was.

This is the famous tiger general back then. Although he has retired at home, he still has a high prestige.

I didn't expect that this old Kong was Kong Fenglei, so I was a little surprised.

Seeing that Mr. Kong was a little angry, He Jincheng couldn't continue to insist, so he could only agree with a wry smile.

"Hey, the two elders have already said that. If I disagree with it, I will be ignorant of good and evil, but I really deserve it!"

"Hahaha, it's right for you to accept it. We old men say that we should be in the coffin board long ago, but seeing the country is getting better and better, who wants to die so early! A small mansion can It is definitely our luck to meet such a genius doctor as Xiao He!"

Kong Fenglei burst out laughing when he saw He Jincheng nodding his head.

"Okay, little doctor He, you haven't said how to cure old man Kong's disease!"

Lu Yuan just reminded him.

Just now He Jincheng only talked about the condition, but did not talk about the treatment.

"Oh, it's actually very simple, just one recipe!"

He Jincheng smiled and picked up the pen and paper on the table, and wrote a prescription.

Daiha powder has the effect of clearing the liver and benefiting the lungs, lowering the adversity and eliminating troubles, and has a good effect on whooping cough.

"This prescription is just right for the symptoms. Now, Mr. Kong, your cough has stopped, so there is no need for treatment. Go back and grab this prescription and prepare it at home. In the spring of next year, take it for ten days, one dose a day, and your liver cough will disappear. No more!"

He Jincheng handed the prescription to Kong Lao and said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, then I would like to thank Little Doctor He first! I, Old Kong, are really happy to meet Little Doctor He today, and I won't have to be troubled by those shitty coughs again in the future!"

Kong Lao laughed and nodded repeatedly.

Spring was originally when all things revived. When I went out for spring, I had a liver cough and coughed for a hundred days, which made it difficult for me to even go out.

After all, anyone who sees a person who keeps coughing will suspect that that person has some kind of infectious disease, and he is not suitable for anything special.

For He Jincheng's medical skills, Mr. Kong is convinced at this moment, and of course he believes that He Jincheng's prescription can cure his liver cough.

"It seems that next year I will be able to go out for spring!"

Kong Lao looked at the prescription and couldn't put it down, he laughed again and said.

"Hahaha, old Kong, then next spring, you can come to our Nandu again, and we old brothers can go out in the spring together!"

Lu Yuan laughed out loud.

"Of course I want to come. There is such a good doctor as Xiao He here, how can I not come?"

Kong Lao laughed.

In the evening, Lu Yuan left He Jincheng to eat here.

Kong Lao gave He Jincheng the key to the small mansion, and at the same time arranged for someone to handle the transfer procedures for He Jincheng.

The next day, someone came to the door to deliver various formalities.

He Jincheng thought about it, and he might as well go to the small mansion to have a look, and if it's suitable, he might as well move there.

Now that there are too many people in the family, it is somewhat inappropriate to live in a courtyard house. This small mansion is really more suitable.

After lunch, He Jincheng took Ye Chunlin to the small mansion.

On the way, Ye Chunlin was driving with doubts on his face.

"Brother-in-law, where are we going? This doesn't seem to be the direction of the medical center!"

"Go to see the house. Someone gave me a house yesterday. Go over there and have a look. If it's suitable, we can decorate it and move in. I'm hungry!"

He Jincheng said.

"Ah? Look at the house, my god, brother-in-law, you are too amazing, someone gave you a house, how can there be such a good thing!"

Ye Chunlin was taken aback and said in surprise.

Although the housing prices in the southern capital are not as ridiculously high as in the future, they are not affordable by ordinary people.

Most people live in houses allocated by companies or units, but more wealthy people live in commercial houses, or buy a piece of land to build their own houses.

"Yeah, a house is nothing if you meet a rich man!"

He Jincheng smiled.

"Really, how big is that house? If it's only seventy to eighty square meters, I still can't live in it. There are so many people in the family, and I can't live in it!"

Ye Chunlin asked.

He is quite considerate of his family now, very self-conscious.

"You'll know when you arrive, you should be able to live there!"

He Jincheng paid for it, and didn't tell Ye Chunlin directly.

When he reached the entrance of the small mansion, Ye Chunlin looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the very luxurious western-style mansion in front of him, and he was a little dazed.

"Brother-in-law, don't tell me, this is the house you're talking about!"

Ye Chunlin pointed to the small mansion in front of him and asked.

"That's right, let's go in and have a look!"

He Jincheng smiled and nodded, then went up to open the door with the key.

Ye Chunlin was directly petrified on the spot, with an incredible expression on his face.

God, this is a house, it's clearly a royal mansion, how rich is this man, to give such a big house to his brother-in-law?

(End of this chapter)

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