Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 273 Purchase from the South, the Invitation Letter Becomes the Threshold

Chapter 273 Purchase from the South, the Invitation Letter Becomes the Threshold
"My God, brother-in-law, are you sure this house was given by someone else?"

Ye Chunlin felt like he was in a dream. If such a big house was in ancient times, it would have to be a first-rank official to live in it.

"Of course, it's better than I imagined. There are about seven or eight bedrooms on the three floors, which is enough for our family!"

He Jincheng nodded, and was very satisfied with this small mansion.

The decoration inside is very particular, basically all solid wood, which is not cheap at first glance.

And the sound insulation is very good, you can't hear the outside sound when the bedroom door is closed.

It's really nice for a family to live together without disturbing each other.

"There is also a small pond in this yard. It will be good to raise some fish and let Dad fish here!"

Ye Chunlin looked at the small pond in the yard and said happily.

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you. The furniture here is ready-made, just need to be cleaned, and then I can buy some daily necessities. My parents are old, let them live on the first floor, I will tell you Sister lives on the second floor, you live on the third floor!"

He Jincheng allocated the room directly.

Of course Ye Chunlin had no objection, and nodded in agreement.

In the next few days, Ye Chunlin was busy cleaning up the villa.

But Shanbaozhai encountered the problem of being out of stock.

The materials I won from the last time I gambled on stones have all been sold out, so I have to buy more.

Although Gao Ziqiang's ability in jade has improved a lot, he is still a little short of fire. He Jincheng is not at ease if he goes to buy goods by himself, after all, the water inside is still too deep.

So, He Jincheng told his family, and the two went to the south to buy goods together.

It was warm and springy in the north, while in the southwestern border of China, the climate was mild.

The two of them sat on the train for two days and two nights, and finally got off the train in Nanyu City, a small border town in the southwest.

Nanyu City, also known as the Jade Capital of the South, is known from the name as a city mainly producing jade.

The people who come and go at the train station are all merchants with their bags on their backs, and they basically come here to buy goods.

Everyone's face is full of hopeful smiles, and everything seems to be thriving and full of vitality.

"Sure enough, I still have to come here to buy goods!"

Walking out of the train station, I saw stalls selling all kinds of jade and jade on the side of the road. Many people were bargaining and it was very lively.

"These are small traders, and they don't have any good things in their hands. Let's find a place to stay first!"

He Jincheng has already read the newspaper that there will be a stone betting conference in Nanyu City the day after tomorrow, and the goal of coming here this time is to participate in the stone betting conference.

The two found a decent guest house near the station to live in.

Gao Ziqiang was very careful. After entering the room, he even used a chair to block the door.

"What are you doing?"

He Jincheng was a little puzzled.

"Brother, you don't know that Nanyu City is very lively, but there have been a lot of robberies recently. I heard that some robbers rushed into the guest house and robbed the money of the merchants who came to buy goods. They couldn't even catch them. arrive!"

Gao Ziqiang said seriously.

"Well, it seems to be quite messy!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly.

"Yeah, there are not only gangsters, but also burglars, one by one flying over the eaves and walls, stretching out their hands. Just now I saw two brothers crying in the corridor. I only found out after asking. They just moved in in the morning and went out at noon. After eating a meal, everything was stolen!"

Gao Ziqiang shook his head and said sympathetically: "It's really pitiful. Those two brothers pooled up 1 yuan to come here to do a big job, but they were all stolen within half a day. I think We have all the intentions to die! So, we have to be careful!"

While speaking, Gao Ziqiang tied the cash in the bag to his body.

No matter how powerful this thief is, it's impossible for him to steal all the cash from himself.

"Well, be careful, we brought [-] cash this time, and it will be very troublesome if we lose it!"

He Jincheng nodded and didn't say much.

When I went out in the afternoon, I saw the two brothers who had been stolen when I passed the corridor. Steamed vegetables packed their luggage in despondency. The main road.

He Jincheng shook his head, sighed in his heart, he is not omnipotent, he can't help everyone, everyone has his own life, so it's better not to worry about it!
When the two of them went out, they went to the venue of the Stone Gambling Conference the day after tomorrow, only to find out when they got there that they needed an invitation letter to participate in the Stone Gambling Conference.

But the invitation letter had been issued a month ago, and they couldn't get it at all.

Unexpectedly, an invitation letter was needed, which was really beyond He Jincheng's expectations.

Gao Ziqiang ran over to talk softly with the staff, but they didn't give him any face. Even if Gao Ziqiang secretly stuffed a bundle of Great Unity, he finally got some news.

"Brother, I really can't get this invitation letter, but the staff member told me that the sponsor of this Stone Gambling Conference is the wealthy Su family in Nanyu City. If we can get in touch with the Su family, maybe You can have the opportunity to participate!"

Gao Ziqiang said with a wry smile.

When he said this, he didn't have any foundation in his heart.

The Su family is the largest jadeite rough merchant in Nanyu City, and more than 80.00% of the stone materials in the entire Nanyu City are in the hands of the Su family. He Jincheng and I have just arrived, and they may be a little famous in Nandu, but here in Nanyu City, nothing.

"That can't be helped, it's human effort, just think of a way!"

He Jincheng was also helpless.

I don't know the place where I live, so where can I talk to the rich local Su family?

"However, there is some news that may help. I just heard from the staff that the young master of the Su family has recently been ill. It seems to be some kind of infantile intestinal paralysis. The situation is quite serious. Because of this incident, the Stone Gambling Conference It was even postponed for three months, but it really couldn't be delayed any longer, so it was decided to hold it the day after tomorrow!"

Gao Ziqiang said.

He Jincheng's eyes lit up, he was very good at treating diseases.

This is a hole that can be tried.

"Okay, then let's go to Su's house without delay!"

He Jincheng made a quick decision, and dared not say anything else. He Jincheng was very confident in curing diseases and saving lives.

The two of them didn't linger, they directly called Yiliang's tricycle and told the driver to go to Su's house, they didn't need to know the way, they were directly pulled over.

Half an hour later, He Jincheng and Gao Ziqiang arrived at the gate of Su's house.

Just as I was about to walk over, I saw the door was opened, and then a figure flew out backwards.

(End of this chapter)

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