Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 274 The overlord of Nanyu, the domineering woman Miao Renlan

Chapter 274 The overlord of Nanyu, the domineering woman Miao Renlan
The figure fell directly in front of He Jincheng and the two of them, which startled Gao Ziqiang.

"You quack doctor, my son has been treated more seriously by you, don't let me see you in Nanyu City from now on, otherwise, once I see you, I will cut off one of your fingers!"

A well-dressed, well-built woman stood at the door and cursed.

As for the man who fell in front of He Jincheng and the two of them, only nine of the ten fingers were left at this moment, and it was obvious that one of them was chopped off by the Su family.

He Jincheng frowned slightly, this Su family is really overbearing!
Gao Ziqiang also swallowed secretly, feeling a little worried.

The person who cut off a finger in this cup is obviously a doctor. It seems that he wanted to see a doctor for the young master of the Su family, but he was not optimistic about it and angered the Su family. That's why he ended up like this.

"Brother, why don't we forget it, why do I feel that the Su family doesn't look like a serious businessman!"

Gao Ziqiang pulled He Jincheng and said in a low voice.

Serious businessmen, who would cut off other people's fingers, this Su family used to be gangsters in all likelihood.

"It's okay, just listen to my arrangement after you go in!"

Although He Jincheng didn't like the dominance of the Su family, there was nothing to be afraid of.

He squatted down and helped the person in front of him up.

"Brother, are you okay, let me treat your wound!"

While talking, He Jincheng took out the gauze that he carried with him, and bandaged the man's fingers.

"What are you doing? You dare to save someone who was chopped up by my old lady, isn't it boring?"

The woman was furious immediately. As soon as she said this, seven or eight burly men rushed out from the Su's house and surrounded He Jincheng and Gao Ziqiang.

"Brother, thank you, you don't need to worry about me, this Su family is too domineering, you should leave quickly, otherwise, you will end up like me!"

The man said gratefully, and at the same time pushed He Jincheng, wanting him to leave quickly.

"It's okay, you can go to the hospital now, if it's earlier, you can connect your fingers, don't worry about us!"

He Jincheng patted the man on the shoulder, and helped the man up without anyone else around.

"Do you treat me like air? I think you are courting death!"

The woman was even angrier, she had already said that this man was chopped down by herself, and this ignorant kid actually dared to help him in front of her face, she didn't take herself seriously at all!
"If you want your son to die, do it!"

He Jincheng just said this lightly, and the woman immediately stopped the bodyguard's actions.

"What did you say? My son will die? Who are you?"

The woman stared at He Jincheng with rounded eyes.

This bastard, dare to curse his son, if he can't say that he is ugly, it looks like he will kill another person today!
"I'm a Chinese medicine doctor. I can cure your son's illness, but since you don't welcome me, I'd better go back!"

After He Jincheng finished speaking, he was about to help the injured man to leave.

"Wait, who told you to go?"

The woman immediately shouted loudly.

"What do you want?"

He Jincheng looked calm and spoke slowly.

"Boy, listen to your tone, can you cure my son?"

The woman said in a low voice.

"Of course, it's just a baby with intestinal paralysis, it's no big deal!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

"Okay, if you can cure my son, our Su family can agree to any conditions!"

"Then call this elder brother a car and take him to the hospital first!"

The woman frowned, but still ordered her men to go down and call a car.

After a while, when the injured man got into the car, the seven or eight bodyguards immediately surrounded He Jincheng and Gao Ziqiang.

"You haven't asked yet?"

The woman looked like a quack, her face was full of scrutiny.

"He Jincheng, I don't know who my wife is?"

He Jincheng was not stage fright, and said very calmly.

"My name is Miao Renlan. Brothers on the road, save face and call me Sister Lan! It seems that you are not from the local area!"

The woman said in a low voice.

"Sister Lan! It seems that Sister Lan's child is sick. I have studied medicine for many years, and I am willing to try it!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Try? Can my son try? You have seen what happened to that person just now. I don't care about anything else. If my son's illness has not improved, I will make you worse than that person just now!"

Miao Renlan said with a sneer.

"Okay, if it can't be cured, let Sister Lan deal with it!"

He Jincheng cupped his hands slightly.

"Come in with me, since you've arrived in Nanyu City, without my permission, you absolutely cannot leave Nanyu City."

Miao Renlan threatened.

"That's natural, please!"

Entering the Su family's house, one can see a winding path with various flowers and trees planted on both sides.

However, walking further inside, I heard a dog barking.

Turning the corner, I saw two big dogs that looked like little calves, barking at them with bared teeth. If it wasn't for someone leading them, they might have rushed up.

"Don't be afraid, they won't take the initiative to attack people without my order!"

Miao Renlan glanced at He Jincheng, and was a little surprised to find that this man had no fear at all when he saw such a battle, and he really underestimated him.

How many people will be frightened when they see these two giant dogs.

Entering the house, a middle-aged man with a gloomy expression sat in the living room.

This person is tall and straight, with a murderous aura on his body, not angry and majestic.

"Brother Qiang, this is a sincere doctor. I'll ask him to treat Xiaoling!"

Rao is such a domineering person like Miao Renlan, she restrained herself a lot in front of the man in front of her.


The man called Brother Qiang just hummed and didn't say anything more.

He Jincheng looked at this man a lot, and knew that this should be Su Shanqiang, the current helm of the Su family.

I have to say that from the perspective of temperament, this person is indeed extraordinary, and he is also a practicing family, an absolute master.

Miao Renlan bowed slightly, and then led He Jincheng into the inner room.

Beside the hospital bed, several people gathered around, with worried and anxious faces.

These are the medical staff hired by the Su family with a lot of money. As long as the young master has any problems, they will take immediate action.

"Doctor He, I will leave my son to you. If it can't be cured, you know the consequences!"

Miao Renlan said coldly.

He Jincheng laughed secretly, this Miao Renlan is really too domineering, facing the doctor who treats her son, it's fine if she doesn't beg her, but she continues to threaten her.

However, it is more important to see a doctor for the children first.

(End of this chapter)

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