Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 275 Spleen Deficiency and Exhaustion, Severe Intestinal Paralysis

Chapter 275 Spleen Deficiency and Exhaustion, Severe Intestinal Paralysis
The little boy is called Xiaoling. He looks three or four years old, but he looks like a tiger. It's just because of his illness that his face is sallow and his breath is weak. He looks very serious.

At this moment, Xiaoling was being hugged by a nurse, crying uncomfortably.

But even the sound of crying seemed weak and pitiful.

"You are useless, you can't even coax a child well, what do I ask you to do?"

As soon as Miao Renlan saw her precious son crying, she became so angry that she slapped the little nurse on the face and cursed viciously.

Zhao Dabao frowned slightly, feeling very displeased.

This Miao Renlan is not only overbearing, but also overbearing and unreasonable.

Your son is crying because he is sick. What does it have to do with other nurses?
This is purely because I have no place to vent my anger, so I took the little nurse to vent my anger.

It seems that we have to find a way to educate this domineering woman well.

There are too many such things for the rich and unkind.

The little nurse was slapped, but she still held the little collar firmly, with tears rolling in her eyes, trying not to shed them.

"You still have the face to cry, believe it or not, I'll sell you abroad!"

Miao Renlan poked the little nurse's head with her finger and said harshly.

The little nurse turned pale with fright and shook her head repeatedly.

She knew that Miao Renlan would do what she said, and she still had the ability.

If he was sold abroad, his life would be over.

"Okay, put the child on the bed first, let me see!"

He Jincheng couldn't stand it anymore, and said.

"Did you hear me, hurry up and do what the doctor told you, you bastard, I'll deal with you later!"

Miao Renlan scolded angrily, and the little nurse quickly and carefully put the collar on the bed, and stepped aside.

"Mom, I don't want to see a doctor, I don't want to get an injection..."

As soon as Xiaoling heard the word doctor, he cried out loudly.

Since he got sick, he had received many injections, but instead of getting better, he became more and more uncomfortable. Moreover, every injection was painful, and he was very scared.

"Little collar, you are sick, you need to see a doctor, otherwise, how can mom take you out to play?"

Facing her son, Miao Renlan looked like a good wife and mother, and her tone of voice became gentle.

"Doctor He, why don't you hurry up and show it to my son, don't forget what happened to that quack doctor just now!"

Turning her head, Miao Renlan turned into a vicious look again, staring at He Jincheng and said.

"Let me take a pulse first!"

He Jincheng smiled faintly, sat on the edge of the bed, and stretched out his hand to feel his pulse.

The little collar was still a little afraid of the doctor, and tried to shrink inward, not wanting He Jincheng to touch him.

"No, I don't want a doctor, I'm afraid!"

The little collar yelled while avoiding He Jincheng.

"Little collar, uncle is not a doctor, but a doctor. He is much better than a doctor. Uncle promises that he will not give you an injection or medicine. He will make Xiaoling recover soon. Do you think so?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

" are a doctor? Is what you said true?"

How could the child know what doctor and doctor meant, and said with some hesitation.

"Of course it's true. If uncle lied to you, you can let mom beat me, okay?"

Having said that, Xiaoling felt a lot more at ease with He Jincheng.

After all, the child is only three or four years old, and his mind is pure. During this period of time, he was also afraid of being given an injection, so he resisted so much.

Now that I hear that I don't need to take any injections or medicines, I am of course happy.

"Thank you uncle, uncle, you must cure me. I still want to hang out with my friends. I haven't seen them for more than a month, and I almost forgot what they look like!"

Xiaoling said very pitifully.

He Jincheng was filled with emotion. Such domineering parents had such a simple child, and he didn't know what evil he had done!
"Okay, as long as Xiaoling listens to uncle, he can go out to play soon, come on, first stretch out your hand, let me have a look, okay?"

He Jincheng smiled and stretched out his hand towards Xiaoling.

Now Xiaoling is full of good feelings for He Jincheng, without the slightest hesitation, he directly reaches out his hand.

Seeing this scene, Miao Renlan was overjoyed.

Let's not talk about He Jincheng's medical skills, just because he can make Xiaoling actively cooperate, it means that this person must be capable. It seems that his son's illness is really cured!
He Jincheng gave Xiaoling a pulse, and after about 3 minutes, he withdrew his hand.

"Little collar, my uncle will come to see you later, and I promise you that you can eat today, okay?"

He Jincheng smiled and rubbed Xiaoling's head.

"Okay, thank you uncle!"

Xiaoling was very happy.

Since he got sick, he hasn't had a good meal for a long time. He either has vomiting or diarrhea, or nausea. The chicken legs, his favorite food before, have become particularly unpalatable.

He really seemed to have a good meal, but couldn't eat it at all.

"Ma'am, let's go out and talk!"

He Jincheng looked at Miao Renlan and nodded slightly.

"it is good!"

After Miao Renlan finished speaking, she coaxed Xiaoling again, and then she walked out of the bedroom and came to the living room.

On the sofa in the living room, seeing the two people coming out, Su Qiang put down the newspaper and looked at He Jincheng indifferently.

"How is my son's illness?"

The voice was very cold, as if he was asking his subordinates.

"Xiaoling's illness is not particularly serious. It can be cured. I will prepare a medicine and take it externally. It should take two hours to see results!"

The other party was very cold, and He Jincheng also responded lightly.

"Two hours? What is my son's disease, and what is this pathology?"

Su Qiang asked in a deep voice, with suspicion and scrutiny on his brows.

"Diarrhea should last for ten days, with weak temper, abdominal fullness, nausea and vomiting, high fever and thirst, it should be a syndrome of spleen deficiency and exhaustion. According to Western medicine, it is infantile intestinal paralysis!"

He Jincheng said slowly.

Intestinal paralysis is a relatively common symptom in children, mainly due to incomplete digestion, uncoordinated gastrointestinal motility, food stimulation, hot and cold stimulation, infection, etc.

This kind of disease can be big or small. If it is sent to the doctor for treatment in time, it can basically be resolved soon.

However, Xiaoling obviously delayed for a long time. According to what Miao Renlan said, the illness has been going on for a month, and there is no sign of improvement. This infantile paralysis has already threatened Xiaoling's life.

"Then how to treat it?"

Su Qiang and Miao Renlan looked at each other, obviously they also knew that their son was suffering from infantile intestinal paralysis.

Among so many doctors, He Jincheng was the one who judged Xiaoling's condition the fastest. This surprised them greatly, and at the same time, they were full of expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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