Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 276 Cultivating Zhongtu, He Jincheng Sudden Provocation

Chapter 276 Cultivating Zhongtu, He Jincheng Sudden Provocation
"Doctor He, as long as you can cure my son, our Su family will never treat you badly!"

Miao Renlan waved to the waiter at the side. The waiter understood and immediately brought a box and opened it on the tea table.

Gao Ziqiang on the side took a look, his eyes straightened.

I saw that the box was full of cash, probably a hundred thousand!

This Su family is really rich and powerful!
He Jincheng just glanced at it, then looked away.

"Healing the sick and saving lives is the bounden duty of a doctor. Madam Qian should take it back!"

He Jincheng said lightly, this made Gao Ziqiang on the side anxious.

This is at least 10 yuan, why don't you want it?
"Let's not talk about this first, how can Xiaoling's illness be cured?"

Su Qiang squinted his eyes, showed interest for the first time, looked at He Jincheng and asked.

"Prescription: 3 grams of cinnamon, 3 grams of cloves, 3 grams of arborescens, 0.3 grams of musk, smashed, kneaded into a ball with clean water, placed in the patient's navel, external gauze, about two hours It works!"

He Jincheng said slowly.

This prescription is the well-known Wenqi powder.

The main thing is to activate the intestinal tract and let the intestinal tract regain its vitality. As long as the stool is smooth and the abdomen is soft, it means that the gastrointestinal function has been improved, and then the next step of treatment can be cured.

Because Xiaoling had been delayed for a long time, He Jincheng doubled the dosage of the medicine.

This can make the effect a bit faster.

While speaking, He Jincheng wrote down the prescription and handed it to Miao Renlan.

Miao Renlan looked at the prescription and handed it to Su Qiang.

The two saw a lot of doctors for the child. Although they didn't know much about medicine, they still knew some knowledge about it. Seeing that the above were relatively common Chinese medicines, they asked people to grab the medicines immediately.

In about 20 minutes, a waiter brought over the bought Chinese medicine.

He Jincheng made a pea-sized pill by himself, put it on the belly button of the little collar, and then wrapped it with gauze.

When Xiaoling saw that there was really no need for injections, he was immediately overjoyed.

Not long after applying the warm navel powder, I felt my stomach was hot and comfortable, and I fell asleep after a while.

This made Miao Renlan very happy, and her attitude towards He Jincheng was much better.

"Doctor He, you really are a miracle doctor, you cured my son with just one dose of medicine!"

Miao Renlan was very happy, and asked the messenger to bring another box of money, and put it in front of He Jincheng.

"Our Su family has nothing but a lot of money, and these are your rewards!"

Gao Ziqiang was dumbfounded. Isn't money worthless these days?It's just a box, it's too rich!

However, He Jincheng was unmoved.

"Ma'am, you don't need to thank me so early. Xiaoling's condition has only improved, but it hasn't improved yet. I'll prescribe another prescription, and I can give it to Xiaoling when he wakes up. One dose a day, three days can guarantee a full recovery!"

He Jincheng wrote another prescription.

Because Xiaoling's illness was mainly caused by the deficiency of the temper, He Jincheng prescribed a prescription to replenish the temper, with Codonopsis pilosula, Atractylodes macrocephala, Paojiang, coke licorice, and plantain seed as the main medicines.

The spleen and stomach are the mother of the five internal organs. If the spleen and stomach are weak, the five internal organs are weak. It is the most important organ of the human body.

At such a young age, Xiaoling has problems with his spleen and stomach, and he must make up for it this morning, otherwise, when he grows up, he will often get sick.

If the spleen and stomach are injured, life will not be long.

Therefore, we must protect our spleen and stomach, especially on weekdays, we need to take care of it.

And the prescription given by He Jincheng is to cultivate the middle soil, support the yang and restrain the yin.

This is the treatment concept of Huang Yuanyu, the master of traditional Chinese medicine in the Qing Dynasty.

The middle earth is the spleen and stomach. If a person wants to live a long life, he needs to cultivate his middle earth well.

He Jincheng had a good impression of Xiaoling, and of course he didn't want such a young child to remain weak and sick when he grew up, so he tried his best to help him recover.

"Doctor He is very angry. If it's not for the money, then he wants to ask me to do something. I don't like to beat around the bush, so please speak up!"

Su Qiang said lightly.

"To be honest, there is indeed something I want to ask the two of you for help, but I think it's better to forget it!"

He Jincheng looked at the two of them, shaking his head while talking.

"What do you mean? Don't dare to say anything else. In Nanyu City, there is nothing our Su family can't do!"

Su Qiang narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a sneer.

"Originally, I wanted to have a long-term jade material cooperation with the Su family, but I think the lives of the two seem to be hanging by a thread, so I don't think this cooperation can continue!"

With regret on his face, He Jincheng said with a wry smile.

Miao Renlan immediately stood up, looking at He Jincheng with an angry face.

"Doctor He, you cured my son. I am very grateful to you, but this is not the reason why you can talk nonsense in our Su family. I can pretend that you didn't say what you said just now, otherwise, I can make you unable to get out. The gate of the Su family!"

In Su Qiang's eyes, there was also a gleam of coldness, obviously also very displeased.

"Only by you? How can a dying person prevent me from getting out?"

He Jincheng smiled contemptuously.

"Looking for death! Someone, take this person down for me!"

Miao Renlan's domineering temper couldn't stand He Jincheng's provocation, so she immediately ordered someone to do it.

With an order, three or four tall bodyguards walked in and immediately surrounded He Jincheng,

"Doctor He, my son has not recovered yet. I don't want to do anything to you. As long as you can kneel down and apologize now, I can choose to let you go. This is your only chance!"

Miao Renlan said in a low voice.

"Hehe, I advise you to prepare for the funeral as soon as possible, otherwise, the inheritance may be gone if you can't account for it!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Asshole, do it!"

Miao Renlan shouted angrily, and the three or four bodyguards were about to restrain He Jincheng immediately.

Gao Ziqiang was stunned. He never thought that Brother He, who was originally fine, suddenly went crazy.

This is the Su family. There are more than 20 bodyguards in this family, and both Su Qiang and Miao Renlan are ruthless people. Isn't it pure courting death for you to provoke them like this?

However, things have reached this point, and Gao Ziqiang can't afford to think too much.

With a slap in his heart, he secretly cursed Made, and then he was going to find someone to fight with the Su family.

He Jincheng smiled lightly, then moved his body, and even took the initiative to meet a bodyguard. He raised his hand and punched the bodyguard directly on the chin. The well-trained bodyguard was knocked down before he could react. He flew out, his head froze, and he passed out.

The other three bodyguards were furious and rushed towards He Jincheng with a low growl.

However, none of these tall and burly bodyguards could pass a move under He Jincheng's hands. In less than half a minute, all of them were knocked to the ground and couldn't get up.

(End of this chapter)

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