Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 277 Fate is not long, the Su couple finally bowed their heads

Chapter 277 Fate is not long, the Su couple finally bowed their heads
"Good skill!"

Su Qiang was not angry when his bodyguard was beaten up like this by He Jincheng, but even praised him involuntarily.

He used to be in the rivers and lakes, and his favorite person was He Jincheng, who had great skills. Moreover, He Jincheng also had excellent medical skills, which made it easier for people to cherish their talents.

If He Jincheng could be allowed to do things for him, it would definitely be of great help in the future.

"Doctor He, it's not easy to get along in Nanyu with good skills. Three or four people are not your opponents. What about thirty or forty? You may not understand the influence of the Su family in Nanyu!"

Miao Renlan said with a sneer, without any sign of panic.

She was sure that no one dared to touch the two of them in the land of Nanyu.

"It's natural to understand a little bit, but I can take down the two before that. This should still be possible!"

He Jincheng smiled faintly, fearless in the face of danger.

Su Qiang should be a good trainer, but he doesn't have any mastery, let alone practice any internal skills. He Jincheng can guarantee to defeat him within three moves.

As for Miao Renlan, there is no need to worry.

"It's so courageous. I didn't expect that I would meet a young talent today. I don't know what is your purpose for coming to our Su family."

Su Qiang is very calm. After all, he has seen strong winds and waves. Although he is at a disadvantage, he is still as stable as Mount Tai.

"I've already said my purpose. Believe it or not, you don't need me to do it. You will die soon, and I don't need to cooperate with you. When the Su family collapses, if you want to come to Nanyu, a hundred flowers will bloom. I want to find Is it not easy to be a partner?"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

Hearing what He Jincheng said, Su Qiang and his wife were finally a little moved.

Who would be idle and use this kind of thing to curse their husband and wife?Unless it is tired of life crooked.

He Jincheng cured his son's illness, and suddenly said something like this. If there is nothing wrong with his brain, then there is only one possibility.

Could it be that my husband and wife are really suffering from a secret illness and will die soon?
It was hard for the two of them to believe it.

"Doctor He, you want me to believe your words. You have to show some evidence to prove it!"

Su Qiang said in a deep voice, obviously beginning to take He Jincheng's words seriously.

"Both of you have fiery personalities. The two fires are roasting together. It's no wonder that nothing happens after a long time."

As He Jincheng said, he touched his chin and continued: "If I'm not mistaken, Madam's hidden disease is in the heart, and Mr. Su's hidden disease is in the lungs."

"Oh, how do you prove it?"

Su Qiang squinted his eyes at He Jincheng.

"It's very simple, then ask the woman to do what I said first!"

He Jincheng looked at Miao Renlan with a faint smile on his face.

"Okay, I want to see Dr. He's medical skills!"

Miao Renlan glanced at her husband, then nodded and said.

"Women, please stand up straight, stretch out your hands shoulder-width apart, put your left hand on the back of your neck first, then stretch out your right hand, reach your left hand from below, try to touch both hands together, okay, Inhale without exhaling, hold this position for ten seconds, nineteen eight seven six five four three two one! Exhale!"

Following He Jincheng's voice, Miao Renlan let out a sharp breath.

The next moment, her face was as pale as paper, and she immediately bowed down, covering her heart with her hands, and the sweat dripped from her forehead.

"Inlan, how are you?"

Su Qiang was moved for the first time, and hurried forward to check Miao Renlan's situation.

Although the couple are very domineering people on weekdays, their husband and wife relationship is still very good.

The wife's reaction was really shocking.

"My heart hurts so much..."

Miao Renlan gasped for breath, her face was frighteningly pale.

"Doctor He, what's going on?"

Su Qiang asked in panic.

"Now you believe that there is something wrong with Madam's heart! Next, Mr. Su will also do what I said!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

Su Qiang forcibly calmed down, and then did a few simple actions as He Jincheng said.

After the movements were done, Su Qiang immediately noticed something was wrong, why his breathing became more and more difficult.

He clutched his neck, feeling that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't inhale, as if his lungs were already full and could no longer hold any air.

It took a full half a minute for Su Qiang to catch his breath. He was sweating profusely from shock, with an expression of disbelief.

"You two, how do you feel now?"

He Jincheng laughed.

Su Qiang and Miao Renlan looked at each other, then stood up and bowed respectfully to He Jincheng.

"Doctor He, our husband and wife were negligent before, please forgive me, and at the same time, please save my husband and wife!"

Su Qiang's tone was no longer the arrogance and indifference before.

"Your unmentionable disease, if it is serious, will indeed kill people. If it is not serious, in fact, as long as you find the right disease, it can be cured easily, so you don't need to worry too much!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Doctor He, please save us!"

Su Qiang pleaded again.

"Okay, if you can do what I said, I can consider making a move!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly.

"Doctor He, please tell me, no matter what the conditions are, we will agree!"

Miao Renlan still clutched her heart with lingering fear, and said sincerely.

"First of all, I want you to apologize to every doctor who was hurt by you. Not all doctors can cure all diseases. You cut off a finger of someone, and let them practice medicine in the future. As a doctor, I can't stand it!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

Su Qiang and Miao Renlan just looked at each other, and immediately nodded in agreement.

"We will do it right away, and we can take out 2 yuan to compensate all the doctors and doctors who have been hurt because of us!"

Su Qiang immediately made a decision.

The dozen or so doctors who treated their son were more or less injured, and the compensation was only 30 to [-] yuan, which was nothing to the Su family.

Not to mention that the lives of the couple are in the hands of He Jincheng, of course they will not neglect.

"Okay, it happens that the two boxes of money here are almost enough, let's do it right away!"

He Jincheng nodded.

Su Qiang immediately called someone and took the money to compensate them.

"The second condition is my personal business. I have a Wenwan shop in Nandu, and now I'm starting to do some jade business, but this material..."

"Don't worry, Doctor He, our Su family can provide Mr. Su with the best quality stones for free in the future!"

Miao Renlan said without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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