Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 278 Jianghu tricks, the owner of the guest house chases people away

Chapter 278 Jianghu tricks, the owner of the guest house chases people away
"I won't take advantage of you, I just need you to continue to supply me, and the price will be based on the market price!"

He Jincheng waved his hand.

If you want to maintain a business relationship for a long time, naturally you can't let the partners suffer, otherwise, if one makes money and the other doesn't make money, sooner or later there will be trouble.

"There is no problem with this at all. Among other things, our Su family is in the jade business, and we guarantee that we will supply the highest quality stones mined every time!"

It was a matter of his own life, so Su Qiang had no choice but to make such a promise.

"As for the third condition, it's actually not a condition. It's mainly to make your illnesses recover faster! Your cause of disease is because you are too domineering and your body is full of anger, so it damages your heart and lungs."

He Jincheng said lightly, "So, for the third thing, I hope that you can be as calm as possible in your life and work, and do charity at least three times a month, and the goal of each charity should not be less than 1 yuan. For the two of you, it should be relatively easy!"


Su Qiang and Miao Renlan hesitated.

This is equivalent to completely changing the two of them, and the three charities every month must not be less than 1 yuan. The annual charitable expenses are not a small sum of money!
"You two don't want to? Then forget it. If you can't calm down, even if I cure you now, it will recur in the future. Moreover, once it relapses, it will be difficult to cure it. You should think about it." Be clear!"

Seeing that the other party hesitated, He Jincheng waved his hand and was about to leave with Gao Ziqiang.

"Wait a minute! Doctor He, we are willing to follow your arrangement. We only hope that Doctor He can act righteously!"

Su Qiang said quickly.

They didn't dare to bet that He Jincheng could see the problems in their bodies, which means that his medical skills are absolutely superb. Such a person is definitely worth making friends with. Jincheng can help!
"For these three sky-high prices, if you have no objections, I can treat you two!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

"No objection, what you say is what it is!"

Miao Renlan also said anxiously.

Thinking of the sharp pain just now, she couldn't help but want to shudder.

"What does Mr. Su mean?"

He Jincheng looked at Su Qiang again and asked.

"No problem, it's all up to Dr. He's arrangements!"

Su Qiang hurriedly cupped his hands.

"Okay, since you two are so polite, I will naturally do my best!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly, and then began to treat the two of them.

Acupuncture first, and then two prescriptions were prescribed for the two of them to take for a month.

After the acupuncture and moxibustion were over, the two of them did those two movements again, and they felt much better than the severe pain and suffocation before, and they were more convinced by He Jincheng's words.

After that, everything went smoothly. Gao Ziqiang agreed with Su Qiang and Miao Renlan on the supply quantity and price, and after signing a supply and marketing agreement, he left Su's house with He Jincheng.

After the car sent by the Su family returned to the guest house, Gao Ziqiang asked He Jincheng excitedly.

"Brother He, what's going on, are they really seriously ill?"

He Jincheng smiled faintly and shook his head slightly.

"There's nothing wrong with it. The two of them are more energetic than monkeys. I just resorted to some tricks and taught them a lesson they will never forget!"

Hearing what He Jincheng said, Gao Ziqiang slapped his thigh with excitement.

"It deserves it, those couple must have done those unreasonable things before, and now they met you, Brother He, and finally stumbled!"

"Because of the misfortune in the township, if you don't teach them a lesson, you will be really sorry for your status as a doctor!"

What made He Jincheng most angry was that Miao Renlan cut off the fingers of those doctors who couldn't cure her son's illness, which was equivalent to cutting off their way of practicing medicine.

As a doctor, how could He Jincheng just sit idly by.

I believe that the husband and wife will definitely be able to restrain themselves in the future.

While chatting in the house, suddenly there was a loud noise outside, which had seriously affected the rest of others.

"I'll go see what's going on!"

Gao Ziqiang frowned and went out to check the situation.

After a while, he came back with a look of helplessness on his face.

"It's the two brothers whose money was stolen. Because they have no money to pay for the accommodation, they are kicked out by the hostel. The two of them wanted to let them stay for another night, but the hostel didn't want to, so they almost got into a fight!"

Gao Ziqiang said with a wry smile.

He Jincheng frowned and pondered for a moment, then stood up and walked out.

"Let's go and see!"

When the two came to the end of the corridor, they saw the owner of the hostel and several employees throwing the salutes of the two brothers outside.

"Boss, we have been staying with you for several days, and you know that our money was stolen, so please allow us to stay for another night. It's getting so dark now, we really have nothing to do! "

The two brothers begged bitterly.

"It's unreasonable to think that our hostel is a kind hall. If you don't have money, what kind of hostel do you live in? Didn't you see that our business is so good? We need one or two of you?"

The person in charge of the guest house is a wealthy woman in her forties named Wang Li.

This Wang Li had a loud voice, and she spoke as if she was beating gongs and drums. No wonder He Jincheng could hear them talking so far away.

"Boss, please take pity on us brothers, you can't let us sleep on the street!"

"Then you all go to sleep. There are too many people sleeping on the street these days. Get out of here quickly. If you make trouble for no reason, be careful that I will let the police arrest you!"

Wang Li didn't give any favors at all, and scolded directly.

"You... why are you doing this, you are too heartless!"

"Unfeeling? I'm following the rules. If I don't have money, I'll sleep on the main road. If everyone is like you, can our guest house still do it?"

Wang Li scolded mercilessly, and the two brothers who scolded just lowered their heads and dared not speak.

"Boss Wang, I have paid the rent for these two brothers, let them stay for another two nights!"

At this time, He Jincheng spoke.

Everyone looked at He Jincheng in amazement, wondering if the two brothers still knew each other?
Although the room fee for this day was only five or ten yuan, most people would not pay for two people who met by chance and didn't know each other at all.

"You want to pay for them?"

Wang Li looked at He Jincheng with displeasure.

"That's right, just let me out!"

Very compact nodded and said.

"Okay, two days, right? A total of 20 yuan, bring it!"

Wang Li stretched out her hand towards He Jincheng.

With a faint smile, He Jincheng took out 20 yuan and handed it to Wang Li.

(End of this chapter)

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