Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 279 Make a friend and cooperate with the Luo Brothers

Chapter 279 Make a friend and cooperate with the Luo Brothers
"Hmph, I really have nothing to do and be a good person!"

Wang Li grabbed the money and left with a cold snort.

"Thank you buddy, we will definitely pay back the money!"

The two brothers hurried over and thanked He Jincheng a thousand times.

"It's okay, who will not encounter some difficulties when going out, what are you doing here? I heard that you have encountered thieves?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Oh, it's hard to say..."

The two brothers' faces were full of loneliness.

"Put the things back first, I'll treat you to a meal, let's chat while eating!"

He Jincheng smiled and helped the two of them take the salute back to the room, then called Gao Ziqiang, and the four of them went to a hot pot restaurant next door together.

The two brothers hadn't had a full meal for several days. Looking at the mutton and beef on the table, their mouths were drooling, but they didn't eat directly.

"Dude, we are already very grateful that you can help us pay for the room, this meal..."

The two brothers looked bitter.

"It's okay, it's not a short meal, I just want to make friends with you, and see if there is any chance of cooperation!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Cooperation? We brothers have nothing, how can we have the capital to cooperate with you, buddy!"

The two were crying and laughing.

"Eat first, then talk when you're full!"

He Jincheng greeted the two of them for dinner, and it was time for dinner anyway.

The two hesitated for a moment, and then began to gobble it up.

Several people chatted while eating, and they became acquainted with each other.

These two are two brothers, one named Luo Yong and one named Luo Gang.

The two are from BZ City, Shaxi Province. They are doing jade business in BZ City, and they are doing well.

Just came here, ready to get closer to the goods, and do a big job.

Unexpectedly, within a few days after arriving in Nanyu City, all the money he was carrying was stolen.

The money was earned by their business over the years, and part of it was borrowed. Originally, they wanted to come to Nanyu City with great difficulty to buy more goods, but after it was stolen, they even lost the ticket to go home. Can't afford it anymore.

"How much money have you lost, you have to keep the cash when you are away from home!"

Gao Ziqiang couldn't help asking.

After seeing the tragic situation of the two of them at that time, he tied all his clothes to his body, and he hasn't lost them these days.

"Oh, we have more than 2000 of our own money, and more than 2000 of borrowed money, a total of more than 5000 yuan, all lost at once!"

Brother Luo Gang sighed, his face was full of remorse.

"It's fine if we lose our money. The big deal is that these years have been for nothing, but so much borrowed money has claimed our name. Tell me, why are we so unlucky!"

Luo Yong was also troubled.

"Did you report it? What did the police say?"

Gao Ziqiang asked again.

Lost more than 5000 at once, this is not a small case.

"I reported it, but it's useless. There are too few clues, and I can't find the thief at all. Moreover, even if I find the thief, I can't get the money back. The most I can do is catch the thief and lock him up for a few days."

Luo Yong shook his head.

"It seems that it is indeed a bit difficult for you now. How about we cooperate?"

He Jincheng thought for a while and said with a smile.

"Brother, we only have people now, and we have no capital. I'm afraid we can only live up to your kindness in the matter of cooperation!"

Luo Gang waved his hand.

I don't have anything on me, so what can I use to cooperate with others?

"What I want is the two of you. We also opened a Wenwan shop in Nandu, and we need to buy goods here for a long time, but Nanyu City is too far away from Nandu City, and we can't come here often. It happens that you are in BZ City. It's in the middle of Nanyu City and Nandu City, so I thought, how about if you come to help us buy goods, I will pay you?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.


Luo Gang, Luo Yong and the two brothers looked at each other.

He Jincheng's method is not impossible.

"For remuneration, I will give you 200 yuan for one job, and you can reimburse me with the receipts for the train ticket, accommodation and meals. At least two jobs per month, what do you think?"

He Jincheng said.

Hearing this, Luo Gang and Luo Yong's eyes lit up immediately.

Twice a month, the train ticket, board and lodging can be reimbursed, and there is 200 yuan for one time. This kind of work is definitely very good.

If this is the case, the more than 2000 yuan owed by the two brothers can be paid off in half a year at most.

And only twice a month, as long as the time is well controlled, it will probably take half a month. The rest of the time, you can continue to do your own business. Judging from the income of the past few years, it may be three to four months It can be paid off.

"Dude, are you telling the truth?"

Luo Gang asked quickly.

"Of course, but my goods must be more precious, you have to ensure that there will be no damage!"

He Jincheng nodded.

With the Su family's relationship established in Nanyu City, the materials that can be selected every month must be of high quality, so special personnel are needed to deliver them.

The two brothers seem to be relatively honest, and they need a way to make money now.

Now that I have no funds and no goods in hand, even if I go back to my own store in Binzhou, it is impossible to have any business.

"That's natural. If Boss He really asks us to do it, we two brothers will definitely do our best!"

Luo Gang immediately stood up, looked at He Jincheng seriously and said.

"That's right, if the goods are really damaged, then our wages will be deducted!"

Luo Yong also said.

"Okay, Qiangzi may hand over more to you in the future, and then you just listen to Qiangzi's arrangement!"

He Jincheng smiled and nodded, and then asked Gao Ziqiang to advance 500 yuan to the two of them.

"This 500 yuan is considered as an advance payment for the first month's expenses. It should be about the same. Starting next month, we will pay you wages at the end of each month!"

Seeing that He Jincheng was so generous, Luo Gang and Luo Yong directly took out 500 yuan, both of them were a little dumbfounded.

"Boss He, do you trust us that much?"

Luo Gang couldn't help asking.

This is 500 yuan, not 50 yuan. There are many people who can't earn 500 yuan a year.

"Since I choose to cooperate with you, of course I will not doubt your character. Besides, 500 yuan is just a small amount of money. If you take it and run away, it can only show that I, He Jincheng, misjudged the person, so I just bought it Lesson learned!"

He Jincheng said disapprovingly.

"I'm talking about two brothers. My brother has always been generous. As long as you work hard, I believe that the 500 yuan may be doubled in a short time. How to do it is better, you can decide for yourself!"

Gao Ziqiang said with a smile.

Xin said that as expected of a big brother, this method is great.

(End of this chapter)

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