Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 280 Beauty Su Qing, the Su Family Holds a Fundraiser

Chapter 280 Beauty Su Qing, the Su Family Holds a Fundraiser
Although there is a certain risk, but the current situation of the two of them, there should be a high probability that they will not run away with money.

Moreover, as Gao Ziqiang said, if he followed He Jincheng, the 500 yuan would be nothing more than small money.

How long has it been since he came out with He Jincheng, and the balance in the passbook is already too much for him to imagine.

If the Luo brothers really ran away, it would be the biggest loss for them.

"Boss He, Boss Gao, don't worry, my brother and I have nothing else, but we still have integrity. If we take the money and run away, let us go out and be hit by a car, and have children without assholes!"

Luo Gang immediately swore.

He Jincheng smiled and waved his hands: "You don't have to be like this, I can see that you are definitely not that kind of person, I hope we can continue to cooperate for a long time, and win-win cooperation!"

"That's right, win-win cooperation!"

Several people toasted and drank one after another, and they had a very happy meal. After ten o'clock in the evening, several people were a little dizzy from drinking, and then returned to the guest house.

He Jincheng was also very tired these two days, and fell asleep as soon as he fell over.

When I woke up the next day, I found that it was already noon.

Tuk Tuk Tuk…

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Seeing that Gao Ziqiang was still sound asleep, He Jincheng got up and opened the door by himself.

"Hello, is this Mr. He Jincheng?"

Standing at the door was a long and beautiful woman with two ponytails and big eyes blinking, looking very agile.

"That's right, it's me, are you?"

He Jincheng was a little puzzled, he didn't know this beauty herself, how did she know herself.

"Hi Mr. He, my name is Su Qing, Su Qiang is my uncle, he asked me to send you the invitation letter!"

The woman called herself Su Qing, and as she spoke, she took out an invitation letter from her satchel and presented it to He Jincheng with both hands.

"Invitation letter? What invitation letter?"

He Jincheng was puzzled, but after opening the invitation and reading it, he suddenly realized.

It turned out to be an invitation letter for the Stone Gambling Conference.

Because the Su family and his wife have agreed to He Jincheng's supply, He Jincheng didn't even think about going to the Stone Gambling Conference again. It would be too much trouble if he bought materials from the Stone Gambling Conference every time he purchased goods. The Su family's couple delivered the goods directly.

"The Stone Gambling Conference is an annual grand event in Nanyu City. My uncle said that this time, Mr. He instructed us to hold a charitable donation event at the Stone Gambling Conference, so I want to invite Mr. He to have a look!"

Su Qing's smile is as comfortable as a spring breeze.

"Oh, that's it, then we can go there! Wait a moment, I'll change clothes!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly, if that's the case, it's okay to go there.

It was clearly stated on the invitation letter that the time was two o'clock in the afternoon.

After changing his clothes and talking to Gao Ziqiang, He Jincheng came downstairs.

Su Qing was standing next to a car, waiting for He Jincheng.

"Let's go!"

The two got into the car and arrived at the venue of the Stone Gambling Conference not long after.

This time, the Stone Gambling Conference was held in People's Square.

It is surrounded by fences, but the scene inside can still be seen from the outside.

Although it only started at two o'clock in the afternoon, many people have already come, including buyers and sellers.

As soon as He Jincheng got out of the car, he saw the Su family couple greet him.

"Doctor He, it's great to have you here. The dog's illness has been cured, and our husband and wife are much better now, thanks to Doctor He!"

Su Qiang lost his previous arrogance and overbearing, and turned into a very gentle look.

Miao Renlan on the side hugged the collar and nodded to He Jincheng with a smile.

"You're welcome, it's all the right thing to do. I hope you can all be kind and don't always be so impulsive and overbearing. I don't think your illness will recur in the future!"

This has another meaning, which is to warn the Su family couple that if you continue to behave like before, the disease may recur.

"Okay, okay, we must strictly follow the doctor's advice. In this Stone Gambling Conference, we temporarily added a charitable donation event. The money raised will be used to help those sick children in Nanyu City."

Su Qiang said with a smile.

"Yeah, Xiaoling got sick this time. I was very anxious and did a lot of wrong things. At the same time, I also knew how much the child's illness is a blow to the parents, so we thought, can we try our best to help the sick children? !"

Miao Renlan's arrogance was gone, and she hugged her little collar, full of maternal love and kindness.

"Very good, I think you will soon become the most famous benevolent people in Nanyu City!"

He Jincheng nodded with a smile, and at the same time felt a lot of emotion. Who would have thought that these two were the most overbearing rich men in Nanyu City a few days ago?

He would cut off people's fingers at every turn, and there were not many people like this outside.

This change took He Jincheng a little by surprise.

"Hahaha, let's stop standing outside and invite Dr. He to go in. The charity fundraising event will start soon!"

Su Qiang smiled and won He Jincheng in.

Soon, this charity fundraising event began.

There are quite a lot of people who participated, but because many people know Su Qiang and his wife very well, they have great doubts about this charity fundraising activity.

"These two are trying to make money. If the money is donated to them, it will really be their money!"

"That's right, the Su family is the only one, who dares to provoke them in Nanyu City except the officials!"

"I see, this time it's just a gimmick, and the Su family just wants to clean it up! Bah, we don't want to donate anything!"

Many people were full of doubts, and even secretly speculated about the real purpose of the Su family's fundraising activity.

After all, Su Qiang has been in the business world for more than ten years, and he has never seen any scenes, so of course he expected such a situation to happen.

However, he was also prepared.

He walked up to the stage, picked up the microphone, and said with a gentle face: "Everyone, please be quiet. I can understand everyone's views on our Su family. In the past, our Su family was really too domineering. I'll be here first. I apologize to everyone! I'm sorry everyone!"

After finishing speaking, Su Qiang actually bowed a [-]-degree bow, causing an uproar in the audience.

Just kidding, the Patriarch of the Su family, who wanted to be arrogant and domineering, actually bowed and apologized in front of so many people, this is simply an anecdote through the ages!

"Whether you believe it or not, I have invited the city lord to host this fundraising event. At the same time, all the donations raised in this event will be handed over to the official operation. Our Su family will never touch a penny! "

Su Qiang straightened up and spoke again.

(End of this chapter)

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