Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 281 The VIP box, the Su family is really kind

Chapter 281 The VIP box, the Su family is really kind
The crowd at the scene suddenly let out bursts of surprise.

The reputation of the city lord is still very good, but because the Su family controls 80.00% of the property in Nanyu City, his right to speak in Nanyu City is not great.

Unexpectedly, Su Qiang would hand over all the donations to the city lord for operation, which is very convincing.

"That's right, Mr. Su contacted me two days ago, and hoped that I could manage the fundraising for this time. At the same time, we are willing to set up an official children's foundation. All expenses will be disclosed to the public. Fang's supervision!"

The owner of the city is a middle-aged man in his 40s, wearing black-rimmed glasses, with a kind face and a sense of intimacy.

His name is Liu Feng, and he has been the city lord of Nanyu City for three years. He is honest and fair, and has gained a lot of benefits for the people of Nanyu City.

If there is no mountain like the Su family, maybe Nanyu City will be even better.

Su Qiang's move seems to be showing favor to Liu Feng.

This is a great thing. If the Su family can be more tolerant and willing to take the initiative to accept official supervision and management, it will greatly change the current situation in Nanyu City.

"After the fundraising activities, we will also elect the management representative of UNICEF on the spot, and we will elect from among the fundraisers, regardless of the amount! Of course, as a management representative, we can only receive the minimum salary of our Nanyu City every month Standard remuneration, if everyone thinks this is a popular position, I think it’s better to give up this idea this morning!”

Liu Feng continued.

This is also what he and Su Qiang discussed two days ago.

If you want to make a charitable fund, then you should do it thoroughly, it is completely a public welfare fund.

"Okay, City Lord Liu and President Su are both so supportive, so of course we can't be stingy. How about this, I'm willing to donate 1 yuan!"

someone said loudly.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they all opened their mouths to solicit donations.

This matter may not directly bring them any benefits.

But if the city lord and the Su family personally lead the matter, if they don't give them face, it will be difficult to hang out in Nanyu City in the future!

For a while, many people announced that they would donate money, some [-] to [-] to [-], and some to [-] to [-], because the atmosphere was more enthusiastic, and even some people who were not bosses took out some money and donated it.

The entire fundraising activity lasted for an hour, and 60 in cash was raised, as well as other materials worth almost 20.

The owner of the city, Liu Feng, was taken aback. He donated his three months' salary, but it was less than 1000 yuan.

However, the result of the fundraising, so that he didn't know what to say, it was too unexpected.

Of course, He Jincheng would not miss it, donating neither too much nor too little, and took out 2000 yuan.

"Thank you very much for your generous donations. On behalf of the sick children in the city, I would like to express my gratitude to you! I believe that Nanyu City will get better and better with your help..."

Liu Feng made a concluding speech at the end, with an excited and enthusiastic tone, as if he saw the picture of the prosperous development of this city in the future.

The next step was the election of the fund manager. He Jincheng did not participate. He took Gao Ziqiang to the rest area on the side, took some food and sat there chatting, waiting for the election to end.

"Brother, I really admire you. When we went to the Su family last time, the Su family couple had their noses growing on their heads. That was arrogance, as if nothing in the world was seen by them. , it turned out that it has only been a few days, and he has become a great benevolent person!"

Gao Ziqiang said excitedly.

He also inquired about it. Those doctors who had their fingers chopped off by Miao Renlan were all compensated, and the amount of compensation was not small. It seemed that the Su family really regretted it.

"If they are still so rich and ruthless, they will be the ones who will be unlucky in the end, so it's good to do some good deeds on weekdays, at least they won't suffer retribution!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Even the Su family and his wife wouldn't dare to make fun of their lives.

After waiting for about 15 minutes, the election was completed. As for who will be the manager of the fund, He Jincheng has no interest.

The opening ceremony of the Stone Gambling Conference continued for a while, and finally He Jincheng and Gao Ziqiang were brought to a box by Su Qing.

"Mr. He, this is our VIP box. You can see the entire venue. At the final auction, you can also bid in this box!"

Su Qing is like a maid today, following He Jincheng doing all kinds of things like serving tea, pouring water, leading the way and explaining.

"Miss Su, you are too polite. Why do we two elders need you to take care of us? Why don't you go to work first?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

He really wasn't used to being served by beautiful women.

"Mr. Xihe, don't mind, my uncle asked me to stay with you today, so that if you need anything, I can solve it for you as soon as possible!"

Su Qing said with a smile, her face was not tired at all, but she was worried that He Jincheng would drive her away.

"Brother, what's wrong with being accompanied by a beautiful woman? In my opinion, let Miss Su stay!"

Gao Ziqiang thought it was pretty good.

In such a big life, I have seen many beautiful women, but this is the first time that I am served by a beautiful woman.

Moreover, Su Qing looks really good-looking, and Gao Ziqiang is really tempted.

It's a pity that this beauty's attention was all on He Jincheng from the beginning, and she didn't even look at Gao Ziqiang, which shocked him a little.

"Okay, Miss Su, please go ahead!"

He Jincheng smiled and spread his hands.

The two drank some tea in the box and saw that many rough stone booths were basically open at the venue, so they decided to go down and have a look. It would be a good thing if they could buy some good materials.

Su Qing obediently followed behind He Jincheng, and it seemed that he really wanted to accompany He Jincheng to finish the stone betting meeting.

When I went out, I met Su Qiang and Miao Renlan, who were happily chatting with the city lord Liu Feng.

"Master Liu, let me introduce you. This is the savior of our Su family, Dr. He Jincheng, the genius doctor!"

When Su Qiang saw He Jincheng, he immediately recommended him to Liu Feng.

"Oh? Dr. He is so young, but his medical skills are not a national level. It's really admirable!"

Liu Feng also learned that the Su family was able to take the initiative to find him to cooperate this time, and this Dr. He played a lot of roles in it, and he was very surprised when he saw that He Jincheng was so young.

"City Master Liu has won the prize. How can my meager medical skills be compared with the national players!"

He Jincheng quickly waved his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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