Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 282 Merchants of Mian Country, He Jincheng Bet on Stones

Chapter 282 Merchants of Mian Country, He Jincheng Bet on Stones
"Hahaha, Dr. He is too modest. I heard that you cured Mr. Su's son's strange disease, and you also discovered the hidden disease of Mr. Su and Mrs. Su. If I also get sick in the future, maybe I still want to ask Dr. He to take action!"

Liu Feng laughed out loud, and he spoke highly of He Jincheng.

"City Master Liu looks very good. Apart from being a little exhausted on weekdays, there is nothing wrong with him. You just need to pay attention to rest!"

He Jincheng also said some polite words.

The city lord has a good reputation, and of course He Jincheng will not lose face.

"Hahaha, Doctor He, how much do you know about this rough jadeite? We know that your medical skills are miraculous, but we don't know what your vision is about betting on stones?"

Su Qiang laughed.

He knew that He Jincheng was in the jade business, so he must know something about it, so he asked.

"My vision for gambling with stones is definitely not as good as Mr. Su's. I'm just looking around casually! I won't bother you!"

He Jincheng waved his hand, and after exchanging a few pleasantries, he went down to the venue to see if there was any good stuff.

After turning around below, He Jincheng not only sighed, it is worthy of being a city rich in jade, and the level of this stone gambling conference is far higher than the one he participated in in Nandu.

Just turning around like this, he found a lot of good materials, but because he didn't check them carefully one by one, he was not sure yet.

"Brother, how are you doing, is there anything good?"

Gao Ziqiang asked with a smile.

"Yes, and there are quite a few, let's take our time!"

He Jincheng nodded, feeling very happy in his heart.

The Su family really spent a lot of money in this stone gambling meeting, and all the materials they brought in were good materials.

"If Mr. He takes a fancy to any rough stone, you can tell me, our Su family will help Mr. He buy it!"

Su Qing said quickly.

This is what Su Qiang has ordered before, as long as He Jincheng doesn't buy too much, the Su family can afford it.

"Then no need, just get a discount!"

He Jincheng waved his hand. He must have bought a lot. If the Su family had to bear all of it, they wouldn't have to vomit blood directly.

But it would be nice to have a little discount.

"This is our Su family's discount card. With this card, you can enjoy a [-]% discount at any store in the entire Nanyu City, or at a regular stone dealer!"

Su Qing took out a black card and handed it to He Jincheng respectfully.

"Oh, there is such a good thing, then I will not be polite!"

He Jincheng's eyes lit up, [-]% discount is not too much for this business, so of course he has to accept it.

Holding the discount card, He Jincheng started buying rough stones.

The materials he picked were basically not expensive but had a high possibility of greening.

In less than half an hour, I bought more than a dozen yuan, and spent a total of 8000 to [-] yuan. After using the discount card, there was still [-] yuan left, which made He Jincheng very satisfied.

"Hey, this piece of material is interesting!"

He Jincheng saw a strange-looking rough stone in front of an unremarkable booth, so he knelt down to take a look.

"Hehe, you Huaxia people are really stupid and have a lot of money. You spent so much money and bought a bunch of junk!"

At this moment, a somewhat jerky but arrogant voice came from behind He Jincheng.

He Jincheng frowned slightly, turned his head and looked over, feeling a little surprised.

The three people behind them look no different from Chinese people, but they are definitely foreigners in their clothes, not to mention their particularly obvious accent.

"Are you from the cotton country?"

He Jincheng asked.

Mian Country is handed over to Huaxia, and it is rich in jadeite. It is the largest supplier of jadeite in the country. It can be said that in terms of jadeite, the domestic quality is indeed not as good as that of Mian Country.

"That's right, our cotton country is the country of emeralds. I wanted to see what's good about the so-called stone gambling conference held by you in Huaxia. I didn't expect that most of the stones here are shipped from us. Really What a disappointment, a pile of rubbish!"

The leader was tall and thin, with a face full of contempt and mockery.

"Really? Is it true that your cotton country is full of imperial green? Then why are you still so poor?"

He Jincheng laughed.

Xin said that this small country, when will it dare to be so confident in Huaxia?
"Hmph, what I'm talking about now is emerald, not rich and poor. Don't you admit that your Huaxia is no match for our cotton country in terms of emerald?"

The tall and thin man suddenly said displeased.

"It's nothing like that. Although we don't mine much raw jadeite, the entire jadeite market is supported by us Chinese people. If Chinese people don't like jadeite, I think the treasure in your eyes will become a treasure." Pile up the stones!"

He Jincheng spread his hands and said with a smile.

" are so eloquent, if that's the case, do you dare to bet with me?"

The tall and thin man was immediately outraged, pointed at He Jincheng and said angrily.

"What are you gambling?"

He Jincheng said indifferently.

"I brought ten rough stones here, and only three of them have green color. Just bet on whether you can find three green stones among the ten rough stones. The grades above are considered green, and the others are not counted, do you understand?"

The tall and thin man said lightly.

"Oh, is it that simple? What if I win?"

He Jincheng smiled.

"If you win, I will give you all the ten rough stones I brought. If you lose, you will give me 100 million. How about it? Do you dare to bet?"

The tall and thin man said coldly.

"Just you broken rocks, the most you can do is 50 yuan, you're going to open your mouth like a lion!"

He Jincheng shook his head slightly.

The tall and thin man was startled, did this man just guess?Or did he really see the price of the rough stone he brought?
Just as He Jincheng said, the total value of his ten rough stones cannot exceed 50 at the highest.

He originally wanted to use this to cheat money, but seeing that He Jincheng bought a lot of them in one go, they were all rough-looking rough stones, so they thought He Jincheng was a fool with a lot of money.

"Hehe, are you afraid?"

The tall and thin man wanted to test He Jincheng's depth.

"Afraid? I don't have the word fear in my dictionary. Well, I'll bet you 100 million, but don't go home crying when the time comes!"

He Jincheng had a playful and provocative look on his face.

"Hmph, let's talk after you win first, I've got 100 million ready for you!"

The tall and thin man snorted coldly. He was sure that He Jincheng had guessed just now. It was just good luck.

(End of this chapter)

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