Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 283 Wu Gang made trouble, He Jincheng felt strange

Chapter 283 Wu Gang made trouble, He Jincheng felt strange

In the VIP box on the second floor, Su Qiang, his wife and Liu Feng were sitting and chatting inside.

For the first cooperation between the two parties, many things need to be carefully discussed, especially the future cooperation. Perhaps this is the beginning of changing the entire pattern of Nanyu City.

"Hey, isn't that Dr. He, it seems that someone is watching!"

Miao Renlan glanced down, just in time to see a few Mian people arguing with He Jincheng about what to write.

"It's this Wu Gang again, making trouble every time!"

When Su Qiang saw the tall and thin cotton native, his expression suddenly turned ugly.

People in Mian country only have a first name but no surname. This Wu Gang’s Wu does not mean that his surname is Wu. Wu in Mian country represents a person with a certain social status. It was his name just now.

This is very different from Huaxia's surname.

It's just that many people in the country don't understand this aspect, so they think that Wu Gang in Mianguo has the surname Wu.

This Wu Gang is also an old rival with Su Qiang.

The two had worked together for a period of time before, but later found that Wu Gang was not a good character, and he always thought of shady others when doing things, so Su Qiang stopped cooperating with him later.

As a result, Wu Gang held a grudge. Every time Nanyu City held a stone gambling meeting, he would come to make trouble, and he would not stop until something happened.

Su Qiang said one thing in Nanyu City, but it was still difficult to deal with Wu Gang, a native of Mian.

Leaving aside the fact that the identity of the Mian people is here, if they really do something, it will inevitably cause more troublesome things.

What's more, Wu Gang is not an ordinary person, and his influence in Mian Country is no weaker than that of Su Qiang.

It's just that Wu Gang unexpectedly found trouble with He Jincheng.

"Doctor He seems to know something about gambling stones, so he probably won't let that Wu Gang bully him!"

Miao Renlan said in a deep voice.

Su Qiang's expression was ugly. Wu Gang's stone betting skills were better than the most powerful stone betting master in Nanyu City.

Whoever is targeted by him will definitely not end well, and will often lose all his wealth.

Although He Jincheng is also in the jade business, he is only a businessman after all, and he is also a genius doctor. How much can he know about gambling stones, even if he knows it?
"Send someone to take a look, don't let Dr. He suffer too much!"

Su Qiang said in a deep voice.

In his opinion, facing Wu Gang, He Jincheng had no chance of winning at all.

All that can be done now is for someone to remind He Jincheng not to be too impulsive.

"I think this Dr. He is a bit unfathomable. You can see that his expression is natural, without any sign of fear. Maybe he is really a hidden stone gambler!"

Liu Feng spoke, but he was optimistic about He Jincheng.

Although he also knew that Wu Gang was a difficult person, but for some reason, he just felt that He Jincheng was not that simple.

"Hey, City Lord Liu, you still don't want to understand Wu Gang. This man is very difficult to deal with. If it is compared to medical skills, Dr. He can beat that kid by ten blocks, but if it is compared to gambling with stones..."

Su Qiang didn't continue talking, but just shook his head, feeling very helpless.

Soon, someone found Su Qing and conveyed Su Qiang's meaning to her.

"I know, you go down first!"

After Su Qing heard the letter, her expression was also very ugly. She walked to He Jincheng's side and briefly introduced this Wu Gang.

"Oh, so your name is Wu Gang. I heard that you are a master stone gambler. It seems that today I am riding a tiger!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly, and didn't feel any pressure because of Wu Gang's identity.

"Hehe, it seems that you know who I am. If you don't have any confidence, you can admit defeat now. I can consider leaving you a few dollars for the taxi fare!"

Wu Gang chuckled, his face full of contempt.

In Nanyu City, there is really no one who can beat himself in betting on stones.

"Oh, then I have to thank you? But, if I win later, I can also give you ten yuan for taxi fare!"

He Jincheng laughed, with a look of disapproval.

"Don't use your tongue, if you want to continue gambling, then start!"

Wu Gang frowned slightly, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This kid, you really don't know how to live or die, I'll make you cry and beg me later!

"Okay, let's get started!"

He Jincheng smiled faintly, then walked to the side of the ten rough stones brought by Wu Gang, looked at them one by one, and examined them carefully.

Wu Gang sneered in his heart.

These ten rough stones are all specially processed, and there are indeed three pieces of ice jade inside, but the other rough stones, after processing, look similar from the outside, even the old experts who specialize in rough stones. Must be able to tell.

Not to mention that He Jincheng looks like he is only in his early twenties, just a young boy, what kind of stone gambling skills can he know?
Ten minutes later, He Jincheng selected five rough stones and put them together.

Wu Gang frowned, thinking that he underestimated He Jincheng. Among the five rough stones, three of them were really ice jadeites, and they were picked out by this guy at once. Could it be that this kid is Are you pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?
Impossible, it must be a coincidence.

With his own technology of forging rough stones, even those so-called experts couldn't figure it out within 10 minutes.

Moreover, He Jincheng chose five yuan, and still needs to take away two yuan. As long as one of them is not guessed correctly, he will still lose.

Thinking of this, the last trace of tension in my heart dissipated.

He saw He Jincheng pat the five rough stones back and forth, and carefully checked them again.

"How about it, have you picked it?"

Wu Gang said with a sneer.

"Okay, this one, this one and this one, let's have three!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly.

Wu Gang was overjoyed immediately. Judging from the serial number, there was a piece of jadeite that was not of ice type, and he was very confident in this point.

"Are you sure? If you're sure, you can't change it."

Wu Gang deliberately said that he wanted to disturb He Jincheng's choice.

"It's determined, just these three yuan!"

He Jincheng nodded and smiled.

"Hahaha, okay, let's verify now!"

Wu Gang laughed and said, and then asked someone to push the three rough stones together on a small cart to the place where the stones are understood.

"Mr. He, are you sure?"

Su Qing asked anxiously.

Among the three rough stones, two of them still look very good.

But the remaining piece, in Su Qing's view, has a very small chance of being green!
"Hey, that's really strange. Didn't you say there are only three pieces of ice, why do I think it should be five pieces?"

He Jincheng sighed, as if he missed something great, very regretful.

(End of this chapter)

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