Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 285 Sky-high priced jadeite, 1 checks in hand

Chapter 285 Sky-high priced jadeite, 100 checks in hand
The expression on Wu Gang's face was immediately wonderful.

This piece of stone, which he judged to be a waste rock, actually turned green.

And judging from the quality of this green, it is at least an ice species, and it is very likely to surpass the ice species. Is it really imperial green?
Under the shocked eyes of everyone, the stone was finally completely cut out.

An emerald the size of a pigeon egg suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Emerald green to the extreme, clear without any impurities.

Emperor green no doubt!

"Oh my god, it's really Emperor Green, today's stone betting meeting is not in vain!"

"The quality of this piece of material is very high, and the shape is also very good. It can be made into a pendant with a little processing. It's a pity that it's a bit small. Otherwise, the value can be multiplied several times!"

"It's amazing. This is the first time I've seen Emperor Green. Who knows how to estimate the price!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and some even wanted someone to estimate the price.

"I saw a completed pendant at an auction before. It was also about the same size as this emerald. 50!"

Someone offered a price, which immediately caused a commotion.

30, this is a sky-high price.

More importantly, if ordinary people get this rough stone, they will definitely cut it in half and throw it away as waste.

But He Jincheng is different, as if he knows that there is really something in it, it's really jaw-dropping!

"Let me tell you, it's not certain who will have the last laugh!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

"You... You cheated. This stone cannot be green. I have checked it before. How is it possible? You must have colluded with the master who cut the stone. After cutting it, just take out an emperor green!"

Wu Gang was very angry, and he was even more unwilling to admit that He Jincheng had won.

If he loses, it will be 100 million. Even he is bleeding heavily.

"You really know how to joke, this stone is yours, and there are so many people around watching, why don't you come to perform and not be found stealing the material? Is a piece of imperial green so easy to hide?"

He Jinsheng sneered and said.

"Or are you saying that these stones of yours have already been inspected in the first place, and you deliberately let me choose them, specifically to trick us?"

Everyone is not a fool, and this Wu Gang has been here several times before, so he understands this person's character to some extent. Hearing what He Jincheng said, everyone condemned with righteous indignation.

"Is it shameful to lose, this is Huaxia, not your cotton country!"

"Hmph, you're the kind of person who is still in the jade business. I don't think anyone would dare to do this business with you. He has no integrity at all, and he has the face to say that he is cheating!"

"This guy comes here every year, but he cheated a lot of people before, everyone remember!"

For a while, Wu Gang was submerged in waves of condemnation.

"You... You are bullying me, a foreigner, because of the number of people, right? Okay, okay, I admit it today, don't talk nonsense with you, let's go!"

Wu Gang was so angry that he didn't expect to fall into the hands of a brat today, what a shame and humiliation!

"Boss Wu, you're leaving so soon, why don't you sit down?"

At this time, Su Qiang walked over with a smile.

How could he miss such a good show?

"Boss Su, what do you mean? Come and see my joke?"

Wu Gang said with a gloomy face.

He had a grudge with Su Qiang, but now that he was in the hands of a young man, Su Qiang ran out to see his own joke.

"No, no, Boss Wu misunderstood me. How could I come to see you as a joke, but I just remembered that your bet seemed to be 100 million. Boss Wu wanted to leave without paying. This is too dishonest. .”

Su Qiang said the first half of the sentence more politely, but in the second half of the sentence, when the painting style changed, there was a bit of playfulness on his face.


Wu Gang was so angry that he originally wanted to get away with it, so he turned his head and left. Anyway, after he returned to China, they couldn't contact him. At worst, he wouldn't come to this board meeting in the future.

Unexpectedly, the bastard Su Qiang was staring at him all the time, and immediately ran out to stop him if he wanted to leave.

After all, this is Su Qiang's territory. If he wanted to keep people like himself, it would be very easy.

He Jincheng didn't even think about this matter at first, and the ten pieces of material are not bad, and the total value can be four to five million yuan.

Unexpectedly, Su Qiang seemed to have some grievances with this Wu Gang, so he also ran out to join in the fun.

"That's right, just now this kid made a bet with this young man, the bet was 100 million, we heard it clearly, everyone said it right?"

Someone shouted loudly, not wanting Wu Gang to leave so cheaply.

100 million is simply an astronomical figure for ordinary people, and it is not a small sum for a big boss like Wu Gang.

"Boss Wu, you have also heard that everyone is a witness to your previous bet. If you are allowed to leave like this, who will come to my stone gambling field in the future? If you do not fulfill the bet, it is because you want me to If there is no business to do in the future, since this is the case, it is impossible for me to let you leave."

Su Qiang spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Su Qiang, don't go too far in life. Feng Shui turns around, don't you find a way out for yourself? It won't do you any good if you get stuck with me."

Wu Gang said with a gloomy and cold face.

"That's right, feng shui takes turns. Before I came to my house today, the feng shui has been transferred to yours several times. I should have some good luck!"

Su Qiang smiled proudly: "Boss Wu, such a big boss like you cares about such a small amount of money. I don't think you will have to mess around in this jade industry anymore. Go home and buy a few thousand acres of land for farming. OK."

Su Qiang's words immediately elicited bursts of laughter.

Wu Gang's old face was so gloomy that it seemed as if water could drip from it.

He knew that if he didn't pay the 100 million today, he would definitely not be able to leave, and he would become a laughing stock in the industry.

After weighing it in my heart, 100 million is definitely not worth mentioning compared to my own career.

Besides, the situation is pressing now, and there is no chance for him to renege on his debts.

"Okay, you're ruthless. Boss Su remembers what happened today. Sooner or later, I will let you double the repayment."

Wu Gang gritted his teeth and said, then took out a check book from his pocket, and wrote a check for 100 million.

Su Qiang took the check and confirmed the information on it. After it was accurate, he handed it over to He Jincheng.

"Doctor He, this is your hard-earned money, you must exchange it today!"

Su Qiang reminded with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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