Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 286 Unspeakable Concealment, Isn't It Just Athlete's Foot

Chapter 286 Unspeakable Concealment, Isn't It Just Athlete's Foot
"Hahaha, this is the mind of the big boss. Boss Wu, don't be angry. Betting on stones is all about luck. Come back next time, maybe you can win back with profit."

Su Qiang laughed out loud, feeling extremely happy in his heart, he finally dealt with this Wu Gang severely today.

"Hmph, I'll wait."

Wu Gang snorted coldly, and after saying a harsh word, he led the people away in a despondent manner.

Looking at the check in his hand, He Jincheng was not only a little overjoyed.

One million in the 80s is definitely not a small number.

With this money, I can indeed do a lot of things.

Gao Ziqiang next to him was even more excited.

The little girl Su Qing was even more stunned, beyond shock.

At first, neither of them was very optimistic about He Jincheng, and they also felt that He Jincheng was a little impulsive. If they bet with that Wu Gang, they would lose in all likelihood.

100 million, if He Jincheng loses, even if he sells all his belongings, it is impossible to get together 100 million.

It's just that this result really surprised them. Up to now, it still feels like a dream.

"Brother is really 100 million, let me see, I have never seen a check for 100 million before."

Gao Ziqiang walked up to He Jincheng excitedly, took the 100 million check in his hand, and counted the zeros one by one.

After confirming that it was 100 million, Gao Ziqiang's hands were shaking with excitement, as if he had something extremely heavy in his hands.

"You keep the check. After the conference is over, let's go to the bank to exchange it and deposit it in the passbook."

He Jincheng smiled and nodded.

This check has a deadline. If you don't withdraw it today, you can't use it tomorrow.

This was also done on purpose by Wu Gang. His intention was to make He Jincheng not pay attention to the redemption date above. As long as it expired, his 100 million check would be equivalent to a piece of waste paper, worthless.

It's just that he didn't expect that Su Qiang would verify the check himself.

This completely bankrupted the small thought in Wu Gang's heart.

"Congratulations, Dr. He, but in the blink of an eye, he earned 100 million yuan, and the remaining rough jadeite stones are worth a lot in my opinion."

Su Qiang congratulated He Jincheng with a smile.

"Boss Su, you're being polite. I'm just making a fuss. Compared to you top giants, I'm still far behind."

He Jincheng waved his hand and said very modestly.

"Hahaha, Dr. He is not only superb in medical skills, but also in stone gambling skills. I really doubt that there is anything in this world that you can't do."

Liu Feng was also able to walk over, and cupped his hands towards He Jincheng, his face full of appreciation.

"City Master Liu, don't bully me anymore, it's just a coincidence."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Doctor He has made a lot of money today. Why don't I treat you to dinner and have a drink together to celebrate?"

Su Qiang opened his mouth to suggest.

"I have no opinion. What do you think, Dr. He?"

Liu Feng nodded slightly, feeling that this matter really needs to be celebrated.

More importantly, he has already seen that this He Jincheng is definitely a talent.

Not only is his medical skill superb, but his stone gambling skills are also superb. There is absolutely no harm in applauding such a person, and he may even count on others to save him at a critical moment.

It's just a pity, why didn't I meet He Jincheng earlier, in this case He Jincheng could really help me a little.

Some time ago, one of my old leaders was seriously ill, and he invited many doctors to treat him, but the results were not satisfactory.

Later, it was really unbearable, and the old leader died of illness.

If he knew He Jincheng at that time, he would definitely be able to invite He Jincheng to treat the old leader.

Judging from He Jincheng's medical skills, he can definitely achieve good results. Even if he can't completely cure the old leader's illness, he can always relieve him for a few days.

But it's too late to say anything now, all you can do is try to build a good relationship with He Jincheng, maybe you can invite him again in the future.

"Since everyone is going, won't it be too maverick if I don't go?"

He Jincheng said with a wry smile, he had to go if he didn't go to the meal, he had to go, and he had to pay for it himself.

When Gao Zhiqiang and Su Qing asked someone to pack up He Jincheng's trip just now, after the raw materials were brought, they left the venue of the city meeting and came to a hot pot restaurant next door, ready to have a meal.

This hotpot restaurant is called Chaoniu Hotpot Restaurant, which specializes in beef hotpot.

The decoration of the store is in Chinese style, especially the inside of the box is more refined and elegant.

Only three people came to eat.

Liu Feng, Su Qiang, and He Jincheng.

He Jincheng thought to himself, it seems that the two of them really have something to tell him today, but they just don't know what it will be.

After drinking for three rounds, Liu Feng looked at He Jincheng, hesitant to speak.

"City Master Liu seems to have something to tell me. There are no outsiders here, so why not just say it?"

He Jincheng said with a small smile.

"Haha, it's really nothing, it's just that there is an unspeakable secret in my body that has troubled me for decades, and I don't know what to do. Why don't you help me take a look at it while Dr. He is here?"

Liu Feng said with a wry smile.

"Unspeakable secrets? Mayor Liu, could it be that your... has a problem?"

Su Qiang on the side couldn't help asking.

But as soon as he said this, Su Qiang regretted it a little.

There is no such thing as exposing someone's shortcomings face to face.

Sure enough, Liu Feng's face became a little ugly.

It may be because of drinking, that's why he talked about his unspeakable secrets on this mountain.

Originally, he didn't tell him this sentence even when his relationship with the Speed ​​Gun Four was not bad.

"Hahahaha, City Lord Liu really knows how to joke, isn't it just athlete's foot? Why is it such an unspeakable secret?"

In fact, He Jincheng discovered early in the morning that there seemed to be a small problem with Liu Feng.

Then after observing it so closely, it was found that there was indeed a problem.

Although this kind of disease is somewhat biased, Zhao Dabao can be cured, and there is a great possibility of it being cured.

"Damn, it's athlete's foot. Old Liu, you are a real person, and you even made an unspeakable secret. I thought it was that or something!"

Su Qiang was slightly taken aback, and then burst out laughing.

Several people came and went, and the relationship has improved a lot, and the names of each other have become closer.

"Isn't it just my athlete's foot? It's been more than ten years, and it can't be cured. People are not exhausted by work, but they will die of athlete's foot!"

Liu Feng said dumbfoundedly.

(End of this chapter)

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