Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 287 Difference between Chinese and Western, ready to open a branch

Chapter 287 Difference between Chinese and Western, ready to open a branch

In Western medicine, beriberi is a skin disease caused by dermatophytes.

And on the traditional Chinese medicine, beriberi is mainly divided into dry beriberi and wet beriberi.

Dry beriberi is a disease caused by internal heat, damp heat, and wind toxins. Generally, the feet and knees are not swollen, but there are discomfort symptoms such as weakness, numbness, and soreness in the shins.

Wet beriberi is caused by the invasion of water-damp pathogens and blockage of meridians. At this time, there will be discomfort symptoms such as swelling, pain, numbness of feet and shins, and difficulty in urinating.

Therefore, the disease of beriberi, in everyone's inertial thinking, may not be a very serious disease, at most it is severe itching of the feet, but it is not the case.

Severe athlete's foot can cause many problems.

Moreover, the treatment object of Chinese medicine is the whole person, not the treatment of headaches and feet. Often when judging a disease, other aspects of the body need to be considered, and this is also necessary when treating a disease.

A simple analogy, now the most common cardiovascular disease, which is what we often call heart disease, when the cardiovascular blockage reaches more than 70.00%, doctors often recommend stent surgery, and when it reaches more than 90.00%, it is recommended Perform bypass surgery.

Whether it is a stent or a bridge, it will bring some inconvenience in the later life of the patient.

The stent needs to be taken continuously to prevent the occurrence of blood clots, and the validity period of the bypass surgery is generally about ten years. Basically, even if it is well maintained, the blood vessels will still be blocked after ten years.

However, traditional Chinese medicine does not focus on the treatment of blood vessels in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, but focuses on blood.

Because often the occurrence of myocardial infarction is due to the occurrence of blood clots, and the cause of thrombosis is also because the blood lipids or other elements in the blood are too high.

The best way is actually to lower blood sugar and blood lipids.

The hematopoietic organ is mainly the spleen and liver, so traditional Chinese medicine treats cardiovascular diseases by prescribing some prescriptions to promote the normal function of the spleen and liver.

Of course, this is not to say that Western medicine is not good, but the interventional therapy of Western medicine is relatively simple and direct, but it will also bring great inconvenience to future life.

If a myocardial infarction occurs, after the stent is done, Chinese medicine can be used to restore the hematopoietic quality of the spleen and liver, and reduce blood lipids and blood sugar. In this way, it can greatly reduce the reocclusion of the cardiovascular system in the later stage.

This is just a simple example to show the differences in the treatment methods and concepts of Chinese and Western medicine for the same disease.

There is no meaning of good or bad.

Turn around and talk about beriberi.

For dry beriberi, traditional Chinese medicine can be used to treat stagnation and warming, and to clear heat; for wet beriberi, traditional Chinese medicine can be used for syndrome differentiation treatment of clearing heat and dampness, warming yang and dispelling cold, detoxifying and killing insects, relieving itching and relieving pain; you can also choose salt ginger water , White vinegar, white radish water, pepper salt water, soybean water and other traditional Chinese medicine remedies for foot bathing can all have good results.

"City Master Liu, if I guessed correctly, you should have worked in a northern city before!"

He Jincheng looked at Liu Feng with a smile and said.

"That's right, Doctor He can tell fortunes, can you guess all of this?"

Liu Feng nodded slightly, with a bit of surprise on his face.

"Haha, I can see it from your beriberi. Your beriberi is because you are not used to the humid weather. If you were in the south from the beginning, you will not be unaccustomed. That's why I concluded that you were working in the north before." of!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"That's right. I was born in the north and worked there for ten years. Later, I was transferred and worked in the south for more than ten years. Now that I think about it, it wasn't long after I came to the south that I got this. What an annoying beriberi!"

Liu Feng patted his thigh and said.

"This is a common disease. Because it is too humid, your foot meridians are not smooth. When you are fine, you can soak your feet in salt and ginger water. If you persist for a month, you will definitely get better! In addition, I will give you another prescription , if beriberi is committed, use the medicine prescribed by this prescription, and it will immediately relieve the itching!"

He Jincheng smiled and wrote down a prescription, and handed it to Liu Feng.

The disease of beriberi cannot be cured all at once, and He Jincheng's treatment method is definitely the best.

Of course Liu Feng took the prescription very happily, and at the same time he wrote down the matter of washing his feet with ginger salt water, and he will follow this method immediately when he returns home tonight.

"Thank you, Dr. He, it seems that the unspeakable secret that has plagued me for more than ten years can finally be cured!"

Liu Feng laughed loudly.

"Then I want to congratulate City Lord Liu! Come on, let's cure City Lord Liu's athlete's foot, let's have a toast!"

Su Qiang raised his wine glass and said with a smile.

He Jincheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Isn't this reason a bit over the top?

The three chatted a lot, until the evening before they dispersed.

He Jincheng returned to the guest house a little drunk, fell asleep after taking a shower.

The next day, He Jincheng got up late instead.

Gao Ziqiang brought He Jincheng breakfast, and after putting it down, he asked excitedly, "Brother, when shall we go back?"

"Oh, you want to go back? In such a hurry?"

He Jincheng picked up a bun, took a bite, and said with a smile.

"Of course, our goods are all ready this time, and we have made so much money, of course we have to go back and enjoy it!"

Gao Ziqiang said happily.

He was very excited when he thought of the huge sum of 100 million.

He Jincheng is not a person who treats his brother badly. For the 100 million, no matter what, he has to give himself [-] to [-].

"Okay, have you arranged everything about the cargo?"

He Jincheng had handed over this matter to Gao Ziqiang to connect with the two brothers of the Luo family.

"It's all arranged. I asked the Luo family brothers to book the train, but it will take two days to load the goods. At that time, they will follow the train and send the goods to Nandu together, and then I will go to receive the goods! "

Gao Ziqiang nodded and said.

"Well, okay, we accidentally made a million yuan yesterday, tell me what you think, what do you want to use it for?"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Hey, I don't want anything else, I just want to open another store, dedicated to the jade business, what do you think?"

Gao Ziqiang waited for He Jincheng to say about the 100 million, and immediately expressed his thoughts.

Shanbaozhai started out as a literary play, and jade is a luxury item, and there are ready-made high-quality sources. If you don't open a store that specializes in selling jewelry, you are really sorry for such a good source.

"I agree with your idea. I'll give you 50 yuan. You can do what you want. If you don't have enough money, just ask me for it. If you have more money, you can keep it for yourself!"

He Jincheng nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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