Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 289 Ye Qingmeng was also pissed off by not following the rules

Chapter 289 Ye Qingmeng was also pissed off by not following the rules
Ye Qingmeng said not to spend so much money, but she was quite happy in her heart.

As a woman, who doesn't like to dress up beautifully, and this woolen coat is indeed more beautiful. Wearing it on her body, the whole person's temperament has been improved a lot.

"I still think it's too expensive, or forget it!"

Ye Qingmeng hesitated for a while, but still couldn't accept the price.

The waiters were all a little impatient, and the expressions on their faces became a little unsightly.

"Hey, husband, I like this dress, you can buy it for me!"

At this moment, a soft voice came.

He saw a beautiful woman in a white mink coat holding a brightly dressed middle-aged man on her arm, pointing to Ye Qingmeng's woolen coat and said.

"Okay, okay, I'll buy you whatever you like, who made you my little sweetheart?"

The middle-aged man pinched the beauty's nose and said dotingly.

"Great, husband, you love me the most!"

The beauty kissed the man's face fiercely, then walked up to Ye Qingmeng, pointed to the woolen coat on her body, and said arrogantly, "Take off your clothes, don't let me get dirty, If you can’t afford it, you still go to the department store to buy clothes, you’re a bumpkin!”

This beautiful woman looks pretty, but this mouth is extremely ugly.

Ye Qingmeng has never seen such a scene before. In her heart, she is indeed a rustic country girl. When she heard that beautiful woman's words, she subconsciously took off her clothes. Anyway, she also felt that the price was too expensive. , I don't really want to buy it.

"Are you blind or did you not bring it when you went out? Didn't you see my wife trying on clothes?"

He Jincheng couldn't stand his wife being commanded so arrogantly, he immediately walked to Ye Qingmeng's side, put his arms around her waist, and refused to let her take off her coat, and said coldly.

"Where did you come from, a country bumpkin, didn't you hear what I said, I've taken a fancy to this coat, take it off immediately, if it gets dirty, I'll make you pay for it!"

Seeing that He Jincheng dared to disobey her intentions, the beauty said angrily.

The middle-aged man also walked over with a gloomy expression, and looked at He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng with contempt, "Don't you look at what this place is, is it something that you country bumpkins can afford? Take off quickly. Get out of the clothes, so as not to be embarrassing here!"

"Could it be that your family owns the department store, and no one else can buy it? The two of you look like five people and six people. I didn't expect their quality to be so low. I really saw it today!"

He Jincheng sneered.

Don't these two people just think that they have some money and the whole world belongs to you?It's ridiculous.

"What did you say? Do you know who I am?"

The middle-aged man suddenly shouted angrily, as if he felt that it was unimaginable for a bumpkin like He Jincheng to dare to talk to him like this.

"I don't care who you are. My wife is trying on clothes. If you want to buy them, just wait for my wife to make a decision. My wife can only buy if she doesn't want you. This is the rule, understand?"

He Jincheng never backed down, it didn't matter if he was wronged, but whoever dared to bully Ye Qingmeng, He Jincheng would definitely let him know what regret is.

"Jincheng, how about we..."

Ye Qingmeng didn't want He Jincheng to have a conflict with others, so he wanted to persuade him.

"Honey, it's okay, we bought this dress, I want to see, in broad daylight, can someone still snatch our clothes?"

He Jincheng immediately interrupted Ye Qingmeng, and then looked at the waiter.

"We want this dress, how much?"

The waiter also felt that He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng were bumpkins and couldn't afford the coat at all, so he lazily quoted a price.

"200 yuan, let me tell you, if you really want to buy it, you can quickly pay for it, and don't delay our business!"

The beauty followed the waiter's words and continued to taunt, "Rich bumpkins like them, can they earn 200 yuan a year? How can they afford this dress? It's ridiculous! I said your store is the same, so I don't look at it, like this Don’t put in the soil buns in the future, so as not to affect the mood of us real customers!”

"Beauty, you are right, we will definitely improve in the future!"

The waiter said with a smile, looking at He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng with contempt.

Although Ye Qingmeng was relatively honest, but when he heard these people singing together and making fun of himself and her husband, his heart was filled with anger.

"Jincheng, let's go, don't buy it. If we buy their clothes in this kind of store, wouldn't it be cheaper for them? I see there is also a coat store opposite. Let's go buy the best in their store!"

Ye Qingmeng took off her coat neatly, threw it to the waiter, and pulled He Jincheng outside.

"Hehe, the clothes in the store opposite are more expensive than ours. People like you can't afford them in your life. What are you pretending to be!"

The waiter sneered very displeasedly.

"It's a good thing that people are very smart. If you know you can't afford it, you can take off your clothes, so as not to be ashamed when you can't afford the money later! Let's go, I'm not in a good mood when I see you!"

The beauty also laughed endlessly.

He Jincheng wanted to give this woman a bad mouth. This bitch just owes her money. How great is it to have a rich husband?Moreover, looking at the age gap between the two, it is conservatively estimated that it is at least 20 years old. In all likelihood, this beautiful woman is not the man's wife at all, she should be his lover.

"Okay Jincheng, let's not care about them like them, otherwise, wouldn't we become the same people as them?"

Ye Qingmeng pulled He Jincheng out.

He Jincheng had no choice but to follow Ye Qingmeng after hearing what Ye Qingmeng said. He left the coat shop and went directly to the shop opposite.

"Okay, quickly put on the clothes for me, I want to see the effect of the upper body!"

When He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng left, the beauty couldn't wait to ask the waiter to try on her clothes.

With this upper body, when I saw myself in the mirror, I felt a little unattractive.

What's not good about it, I can't tell.

The beauty frowned, looked at the waiter and said, "Why don't you look good in it, really!"

"Beauty, it's probably because your shoulders are a bit broad, this size is a bit small!"

The waiter said quickly.

"Then why don't you hurry up and get me a bigger one, what are you doing in a daze?"

The beauty said very displeased.

"I'm sorry, this style is more popular, and this is the only one left, why don't we look at other styles, the others are all full size!"

The waiter quickly explained.

"What, that's all. If you still take it out, it's really disappointing. I don't want it!"

The beauty took off her coat directly, threw it to the waiter angrily, and then dragged the middle-aged man away.

(End of this chapter)

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