Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 290 High consumption, if you want to do it, do it first

Chapter 290 High consumption, if you want to do it, you must be the first
"Hey, beauty, didn't you just say that you bought it directly? This one is not suitable, let's change it, we still have many styles at home!"

The waiter was a little anxious. Just now, the beauty said she wanted to buy it. Why did she just turn her back on it?

If I had known this, I might as well have sold it to those two bumpkins.

The beauty didn't even look back, she dragged the middle-aged man to the opposite shop, leaving only the waiter with an expression of anger and remorse.

Who the hell thought he was the kind of rich man who spent a lot of money, but he probably didn't look very good.

He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng came to another store, this time Ye Qingmeng didn't hesitate so much, maybe it was because of a fire in his heart, so after trying on the clothes and feeling that they fit, he immediately bought them.

The price of this store is indeed much more expensive than the one opposite, but the quality and design are indeed much better. As long as Ye Qingmeng thinks it is suitable, He Jincheng will buy them all.

In just a short while, I bought five or six sets, which cost a little 2000 yuan.

For the first time, Ye Qingmeng realized that spending money on shopping is such a fun thing. The 2000 yuan was gone in the blink of an eye, so she changed it into these few clothes.

When seeing He Jincheng pay the bill, Ye Qingmeng felt a little regretful again.

Really, I spent so much money on a few clothes, it's too wasteful, why should I be angry with that incident just now!

"Jincheng, or..."

Just as Ye Qingmeng was about to speak, she heard that annoying voice again.

"Hehe, the store across the street couldn't afford it, so they came here to try on clothes again? These country bumpkins are like this. When they enter the store, they only know how to look, and they can't afford it at all!"

The beauty said with a sneer, and at the same time pointed to the waiter, "I said you should also pay attention, let anyone in, look at them, are they people who can afford your clothes?"

However, I didn't see the imaginary scene where the waiter became angry. Instead, I felt that the waiter seemed to be looking at me like a fool, and the smile of the beautiful woman froze on her face.

"What do you mean, I kindly remind you, why are you looking at me like that?"

The beauty said in great displeasure.

"I'm sorry, Miss, our shop welcomes all customers who like our clothes. It doesn't matter whether you buy them or not. We believe that only good products can attract more people's attention! Even customers who don't have money to buy are still our customers. Customers, we welcome everyone to come to our store to visit and try on, it doesn’t matter whether you buy or not, as long as you know that our clothes are good enough!”

With a faint smile on his face, the waiter said neither humble nor overbearing.

Such words surprised He Jincheng a little.

I didn't expect that the layout of this waiter is quite big.

Many successful companies do not serve a fixed group of people.

For example, a hamburger restaurant has opened countless branches all over the world. They not only welcome customers to come to the store for consumption and purchase, but the whole store is also open to the public.

You can come here to rest when you are tired. Even some passers-by don’t buy anything, just go to the bathroom, or sit here to rest. No one will drive them away, but welcome their arrival.

It is because of this non-discriminatory and equal treatment attitude that many people recognize it.

At least, more than 80.00% of the people in China should know or have heard of the name of the burger.

As for this coat store, although the price is a bit more expensive, the service attitude of the whole brother is very satisfactory. I believe many people will buy some more or less.

"What do you mean by this? You are a high-end clothing store, how can you sell to these bumpkins? Besides, do they have money?"

The beauty immediately became displeased. From her point of view, this kind of shop was not something that people like He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng could enter. As a result, the waiters didn't know what was good and bad, so they lectured her.

"Excuse me, miss, this gentleman has already paid, a total of [-]!"

The waiter said lightly, somewhat dissatisfied with this beauty.

"What, so many, are you selling gold?"

The beauty was taken aback, and bought 800 yuan in one go. Are these two country bumpkins so rich?
"Miss, although we welcome anyone to visit the store and try on clothes, we don't welcome those who make trouble. If you want to see clothes, we will accompany you and introduce you to the good or bad of the products. So, I hope you can respect Every one of our customers!"

The waiter still kept a professional smile and said very sincerely.

"Oh, my husband, look at the attitude of this store, hurry up and buy a few, let them see, what is a rich person, and piss them off!"

The beauty was smitten by the waiter, so she took the middle-aged man's arm and acted coquettishly.

"Okay, okay, isn't it more than 1000, I'll give you two thousand, just buy it!"

The middle-aged man laughed and patted his pocket with a heroic expression.

"Honey, do you still like it? Let's buy two more?"

He Jincheng looked at Ye Qingmeng beside him, and said with a smile, it seemed that he didn't see the middle-aged man and the beautiful woman at all.

"Okay, I'll be a rich man too!"

Ye Qingmeng said with a smile that she also wanted them to know what it means to be rich.

So He Jincheng chose two more pieces for Ye Qingmeng, and spent a total of 600 yuan in this store, which is definitely not a small sum of money.

"Hmph, take out all your belongings, what a pity, you obviously have no money, and you have to put on a show here, and now these poor country bumpkins can only brag!"

The beauty said very displeased, especially when she saw Ye Qingmeng bought six or seven extravagant clothes at once, she felt very uncomfortable.

"This one, this one, and this them all. Since we want to buy them, we must be the first."

The middle-aged man said with a sneer, and then took out bundles of cash from his pocket, at least two thousand, and patted it on the table in front of the cashier, laughing and saying.

The waiter frowned slightly, apparently not liking the commanding tone of the middle-aged man.

However, in line with the intention that the customer is God, the cashier still collected the money.

After a while, the waiter reluctantly paid the middle-aged man.

"Hey, this dress is really pretty. As expected of my husband, he still has such a good eye!"

The beauty looked at the clothes in her hands and said happily.

"Of course, unlike some country bumpkins who wear such expensive clothes, they are still so earthy, it's like dirt!"

The middle-aged man said with a sarcasm on his chin.

(End of this chapter)

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