Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 291 Maliciously cutting off the beard, a 1 yuan evening dress

Chapter 291 Maliciously cutting off a beard, a 1 yuan evening dress
Ye Qingmeng was annoyed seeing that woman's triumphant look, but she had a gentle personality and didn't want to cause trouble, so she pulled He Jincheng to urge him to leave.

"Honey, don't worry, we haven't finished shopping yet!"

He Jincheng smiled and patted Ye Qingmeng's little hand, then looked at the waiter and said, "I heard that your family recently has a new model designed by an internationally renowned designer, is it in stock?"

The waiter nodded quickly upon hearing this.

The couple spent more than 2000 yuan in one go. Although they looked ordinary in clothes, they were definitely not ordinary people.

"Mr. Yes, I'll take it out for you right now!"

After the waiter finished speaking, he went in to get the clothes.

The woman heard this, and she pulled the middle-aged man into acting coquettishly.

"Husband, I also want to buy the one from a foreign designer, can you buy it for me?"

The middle-aged man put his arms around the woman dotingly and said with a smile: "Of course it's okay, we have plenty of money, not to mention a foreign designer's new style, even foreign royal clothes, as long as she sells them, we can buy them." affordable!"

Soon, the waiter came out pushing a hanger.

Everyone's eyes were instantly attracted by the clothes on the hanger.

I saw a gorgeous red evening dress hanging on the hanger impressively. Just hanging there, people couldn't take their eyes off it, let alone wearing it on someone's body.

"Wow, husband, this dress is so beautiful, I'm going to buy this one!"

The woman screamed, jumping her feet in excitement.

Ye Qingmeng's eyes lit up when he saw this evening dress.

She saw heroines in some movies on TV, and they would pass on such clothes. Although the pictures were black and white, the perfect and luxurious temperament of those heroines was what every woman wanted most.

"Wife, do you like it?"

He Jincheng looked at Ye Qingmeng and asked with a smile.

"I... like it very much, but it must be very expensive!"

Ye Qingmeng said in a low voice, although she really likes it, the clothes in this store are already very expensive, let alone this luxurious evening dress.

"As long as you like it, go and try it!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Husband, I want to try it first. I've decided to buy this dress. Don't let others try it on, especially the bumpkins. I'm sure it will get dirty!"

At this time, the woman next to her started to act mischievously again, and said in a strange way.

This made He Jincheng a little angry. This woman was sincerely looking for trouble, and he kept giving in, but in the end she pushed her nose in the face.

Before He Jincheng could say anything, the woman dragged the middle-aged man to the waiter and stopped her directly.

"I want this dress, and I'm going to try it on now!"

The woman said arrogantly.

This kind of tone made the waiters frown slightly, and they were very upset.

She has been working in this store for a year, and she has met many rich people, but it is the first time that this woman is so domineering.

"I'm sorry, lady, this dress was requested by the customer, so I ask them to try it on, and if they don't want to buy it, you can buy it!"

The waiter held back his temper and said.

As a result, the woman immediately exploded, pinched her waist with one hand, and pointed at the waiter with the other and yelled angrily.

"What did you say? You didn't hear what I said just now, did you? I must buy this dress, and you let others try it on. What if it gets dirty? Can you afford it?"

The middle-aged man also walked forward with a sullen face and reprimanded the waiter very displeased.

"Is this how you work as a waiter? Believe it or not, I'll let you be laid off with just one word? I know your boss!"

The waiter was very annoyed, but the other party was a customer after all, and she was considered an old waiter, and she could still control her emotions.

"I'm really sorry, sir, this is the rule of our store. Even if you complain to our store manager, we will deal with it in this way! Moreover, there is only this set of clothes, please wait patiently. If the two If you really don’t want it, you can buy it!”

The waiter said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Damn, are you out of your mind, or are you trapped by the door? Can't you understand people's words?"

The middle-aged man cursed directly, then took out a handful of money from his pocket, and slammed it on the waiter's face.

"Isn't it just money, is this enough, is it enough!"

The middle-aged man was quite generous, and he even threw hundreds out in one breath, as if he didn't care about money at all.

The waiter immediately stepped back a few steps, his face also turned ugly.

"Mister and Madam, you are customers of our shop, that's why I am being polite to you. If you continue to make trouble for no reason, I will ask the security to drive you out!"

Hearing this, the arrogant and domineering two couldn't bear it anymore, they immediately went into a rage.

"I said you are a waiter, why are there so many shits, are you sincerely against us?"

"Sell things, sell them if someone gives them money, and I'll buy them all. Do you have bad ears and can't hear!"

"I warn you, if I can't buy this dress today, I will definitely make you regret it!"

The waiter was insulted and threatened by the two of them one after another, and he clenched his fists angrily, wanting to hit someone.

"The price of this dress is [-] yuan. Are you sure you want to buy it?"

"What? 1 yuan, why are you kidding me, it's only a few dollars, and you dare to ask for 1 yuan, you are crazy about money!"

The middle-aged man said in shock.

It is not too outrageous to buy a piece of clothing for a few hundred yuan, but he is absolutely unwilling to spend 1 yuan on a good-looking evening dress.

But that woman, when she heard that the dress was worth 1 yuan, her face was filled with anticipation and excitement.

I have never worn such expensive clothes in my life, so I must buy them today.

"Husband, hurry up and buy it for me, I can't wait to put it on!"

The woman started acting like a baby again, her delicate figure kept rubbing against the middle-aged man's arms, which made people irritated for a while.

"This... 1 yuan is too expensive. Even if the clothes are made of gold, they are not worth so much money! It's a scam!"

The middle-aged man is not happy anymore. If he continues to spend like this, he will be poor by this woman sooner or later!

"Honey, don't you love me?"

The woman blinked those charming and seductive eyes.

"1 yuan, my dear, I can even build a house in my hometown village!"

The middle-aged man quickly persuaded.

"Ah, but I really like it, I really want it, hello husband, just buy it for me!"

The woman was very unwilling, and continued to act coquettishly again.

(End of this chapter)

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