Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 293 Verifying the balance, the dog and the man turned their faces instantly

Chapter 293 Verifying the balance, the dog and the man turned their faces instantly
"What do you mean? It doesn't matter if I buy it or not!"

The middle-aged man said unhappily.

"Of course it does matter. Let's not say that I fell in love with this dress first. Since you don't want to buy it, of course I can buy it!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, and looked at the waiter again, "Twelve thousand, right, I want it, pay now!"

"No, I've already taken a fancy to this dress, why do you want to buy it?"

The middle-aged man said coldly.

The beauty also came over, looked at He Jincheng with disgust, and sneered, "You buy it? Twelve thousand, can you afford it? The few clothes just now have already emptied the family Come on, poorer than one is still here to beat up two fat people, hurry up and get out!"

"How do you talk?"

Ye Qingmeng couldn't help it anymore, this woman was really annoying, she just snatched her favorite clothes twice, and she was so unforgiving.

"What? Did I say something wrong? Country bumpkins like you should farm in the countryside. Don't come to our city to embarrass yourself!"

The beauty was still talking non-stop.


Ye Qingmeng was also not good at quarreling, her pretty face flushed red from anger, and she was speechless.

"What are you? What's the matter, isn't what I'm saying true? Husband, let's ignore these two country bumpkins and hurry up and buy me clothes. I really like this one!"

The beauty gave Ye Qingmeng a blank look, as if she didn't bother talking to her, she hugged the middle-aged man's arm and acted coquettishly.

He Jincheng stepped forward to hold Ye Qingmeng's hand, and shook his head slightly at her, signaling her to be calm and calm.

"Okay, since you want to buy it, let you buy it first, we can wait, but waiter, I think you need to confirm whether they can really afford it, otherwise, the [-] clothes , Try it, it may depreciate!"

He Jincheng looked at the waiter and said with a smile.

"Of course, so sir, are you sure you want to buy this dress?"

The waiter nodded, looked at the middle-aged man and asked.


"Of course I bought it. Are you deaf? Didn't you hear what I just said?"

The middle-aged man hadn't spoken yet, but the beauty spoke first.

"Ok sir and madam, the price of our evening dress is relatively high, so in order to avoid damaging the dress by trying it on casually, I need to verify first whether you can really buy it!"

The waiter said very politely.

"Who do you look down on? Of course we can afford it, can't we, dear?"

The beauty immediately became impatient, and said very displeased.

As a result, he turned to look at the middle-aged man, and saw that his expression seemed a little unnatural.

"Honey, what's the matter with you, take out the passbook and let the waiter see it, the dog's eyes look down on people!"

The beauty was very displeased.

The waiter's face was also very ugly. This woman is really too vicious. She just opened her mouth to disgust and despise others. How can there be such people these days.

"Well, baby, let's forget about it today, I can't usually wear this dress, let's come back another day!"

The middle-aged man said with some embarrassment.

"What do you mean, didn't you just agree to buy it for me? I don't want another day, I want to buy it now!"

The beauty immediately became unhappy, and stomped her feet anxiously.

"Hey, be obedient, let's come over next time and buy it together with the bag we saw earlier, okay?"

The middle-aged man coaxes the beautiful woman.

"No, no, I want to buy it now, it's not like we don't have money!"

The beautiful woman said without hesitation.

"You two, if you can't afford it, I'll let this gentleman buy it."

The waiter was secretly relieved. Looking at the middle-aged man, it was obvious that he really couldn't afford it. The money in the passbook probably wasn't enough.

"Who says we can't afford it? We can afford it. What's the matter with you? You're embarrassing me. Hurry up and show me your passbook!"

The beauty said she was going to grab the passbook of the middle-aged man.

The man didn't react, and the beauty took out the passbook from his pocket.

"Here, this can prove that we can afford it!"

The beauty didn't even look at it, and handed the passbook to the waiter directly.

The middle-aged man wanted to get the passbook back, but was picked up by the waiter.

After opening the passbook and seeing the numbers on it, the waiter smiled.

"Sorry, there is no money in this passbook. Do you have any other passbooks?"

"What? How is it possible? Do you have bad eyesight!"

The beauty was stunned, grabbed the passbook back, opened it, and was dumbfounded.

"Shi Daqiang, what do you mean? Why is there only 50 yuan in the passbook? Are you kidding me? Money?"

The middle-aged man's face was very ugly.

I have spent so much money on this woman, and my wife has been following me for a long time, so all the money in the passbook was transferred out by the yellow-faced woman at home.

The money I spent on buying clothes for the beauties before was all my private money saved by frugality before, but it was squandered by this woman all of a sudden.

He did have a little balance, but it was only a few thousand yuan, so he bargained with the waiter just now. If eight thousand could be sold, he gritted his teeth and bought it.

"Okay, I have some troubles at home recently, so all the money in the passbook has been transferred out. Don't make trouble for no reason. After a while, I will definitely give you double compensation!"

The middle-aged man said in a deep voice, he was very dissatisfied with the woman who yelled so loudly and didn't give himself a little face.

"Damn, what are you? You have become a poor ghost too? What do I want you for? If you don't have money to spend, don't even think about sleeping in my bed!"

The beauty didn't give the middle-aged man any face at all, and immediately started yelling.

She is so young and beautiful, why is she with this old man in his 40s?Is it better for him to work hard in bed?If you don't have money, you don't have the right to be with yourself.

"What do you mean? I was only temporarily noticed by the yellow-faced woman at home, so I was wary of me. Don't you know what I do? Can I have no money?"

The middle-aged man was unhappy and said angrily.

"Hmph, then wait until you get the money back and buy this evening dress before you come to me. It's really embarrassing for me!"

The beauty was so angry that she walked out immediately after speaking.

"You...Made stinky bitch, did I give you a face, didn't I? I spent so much money for you, and you can turn my face when you say it. Believe it or not, I will slap you?"

The middle-aged man suddenly became furious, grabbed the beauty, raised his hand and slapped her.

(End of this chapter)

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