Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 294 It's really beautiful, the couple was attacked at the intersection

Chapter 294 It's really beautiful, the couple was attacked at the intersection
With a crisp snap, a bright red five-fingerprint suddenly appeared on the beauty's cheek.

" dare to hit me, you bastard, I will fight you!"

The beauty had a look of disbelief, and then she went crazy, and rushed towards the middle-aged man with all her teeth and claws. The scene was very hot for a while.

The waiter immediately called the security guards of the shopping mall. A few strong security guards managed to separate the two of them, and finally dispersed for more than ten minutes.

The middle-aged man named Shi Daqiang had a look of resentment on his face, and before he left, he even pointed at He Jincheng, his face was full of anger.

"Boy, just wait for me, don't let me touch you again, otherwise, I will never let you go!"

He Jincheng completely ignored Shi Daqiang's threat.

I've seen a lot of people like this by myself, so if you have the ability, just come.

Although I will not take the initiative to cause trouble, but I will definitely not be afraid of trouble.

He Jincheng only looked at the waiter after the two were invited away by the security guard.

"Now let's try on clothes!"

"Of course sir, let this lady try first!"

With a smile on his face, the waiter pushed the evening gown and followed Ye Qingmeng to the fitting room.

In fact, there is no rule in their store that they need to verify the assets of customers before allowing them to try them on. The main reason is that Shi Daqiang and his lover are too much, and the waiter couldn't stand it anymore, so they tried it on.

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man actually had no money.

As for He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng, although their clothes are relatively ordinary, when they bought clothes and paid for them just now, they were not ambiguous at all, and they are very qualified in speaking and doing things. They are also educated people, unlike Shi Daqiang and the others. The nostrils are all grown on the forehead.

After waiting for five or six minutes, Ye Qingmeng put on the evening dress and walked out slowly.

He Jincheng's eyes straightened immediately.

Ye Qingmeng was wearing high-heeled shoes, and her long skirt was dragged to her ankles, revealing her slender calves. The clothes fit her perfectly, and her neckline was slightly low, revealing her snow-white jade neck like a swan.

Coupled with Ye Qingmeng's clean and refined look, with shy eyes, it's so beautiful that it explodes.

After being stunned for a full minute, He Jincheng finally came to his senses.

"What's the matter, are you wearing strange clothes!"

Ye Qingmeng said with some embarrassment.

To her, this kind of clothes was really exaggerated, making her feel very unnatural.

"No, but it's too beautiful, my wife, I didn't expect you to be so suitable for this dress, you are really like a fairy, so beautiful!"

He Jincheng stepped forward to hold Ye Qingmeng's hand, and smiled softly.

"Really? Then I want to take a look!"

Ye Qingmeng's pretty face blushed slightly after being praised by He Jincheng, and she walked cautiously in front of the full-length mirror. Seeing herself in the mirror, Ye Qingmeng was also slightly stunned, almost didn't recognize herself, and thought it was those girls in the movie. What about the main character?

"Oh my God, it's true that people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. I've changed too much!"

She herself couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Madam, this dress is really suitable for you. To be honest, someone has tried this evening dress before, but I have never seen one as beautiful as yours!"

The waiters praised it from the bottom of their hearts.

There was no compliment in her tone, because Ye Qingmeng's beauty was obvious to all, and there was no need to deliberately exaggerate it.

Ye Qingmeng was even more embarrassed to be praised, and she also liked this dress very much, but it was too high-profile, I really don't know if I have the courage to wear it out.

"Okay, we've got this dress, here's my passbook!"

He Jincheng knew Ye Qingmeng well, she would definitely feel that the clothes were exaggerated and she would not want to buy them, so he made his own decision directly and did not give Ye Qingmeng a chance to speak.


"Honey, stop thinking about saving money, you will need this dress soon!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, and then handed the passbook to the waiter.

The waiter took the passbook, opened it, and was shocked by the numbers on it.

She had never seen so much money in her life.

"Okay, I'll contact the bank immediately to handle it. Then you need to go to the bank to print the transfer records!"

The waiter was stunned for a while before reacting.

Ye Qingmeng turned around in front of the mirror, the more she looked at it, the more she felt satisfied. She really likes this dress too much.

After more than ten minutes, the waiter came over with the passbook and the receipt, with a more respectful expression on his face.

This is the real rich man. He is too low-key. The key point is that he loves his wife so much, which is really heart-warming. Of course, a beautiful woman like Ye Qingmeng is indeed worthy of men's madness for her.

Ye Qingmeng changed clothes, the waiter carefully packed the evening dress, and the two left the clothing store.

Next, Ye Qingmeng said that he wanted to buy some clothes for He Jincheng, and that he was already dressed so beautifully. If He Jincheng's clothes were still so ordinary, it would definitely cause a lot of discussion.

There was no way, so He Jincheng just picked out a few good quality clothes, including suits, casual clothes, and a set of loose white exercise clothes, which he could wear during his consultations on weekdays.

It was already evening when they came out of the department store, so the two of them had a meal nearby before preparing to go home.

As night fell and the neon lights of the city came on, He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng walked under the bright street lights holding hands, both of them had happy smiles on their faces.

"Honey, it's good to have you!"

Ye Qingmeng leaned her head on He Jincheng's shoulder and said softly.

He Jincheng touched Ye Qingmeng's head, didn't speak, but secretly said in his heart, wife, it's really good to have you!

The two of them walked home so slowly, and at this moment they were more relaxed than ever.

Just when they came to a corner, He Jincheng's face suddenly changed, and he yanked Ye Qingmeng and pulled her behind him. When a dazzling light flashed in front of him, he heard a bang, and his body was also hit by He Jincheng's body, and he took several steps back again and again, almost not falling down.


Ye Qingmeng exclaimed.

Only then did she see that four or five big men holding steel pipes suddenly jumped out of the corner. The bright light just now was caused by the light reflected from the street lamps by the steel pipes.

In order to protect Ye Qingmeng, He Jincheng didn't move, but raised his left hand to block, and the steel pipe hit He Jincheng's arm firmly.

He Jincheng felt a sharp pain, and then his left forearm suddenly lost strength, obviously it was interrupted!

(End of this chapter)

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