Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 295 Healing and self-cultivation, the speculation behind the scenes

Chapter 295 Healing and self-cultivation, the speculation behind the scenes
"I'm fine, you hide aside!"

With a roar, He Jincheng raised his leg and kicked the man to the ground.

This kick was strong and heavy, and he didn't keep his hand in the slightest. After being kicked over, the man couldn't get up.

"Let's go together, this kid is alone, no matter how much he can fight, he can't beat us!"

One person let out a low growl, and the remaining four rushed over again, each holding a steel pipe impressively.

"Who are you?"

He Jincheng shouted angrily, while protecting Ye Qingmeng and retreating.

There was no one around. These people had settled down a little earlier and deliberately waited for me here.

"Who? You'll know when you wade into the hospital!"

The leading man snorted coldly, raised the steel pipe in his hand and smashed it down.

He Jincheng also knew that it was useless to ask anything now, so he pushed Ye Qingmeng lightly so as not to affect her, then he did not retreat but advanced, he dodged a stick with his body low, and an elbow hit the opponent's abdomen .

The other party screamed and fell to the ground, while the other three sticks were quickly swung at He Jincheng.

He Jincheng dodged quickly, but was hit with a stick, and there was a burning pain in his back.


He cursed angrily, spun his feet on the ground, swept his legs, and kicked another person over.

However, these people are indeed Lianjiazi, completely disregarding the life and death of their companions, as long as they can move, they are still attacking He Jincheng desperately.

Fortunately, He Jincheng persisted in practicing ancient martial arts. After struggling with two more sticks, he finally knocked all five of them to the ground, humming and unable to get up.

After finishing the five people, He Jincheng hurriedly dragged the panicked Ye Qingmeng away.

Who knows if there are others.

In order to protect Ye Qingmeng, one arm was broken from the beginning, otherwise, facing these five thugs should be relatively easy.

The two ran wildly all the way, and finally stopped when they came to a place where there were people.

Ye Qingmeng was already in pear blossoms with rain, and checked He Jincheng's injuries distressedly.

"Honey, are you okay? Why did this happen? Why did someone attack us?"

Ye Qingmeng cried and said, looking at He Jincheng's limp left hand and the blood all over his body, his face turned pale.

"It's okay, it just looks a little scary, don't forget that I am a doctor, I know whether the situation is serious or not!"

He Jincheng was sweating coldly from the pain on his forehead. Fortunately, he reacted quickly today. If Ye Qingmeng was hit by that stick, something serious would happen, and it was impossible for him to forgive himself.

"Then let's go to the hospital now, and, should we call the police, these people are too arrogant!"

Although Ye Qingmeng was still flustered, she had gradually calmed down.

When they got to a place with many people, those people didn't dare to chase after them, and they should be out of danger for the time being.

"Don't go to the hospital, go back to the hospital, I can handle the injury myself!"

He Jincheng said that he had to register and queue up to go to the hospital, and he didn't have any acquaintances here, so it would be faster to go to the hospital for treatment by himself.

As for calling the police, Zhao Dabao didn't even think about it.

No one knew what these were, and there was no surveillance nearby. Even if the police were called, no one could be found.

He decided to investigate by himself, and then find out who was behind the scenes.

Thinking about the time he came to Nandu, there were only a few people who had trouble with him. If anyone would hire thugs to attack him, he already had a few candidates in his mind, and he just needed to confirm it.

The most important thing at the moment is to treat it as soon as possible.

When the two returned to the medical center, He Jincheng ordered Ye Qingmeng to take some medicine for him, and then checked his left forearm. It was really broken, so he endured the severe pain and will break it off. The bones were restored little by little by hand, and finally they were fixed with medicinal wood boards.

The injuries on his body were also quite serious, especially when the sticks were drawn on his back. After taking off his clothes, he saw several bloody wounds, which looked very terrifying.

Seeing this scene, Ye Qingmeng burst into tears.

"Honey, I'm sorry, I shouldn't let you go shopping with me..."

If it wasn't because I went shopping very late, how could I meet those bad guys.

Ye Qingmeng felt that he had harmed He Jincheng.

"Silly girl, those people must have been staring at me for a long time. If you don't go shopping today, what about the day after tomorrow? No matter what day, as long as the time is right, they will make a move!"

He Jincheng rubbed Ye Qingmeng's head, and said with a smile, "And this time, I also learned some lessons. If they want to attack me again, they will definitely not be so embarrassed!"

Because He Jincheng was injured, especially the back injury, it was difficult for him to walk, so he simply stayed in the hospital overnight.

It seems that because He Jincheng's medicine is more effective, so He Jincheng felt less pain in his back the next day, and his broken arm was successfully restored, which can be regarded as a recovery.

Ye Qingmeng saw that He Jincheng's face looked much better, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wife, you will go home later and tell your parents that Er Bao can't live without you. I'm fine here. The arms are that kid Gao Ziqiang, and Du Feicheng and the others. Who would want to be here?" Move me, but it's not that easy!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, pretending that nothing happened.

"But your injury..."

It was really inconvenient not to go home all night and not tell the family.

"My injury doesn't matter. I just need to wait for the reply. As you can see, my complexion is much better now than yesterday."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Ye Qingmeng went out to buy breakfast for He Jincheng, fed him and then left.

Gao Zhiqiang brought Du Fei and Cheng Lu to the hospital. When they saw that He Jincheng was lying on the bed with a lot of gauze on his body, their eyes turned red.

"Brother, what's the matter with you? Who did it? I'll kill him."

Gao Ziqiang said through gritted teeth.

He is an orphan, and He Jincheng is like his own brother.

It's just a day since He Jincheng was beaten and lying on the hospital bed. It's unreasonable. If he doesn't avenge He Jincheng, Gao Ziqiang will never forgive himself.

"It's okay, just a little skin trauma, just rest for two days and it will be fine, but I really don't know who this beater is."

He Jincheng said with a wry smile, and then told them what happened last night.

"Damn, it's a sneak attack. Don't let me find those turtle grandchildren, or I'll break their legs one by one."

Du Fei said angrily.

After all, He Jincheng is their boss, and he treats them well.

(End of this chapter)

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