Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 296 Arranging Bodyguards, Not by Dr. Kong

Chapter 296 Arranging Bodyguards, Not by Dr. Kong
After he and Cheng Lu came to work here, they haven't had a better chance to perform.

Basically, they didn't do anything, but they took a high amount of hype, which made them feel very ashamed, and today they finally had a chance to perform.

"I do have two suspects, but I haven't confirmed it yet. It's okay. Don't move around. I'll investigate it myself when I'm almost fully recovered from my injury. When I have your performance."

He Jincheng waved his hand to signal everyone not to be impulsive.

"Okay brother, just tell us, we will do whatever you say."

Gao Ziqiang nodded without hesitation, and Du Fei and Cheng Lu beside him also nodded slightly.

"In the next few days, the medical clinic will definitely be temporarily closed. My hand was broken, and I can't see a doctor. Those people don't know who instigated it, but just in case, please Du Fei brothers help me take care of my family."

He Jincheng said with a serious face.

Since the other party was able to sneak attack on him at night, he must know him well and has been following him for a long time.

In that case, they must also know where their home is.

If those people attack him, he has nothing to worry about. Even if he is seriously injured now, he is not afraid of four or five people coming over.

I'm afraid that those people will go crazy and attack their family members.

The old man Ye Shanhe has just recovered from a serious illness, and he hasn't recovered yet. If he is frightened like this again, something serious will happen.

So He Jincheng asked one person to protect his family.

"Don't worry, Boss, if even a single hair of your family members falls off, Boss, I, Du Fei, will not be a man."

Du Fei said in a deep voice, without wasting time, he went directly to He Jincheng's house.

In the next few days, the Xinsheng Medical Center closed its doors, and He Jincheng has been recovering from his injuries at the medical center.

It's not that he can't go home to recuperate, the key is that he is worried that his parents will be more worried when they see him like this.

Just stay at the medical center and wait, and go back when the injury is almost healed.

After two or three days, He Jincheng recovered from his injuries.

It's just that the arm is still not healed, and the injury on the back is no longer a serious problem.

He Jincheng hung his arms up, called Shang Chenglu, and drove directly to a place.

An urban village-like place in the north of the southern capital.

The living conditions of the people living here are not very good, and they are generally those who work hard for a living at the bottom of the society.

The former Dr. Kong has been living here since he lost his job.

He Jincheng guessed that the person who would hire someone to attack him was probably someone who had a problem with him, and the first thing he thought of was Dr. Kong.

This Dr. Kong is insane for his performance, he can do anything to a child, not to mention hiring a few people to attack him.

When I came to Dr. Kong's house, I found that he was the only one drinking dull wine.

Obviously, Dr. Kong's reputation was completely gone after the incident was exposed last time.

In addition, experts and professors in major hospitals have all banned Dr. Kong in all aspects, so now Kong's life is quite miserable.

After a full day, he didn't finish this meal. He who was originally fat and fat has lost a lot of weight. It seems that he really can't eat enough.

Seeing He Jincheng coming, Dr. Kong also had a bit of astonishment on his face.

"He Jincheng, you are here again, are you here to see my joke?"

Doctor Kong gritted his teeth in hatred.

This He Jincheng made him lose his job, and he couldn't get along in the medical field at all. Now he seems to live a more valuable and nourishing life, which is simply a difference between cloud and mud.

"You deserve what you are doing now. Don't you feel that you did something wrong until now?"

He Jincheng said in a daze, he didn't have the slightest sympathy for Dr. Kong's current fate.

"I did it wrong, hehe, isn't this the way this world is? Who wouldn't live for themselves, do you think I wanted to prescribe so much medicine for a child? I was also forced!"

A miserable smile appeared on Dr. Kong's face.

"You don't need to talk about the past, do you think I am very happy now?"

A sneer appeared on He Jincheng's face, and he exposed his broken arm for Dr. Kong to see clearly.

"Did you get hit by someone or did you fall yourself? Hahahaha, retribution, retribution, He Jincheng, He Jincheng, you ruined my life, caused my family to be ruined, my wife and children to be separated. Now you have finally tasted it." It feels like retribution, hahahaha, it's really satisfying."

Only then did Dr. Kong notice that He Jincheng's arm was hung with a bandage, and he burst out laughing.

"Didn't you ask someone to do it?"

He Jincheng said in a deep voice.

"I would really like to find someone to kill you, but ah, I have nothing now, who is willing to do things for me for free? It seems that there are other people who want to kill you. It's so good, I will pray and pray every day , let you die badly."

Doctor Kong laughed loudly with a smug smile on his face.

After He Jincheng pondered for a moment, he took Cheng Lu and left Dr. Kong's house.

"Boss, you don't think it's this person. I think he still has a motive for committing the crime."

Cheng Lu said with some puzzlement.

"He hates me very much, wishing I could die, but look at him now, does he have the ability to spend money to hire someone to harm me? I don't think he is the one who made the move."

He Jincheng shook his head slightly.

It is very difficult for Dr. Kong to have a full meal, let alone his relatives to clean up himself.

"That's true. It must cost a lot to invite so many people. This man surnamed Kong seems to be really poor and useless."

Cheng Lu nodded slightly and said.

"Since the surname is not Kong, then the Hu family is the only one who has this ability and has a problem with me."

A cold light flashed in He Jincheng's eyes.

After that kid Hu Zhengsheng was dealt with by himself, the Hu family finally became honest for a while.

However, He Jincheng also felt that Hu Jia would definitely not just let it go, but he didn't expect that they would directly attack him with thugs. Judging from that posture, it was clear that they wanted to put him to death.

If that's the case today, He Jincheng hasn't felt particularly troublesome yet.

The most important thing is that they even took action against Ye Qingmeng, which was absolutely intolerable to He Jincheng.

Since Hujia is so insidious, there is no need for me to be polite to them.

In any case, I have to go to Hu's house today to discuss an explanation, but to see who has the courage to take himself seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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