Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 299 Qingmeng was beaten, it really is a narrow road to the enemy

Chapter 299 Qingmeng was beaten, it really is a narrow road to the enemy
Several people walked out of the school talking and laughing.

He Jincheng was not stingy either, and took a few people to a nice restaurant nearby for dinner.

The food in the restaurant was very good, because everyone except He Jincheng was a girl, so everyone didn't drink.

Everyone ate happily and got to know each other a lot.

Wang Juan's family is in the clothing business, and her family is fairly well-to-do. She also just entered Nandu Normal University last year and plans to become a teacher after graduation.

Liu Yan's family background is relatively average, she is from the countryside, but she is smarter and eager to learn, and she has also been admitted to university. She is the only college student in their village.

The two were very curious about the affairs of He Jincheng and Ye Qingmeng, and kept asking them about their marriage.

Although they also went to college, they are still somewhat conservative in their thinking in this era, and have never been in a relationship, so they are very curious about it.

It was after two o'clock in the afternoon that the meal was finished.

Before leaving, the three beauties were going to go to the bathroom first, and He Jincheng went to the front desk to pay the bill.

After paying the bill, he waited for a long time, but the three of them did not come back. He Jincheng frowned slightly, and was about to get up to have a look.

"It's not good, there's a fight over there!"

At this time, a waiter hurried over.


The front desk asked quickly.

"In the bathroom, it looks like a group of men are beating women!"

said the waiter.

"What, call the police first!"

When He Jincheng heard the words, his heart suddenly became anxious, his face was very ugly, and he quickly ran towards the bathroom.

Turning around in front, He Jincheng saw that the door of the bathroom was in a mess. Wang Juan's hair was completely loose at this time, and she was waving her purse in her hand, fighting with three men.

Liu Yan lay on the ground with her stomach in her arms, moaning in pain.

Ye Qingmeng was completely dumbfounded. While hugging Liu Yan, she yelled at Wang Juan: "Don't hit me, don't hit me!"

Seeing this scene, He Jincheng was furious.

He turned his head and saw a vase beside him, without thinking about it, he just picked it up and threw it over.

"Bastard, stop me!"

The vase was smashed very accurately, and it hit the head of the leader directly. The man let out an ouch, and stepped back while reaching out to hold his head.

Wang Juan took this opportunity to kick the three men again.

The three people on the ground screamed incessantly, but they were still cursing: "Stinky Sanba, dare to hit your father, try to hit me again..."

Wang Juan's foot was unceremoniously kicked up again.

" want to die, smelly Sanba!"

With that said, the three of them regrouped and rushed towards Wang Juan again.

He Jincheng rushed over at this time, stood in front of Wang Juan, and shouted: "I see who of you dares to move!"

This time, it was full of momentum, but it really frightened the three rare people, and they didn't make any moves for a while.

Ye Qingmeng didn't seem to be injured, which made He Jincheng heave a sigh of relief.

He looked at Liu Yan who was lying on the ground, and asked her if she was okay.

Liu Yan turned pale, shook her head, and said in a muffled voice, "It's okay!"

He Jincheng looked at Wang Juan, "Are you okay?"

Wang Juan looks weak, but she has a very strong personality. At this time, the corner of her mouth was bruised, her sleeves were rotten, and her inner arm was scratched a lot, and half of her sleeve was stained red with blood, but she was biting Tooth bitterly said: "I'm fine!"

He Jincheng stretched out his hand and protected the three of them behind him, saying, "Go to the back, I'm here!"

In today's matter, no matter who the other party is, he will not let them go so easily.

I finally took my wife and her roommate out for dinner for the first time, but was beaten up.

If this could be tolerated, He Jincheng would not be a man.

Ye Qingmeng wiped her face, and tears came down uncontrollably. Looking at He Jincheng's back, she felt extremely reliable and trustworthy.

He Jincheng looked at the three people on the ground, his face was extremely ugly, and he shouted coldly: "You three bastards, even beat women, what kind of men are you!"

"Damn it, you dare to plot against me, you're courting death!" The three guys finally came to their senses at this moment.

There are three people on my side and only one on the other side, so what is there to be afraid of!
"I'll give you one last chance, kowtow to apologize now, maybe I'll spare you once, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!" He Jincheng already had murderous intent in his eyes.

"What a big breath!"

A sneer suddenly came from a distance, and a man in a black casual suit walked over slowly and said, "Boy, you dare to hit my brother, don't even think about walking out from here today."

Behind this guy, there are two big men.

He Jincheng's eyes narrowed into a line, and he looked at the other party coldly, thinking that there are quite a few people in this world who don't remember to eat or beat.

"Young Master Hu!"

The three men shouted, and immediately pointed to He Jincheng's nose, saying: "Boy, if I don't remove a few parts of you today, this matter will not be over! Don't you look at who we are?"

"Brother He, I know that guy, he is Hu Zhengsheng, and his family is very rich!"

Liu Yan walked to He Jincheng's side and whispered, her face paled a little.

Of course He Jincheng knew Hu Zhengsheng, but he didn't expect that this kid would dare to come out to make trouble, and even provoked himself again.

Hu Zhengsheng walked a few steps closer and saw He Jincheng clearly, his expression changed immediately, he involuntarily took two steps back, and then said to his subordinates without hesitation: "Call everyone outside, immediately! "

After this kid was beaten up by He Jincheng last time, he doubled the number of bodyguards several times. Now that he is out of the house, he dare not be alone!

"Coincidentally, we meet again!"

He Jincheng looked at the other party coldly, "If you want to protect these people, I advise you to think carefully about yourself, I'm not in the mood to settle accounts with you now, it's best to get out now!"

Hu Zhengsheng's lungs almost exploded with anger. Last time He Jincheng was so ruthless that he almost crippled himself. Unexpectedly, he actually bumped into him again today.

I had talked a lot about He Jincheng with my father before, but my father was very afraid of this man, but Hu Zhengsheng didn't take it seriously.

He felt that as long as his subordinates were strong enough, he didn't need to be afraid of this kid at all.

Since it happened today, it just so happened to get back a little interest first!

"Good boy, you really dare to come out! I was careless last time and fell into your hands. Today is different. My current bodyguards are all masters who graduated from martial arts schools. Killing you is like playing a game! "

"Today we will settle the old and new accounts together!"

(End of this chapter)

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