Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 300 It’s Young Master Hu Again, The Security Guards Rebelled Suddenly

Chapter 300 It’s Young Master Hu Again, The Security Guards Rebelled Suddenly
"Hu Zhengsheng, if you want to take revenge, I'm afraid you don't have the ability!"

He Jincheng looked at Hu Zhengsheng, and said in a cold tone, "I've decided to keep these three bastards. I would like to advise you, don't cause trouble to your upper body, and roll as far as you can."

Hu Zhengsheng was enraged, and no one had ever dared not to take himself seriously before. He wished he could rush up and knock down He Jincheng, and then kick him hard in the face.

It's just that he still has self-knowledge, knowing that He Jincheng is not easy to deal with, and he thought to himself when the bodyguard I hired from the martial arts school arrives, let's see how rampant you are.

"Dare to talk to Young Master Hu like this, you're tired of work, aren't you?" A big man behind Hu Zhengsheng rushed over immediately, ready to beat He Jincheng.

This person obviously hadn't been with Hu Zhengsheng for a long time. If it was the bodyguards before, they wouldn't dare to talk like that when they saw He Jincheng.


As a result, as soon as the big man rushed to He Jincheng, he was kicked back by He Jincheng.

It's just that when it rushed over, it ran over, and when it came back, it flew back, and almost missed Hu Zhengsheng.

Seeing this scene, Hu Zhengsheng's face was very ugly, thinking that this kid is still so tricky, and he didn't know if the bodyguards he had hired from martial arts schools were strong enough!
At this moment, the manager of the hotel hurried over and brought several security guards with him.

"Which bastard who doesn't have eyes, dares to fight against Young Master Hu, stand up for me, I can't kill you!"

I really didn't expect that the owner of this restaurant seemed to have a pretty good relationship with Hu Zhengsheng, and he didn't ask any reason, but when he came out, he just yelled and cursed, as if he wanted to stand up for Hu Zhengsheng.

"Is this the service attitude of your restaurant? Do you want to treat someone like a dog when you come up without asking any reason?"

He Jinsheng sneered and said.

As a result, the chubby manager put one hand on his hip, pointed at He Jincheng with the other, and said with a sneer, "What are you, who thinks you are God after eating in our restaurant? Let me tell you, it's best to do it right now." Apologize to Young Master Hu, otherwise, do you see that the security guards behind me are all retired soldier kings, and they can beat you up by one person, and you can't take care of yourself!"

The fat manager pointed to behind him. Three or four security guards were tall and burly, with sharp eyes and astonishing aura.

This really surprised He Jincheng. The strength of these security guards is obviously much stronger than that of Hu Zhengsheng's men. How could they even work as security guards in a hotel?This is somewhat unbelievable.

The security guards didn't say anything, they just scanned the scene coldly, and when they saw that Wang Juan and Liu Yan seemed to be injured, they frowned slightly, and then looked at Hu Zhengsheng again.

There are three women and one man on one side, and seven or eight men on the other side. You can tell what's going on just by looking at it!
"You guys are causing trouble in our hotel, right? You take these guys who are too drunk and making trouble to me to the security room downstairs, sober them up properly!"

The faces of the security guards turned slightly cold, but they didn't do anything. They just warned, "Don't move around. If anyone makes trouble in my territory, I will take care of him!"

The fat manager leaned over to Hu Zhengsheng's side, and said with an apologetic smile: "Young Master Hu, calm down, calm down, there's no need to get angry over such a few bastards, you leave this matter to me, and I promise to let these guys I’m not feeling well! Everyone’s consumption tonight is mine, and I will pay for the medical expenses of these injured brothers!”

After finishing speaking, he turned to the security guard and said, "Why don't you take them away and let them stand here to obstruct Young Master Hu's eyes?"

The Hu family is here in Nandu, but they have a lot of energy.

For this small restaurant of his own, he had to curry favor with Hu Zhengsheng.

If this Young Master Hu suffered a disadvantage in his own restaurant, the restaurant must be the one that got unlucky in the end.

And Hu Zhengsheng's bodyguards rushed to the scene here, and there were four more people on his side.

This made Hu Zhengsheng emboldened, he waved his hands and said with a smile: "Manager Gou, don't worry about this matter, just pretend you didn't see it, if anything happens, I will help you settle it!"

The sweat on Manager Gou's face grew even more, "Young Master Hu, I won't do it, I won't do it! How can you do such a trivial matter? Leave it to me, and I will definitely give Young Master Hu a satisfactory result." Confess!"

How could Hu Zhengsheng swallow this breath, he pushed the manager away, and said: "Don't meddle in my business, what are you still doing in a daze, hit me, hit me hard, the man I'm abolished, I want to play the girls one by one, in front of this kid!"

"Don't worry, Young Master Hu, leave this kid to me!"

A man with a thick face and a strong black face twisted his neck and walked towards He Jincheng with a smile.

"Boy, it's unlucky for you to meet me. I'm good at breaking people's limbs!"

As he said that, the black-faced man was about to make a move.

"Have you ignored my words? Courting death!"

However, at this moment, He Jincheng hadn't made any moves yet, when he heard the security captain yell suddenly, and then threw out a whip leg, the black-faced man was kicked several meters away like a sandbag , bumped into the bathroom door, and then stopped, tilted his head, and passed out.

This time, everyone was dumbfounded.

What kind of situation is this, the security guard of the hotel actually beat up Young Master Hu?

Didn't Manager Gou just say that he wanted to control He Jincheng and the others?

Why did the security guard directly rebel?
"I told you not to make trouble here, did you take my words as fart!"

The security captain raised his eyebrows and said, "Beat me!"

Before the people on Hu Zhengsheng's side realized what was going on, the other security guards rushed over without giving the other party a chance to speak. The seven or eight bodyguards under him all fell to the ground and hummed, unable to get up!

Manager Gou was dumbfounded, and it took him a while to react, and he exclaimed quickly: "What are you going to do, who told you to do it, you dare to fight Young Master Hu's people, I think you are looking for death!"

However, those security guards completely ignored Manager Gou's words, and after beating up those bodyguards thoroughly, they stopped and stood back.

Hu Zhengsheng was stunned and his face turned pale.

What's the situation, aren't these security guards from the hotel?Why didn't you listen to Manager Gou?

More importantly, the bodyguards I hired at a high price turned out to be like paper, and I couldn't help beating them at all. There were only three of them, and no one could stand besides myself.

(End of this chapter)

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