Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 301 Comrade Du Fei, what to do after the fight

Chapter 301 Comrade Du Fei, what to do after the fight

It happened suddenly, and everyone on the scene was dumbfounded.

Even He Jincheng did not expect such a change.

I don't seem to know these people, I was ready to do it myself, but I didn't expect to be preempted by these security guards.

Could it be that these security guards have any enmity with people like Hu Zhengsheng?
He Jincheng was a little puzzled.

"It's over, it's over, it's over now!"

He Jincheng couldn't figure it out, but Manager Gou was a little scared and at a loss.

He kept circling back and forth, sweating from anxiety, then picked up his phone and started calling the police.

If this kind of thing happens, if the store can solve it by itself, it will generally not choose to call the police. After all, the restaurant is open for business, and if the police come, there will still be some bad effects.

I'm afraid that the whole Southern Metropolis will know that Young Master Hu's people were beaten up in his restaurant the next day, so the restaurant will not be able to open in the future?
But, if you don't call the police now, what else can you do?

It can be seen that Manager Gou is completely out of recruits at this time.

Ye Qingmeng was a little worried, what would happen if someone died, she took He Jincheng's arm and whispered: "Honey, just teach them a lesson, don't let anything happen!"

Although these people deserved what they deserved, fighting is not a trivial matter. If there were casualties, it would be a felony. Ye Qingmeng didn't want to do this.

Wang Juan on the side was very excited. She supported Liu Yan from behind, her face was full of excitement, and she said loudly: "Beat, beat to death, these bastards even beat women, they deserve it!"

As if nothing happened, the security guards kicked Hu Zhengsheng's dog legs on the ground again, sneered, and said, "Let me see you again, and beat me once again! See if you are still arrogant! !"

"Do you know what you are doing? Are you crazy?" Manager Gou jumped up and cursed, "That's Young Master Hu, you can die if you want to, don't hurt the store, I tell you, you are fired, get out immediately !"

However, the security captain stared at him, not paying attention to Manager Gou at all.

"I don't want to work with you for a long time. If you want to be a dog for these rich young masters, I don't want to serve you anymore!"

Seeing the ferocious appearance of the security guards, Manager Gou took two steps back in fright, leaning against the wall, his voice trembling, "What are you doing? Do you even want to beat me? Believe it or not, I will arrest you all!" go in..."

As a result, several security guards ignored him at all, turned their heads to come to He Jincheng, showed a sunny smile towards He Jincheng, scratched their heads and said, "You are Mr. He Jincheng, right!"

"It's me, I didn't know you were..."

He Jincheng asked with some doubts.

He couldn't remember knowing any of these people.

"We are old comrades-in-arms of Du Fei. He mentioned you to us before, saying that you are a righteous person, a good friend, and good to them, so we will remember that. As for these blind bastards, what Mr. He needs to do it himself, and my brothers and I will educate you!"

The security captain said with a smile.

"So it's Du Fei's friend. It's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you so much today!"

He Jincheng suddenly realized, and quickly expressed his thanks.

"You're welcome, Mr. He. We gentlemen don't like men beating women the most. What's more, Mr. He, your friend was beaten, but after all, it was a beating. I'm afraid the police will be here soon. My brothers and I will leave first." , if there is a chance in the future, let's have another drink."

The captain of the security guard looked at the time, then cupped his hands at He Jincheng and said.

He Jincheng cupped his hands, "Well, let's go first, and leave the following matters to me. If you need anything in the future, you can come to Xinshen Medical Center to find me!"

"Okay, if you have a chance, you must go!"

After the security captain finished speaking, he quickly left the hotel with his brothers.

After all the security guards left, Manager Gou dared to walk up to Hu Zhengsheng, and said with a mournful face, "Young Master Hu, look at this..."

"Made, Manager Gou, I remember, this is how your restaurant entertains VIPs, let's see how I deal with you in the future!"

Hu Zhengsheng was furious.

"Young Master Hu, this has nothing to do with me, you can't..."

Manager Gou hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Hu Zhengsheng, the lesson from last time, it seems you haven't had enough, do you want to do it again?"

He Jincheng spoke lightly, and looked at Hu Zhengsheng coldly.

All his subordinates were beaten to the point of being unable to get up, how dare Hu Zhengsheng continue to challenge He Jincheng.

"He Jincheng, just wait for me, sooner or later you will fall into my hands!"

Gritting his teeth, he said a cruel word, and Hu Zhengsheng ran away in despair.

After Hu Zhengsheng slipped away, He Jincheng hurriedly checked the situation for Wang Juan and the others.

Ye Qingmeng was fine, and he was not beaten. Liu Yan was kicked, and his muscles were slightly bruised, but there was nothing wrong with it.

On the contrary, Wang Juan, a woman, sparred with three men, and suffered several blows on her body. Fortunately, they were all skin traumas, and there was no major problem.

Liu Yan looked worried, looked at He Jincheng and said, "Brother He, what should we do now?"

"Wait for the police!" He Jincheng looked inside, with a tinge of anger in his eyes, and said coldly, "I want all these guys to pay for what happened today!"

Although the security guards helped to deal with these bastards severely, He Jincheng didn't intend to just let them go.

If I hadn't arrived in time today, I'm afraid Ye Qingmeng would have been murdered too.

Whoever dared to touch Ye Qingmeng's hair, He Jincheng would not spare him.

Ye Qingmeng tugged at He Jincheng's arm, "Husband, are you okay? After all, we beat someone!"

He Jincheng shook his head slightly, and said with a gloomy face: "Don't worry, if I can't get justice for you today, and let you suffer this grievance for nothing, I won't go out to meet people in the future."

Hearing what He Jincheng said, several people were a little moved, especially Wang Juan and Liu Yan, who saw He Jincheng for the first time today, did not expect this ordinary-looking man to be so responsible.

But everyone was still a little worried, because they all knew that Hu Zhengsheng was not easy to mess with.

Manager Gou offended Hu Zhengsheng this time, he didn't show his righteousness, pointed at He Jincheng's nose and cursed: "Boy, you caused a big disaster today, just wait for the police to deal with you! "

Although it was said that these people were attacked by his own security guards, if it wasn't for He Jincheng and the others, how could his own security guards have shot them, so all these mistakes were caused by He Jincheng.

(End of this chapter)

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