Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 303 Cavalry interrogation, I will prescribe you a prescription

Chapter 303 Cavalry interrogation, I will prescribe you a prescription

He Jincheng was not in a hurry, so he sat in the detention room with his eyes closed and got up.

After almost an hour, the horse captain finally appeared.

Captain Ma rubbed his swollen belly, glanced at He Jincheng, and then pulled a chair and sat in front of He Jincheng.

"How about it, have you thought it through? Don't expect to delay the time, things will always be cleared up. If you explain now, I can still count it as a voluntary surrender for you. Young man, you are still young, and you still have a long way to go. Think about it carefully."

Captain Ma laughed.

Normally, he would take advantage of Hu Zhengsheng, but today he had to help Hu Shao out of his anger.

Of course, as a public servant of the people, Captain Ma still has some scruples in doing things. If he wants to punish He Jincheng for his crimes, he has to produce some evidence.

However, according to the situation at the scene at the time, he learned that He Jincheng didn't seem to have done much, only when the girls were being beaten, he hit a gangster with a vase.

This is a bit difficult. Without conclusive evidence, it is really not easy for me to deal with He Jincheng.

"I don't know what Captain Ma means? What do I need to consider?"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

This line is quite familiar, it seems that the interrogation of prisoners on TV is said like this, but I didn’t expect to have the opportunity to hear it,

"You don't have to drink a toast, so you can tell me about it! Gathering people to make trouble and beating others, we've sent people to go for an injury test, now I can forgive you if you admit your mistake, and wait until the injury report comes out, If you want to confess, you have no chance!"

Captain Ma slapped the table and said coldly.

"I said Captain Ma, we are the victims, okay? My wife and her classmates were bullied by three gangsters. Instead of arresting them, you arrested me. It seems that there is no such thing in the world." Make sense!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

"Nonsense, three women can knock down seven or eight big men? I think it's you who did it, you have to think about it, come to talk to you now, I will give you a You have to recognize the situation clearly and don't take chances on the opportunity of confessing to be lenient. Otherwise, we won't regret selling the medicine here!"

Captain Ma said in a deep voice, feeling very helpless in his heart.

This He Jincheng simply doesn't eat oil and salt, and doesn't eat soft and hard things. If he doesn't admit it himself, it's really difficult for him!

"Then do you think I can beat so many of them by myself? Besides, you all know that seven or eight big men deal with three girls, why do you interrogate me instead?"

He Jincheng said calmly.

"Okay, okay, then let's change the subject, and now we will conduct a background check on you, what is your name, and what do you do?"

Captain Ma really couldn't speak to He Jincheng, so he changed the subject.

Since you don't admit it, then start from other aspects, I don't believe you can't catch a little mistake of yours!

"He Jincheng, a professional doctor, is attending the Xinsheng Medical Center in Qiangu Street!"

He Jincheng didn't hide anything, just spoke.


Captain Ma froze for a moment, then smiled.

For a little doctor to dare to fight against Young Master Hu, what a life-threatening thing!
"Okay, since you said you are a doctor, you must know medical skills, so please help me find out what's wrong with my body!"

Captain Ma's heart moved, and he said with a smile.

If you are not sure, kid, I will say that you are a quack doctor. It will be no problem to lock you up for seven days at that time, and you can clean it up as you want.

"What's so difficult about this!" He Jincheng observed Captain Ma's complexion carefully, and said, "Captain Ma has been injured recently!"

"Crack!" Captain Ma slapped the table and shouted loudly, "Who in our line of business is safe from injury? You little boy is playing tricks on me. Believe it or not, I'll lock you up right now!"

He Jincheng smiled faintly, and sat up a little.

"Since that's the case, then just stretch out your hand and I'll give you a pulse!"

"Hehe, looking at you like this, you are still a Chinese medicine doctor? Let's see what tricks you can do!"

Captain Ma snorted coldly and stretched out his left hand.

He Jincheng stretched out three fingers to press it, and closed his eyes to feel the pulse carefully. After a while, he said, "I'm not mistaken. You were indeed injured. It was about a week ago. The location is the lumbar spine."

Captain Ma was stunned for a moment.

The eyes are wide open, isn't it, the time and location can also be numbered?

Is this guy a miracle doctor?
It was almost a week's worth. There was a group of gangsters who were drinking too much and fighting at the night market. He happened to be on duty that day, so he took people there. , to teach him a lesson, who would have thought that the little bastard dodged, and Captain Ma sat down on a brick.

At that time, the pain was so painful, but after the examination at the hospital, the tailbone was not red or swollen, and there was nothing wrong with the film. The hospital said that there was no need for treatment, but Captain Ma was really worried and asked the doctor to prescribe some painkillers before going back. .

But after he came back, Captain Ma felt pain when he was sitting and standing, and he had to sleep on his stomach at night. If he accidentally touched it, he would break out in cold sweat from the pain, which broke him.

You know, Captain Ma is a policeman, so it's normal to work overtime and stay up late.

This day, he couldn't sleep well, which made him listless in his usual work.

Later, I saw several well-known orthopedic experts. Some said it was a soft tissue injury, some said it was a bone injury, and some said it was a nerve injury. There were different opinions, but one thing was the same. It is extremely difficult to recover behind the tailbone, and it takes at least a year and a half to raise it.

Captain Ma's head went numb at the thought of the pain for so long.

Generally speaking, this injury has never healed, and it still recurs from time to time.

He was very irritable when he received the alarm today, and He Jincheng actually beat the young master of the Hu family, so Captain Ma wanted to vent his anger on He Jincheng.

"Then...then my injury still needs to be healed?"

Captain Ma even forgot that he was here to clean up He Jincheng, so he hurriedly asked.

The disease was so tormenting that he swore he would do anything if someone could help him out of the pain.

"It's not a big problem. I'll prescribe a medicine for you. Drink it for three days, and it will be effective!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly.

Captain Ma didn't doubt He Jincheng's words at all.

How can there be no prescription for being able to see his injury directly from the pulse?
"Okay, okay, thank you Doctor He!"

Captain Ma got up quickly, took out a pen and paper and placed it in front of He Jincheng.

At this time, he realized that He Jincheng's hands were still cuffed, and he slapped his forehead, his face was full of embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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