Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 304 Attitude Change, Cavalry Sister Ma Xiaoling

Chapter 304 Attitude Change, Cavalry Sister Ma Xiaoling
"Oh, this is really true. Doctor He, you are an expert. How could you fight with those gangsters? I believe you must have been wronged. Witnesses said before that those people were beaten by a group of security guards. I think It should be true!"

Captain Ma said with a smile while helping He Jincheng uncuff his handcuffs.

However, He Jincheng blocked Captain Ma's movement with a backhand.

"Captain Ma, if you want to catch it, you can catch it, and you can let it go. Your Security Bureau is too casual!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

Captain Ma's face showed embarrassment, and he thought inwardly that it's unlucky.

This He Jincheng is not an ordinary person at first glance, his medical skills are so superb, and he dared to beat Young Master Hu, which shows that he is not afraid at all.

Now I can be regarded as offending people to death.

"Doctor He, I'm really sorry, can I apologize to you here? Well, it's hard to do what we do. I also know that Hu Zhengsheng is not a good guy, but his old man Hu Tian has energy in Nandu. Damn, one sentence may make me lose my job, can you tell me if I can not arrest you?"

The horse captain said with a wry smile.

"You are public servants of human life. When did you just serve the powerful? This is not the reason for you to wrong me, and I told you very clearly that it was not me who beat people, but the security guard of the hotel. Don't you believe it? If so, you can ask the hotel manager Gou!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

"Okay, okay, Doctor He, don't worry, I'm going to arrest that manager Gou for interrogation now, if you really don't do anything, then everything will be easy to handle! What, it's cold here, let's go to another place, why don't we go?" Sit in my office?"

Captain Ma said with a smile, his face was full of flattery.

"That's not good!"

He Jincheng shrugged, but to be honest, staying here is really uncomfortable, there is not even a place to ventilate around.

"Hahaha, what's the matter? Doctor He, you are not a criminal. It was all my fault just now. After I finish interrogating that manager Gou, I will definitely apologize to you!"

Captain Ma laughed, and then invited He Jincheng out of the interrogation room and brought him to his office.

Of course, the handcuffs were also opened.

Captain Ma asked He Jincheng to sit on the sofa, poured him another cup of tea, and then went out, apparently to interrogate that Manager Gou.

He Jincheng was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, and wrote down Captain Ma's prescription.

After a while, there was a knock on the office door.

He Jincheng didn't intend to pay attention to it at first, but after knocking on the door several times, it was suddenly opened.

A pretty-looking girl of fifteen or sixteen came in.

"Brother, why do you..."

Halfway through the girl's speech, she saw He Jincheng but didn't see the person she was looking for, so she was stunned.

"Sorry, I came to look for my brother, I didn't know there was a guest!"

The girl smiled awkwardly and walked out quickly.

He Jincheng looked at the leaving girl with a thoughtful look on his face.

After a while, Captain Ma came back with the girl who came in just now.

"Oh, Doctor He, I'm sorry, this is my sister Ma Xiaoling, Xiaoling, this is Doctor He Jincheng, a genius doctor!"

Captain Ma chuckled, with a hint of apology on his face.

"Hi, Doctor He!"

Ma Xiaoling greeted He Jincheng very politely.

"Hello there!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly and responded with a smile.

"Xiaoling, you do your homework first, and I'll talk to Dr. He about something, and it'll be ready soon!"

Captain Ma asked Ma Xiaoling to go to the side first, and then sat in front of He Jincheng himself.

"Doctor He, the matter has been clarified. You didn't do anything. I blamed you for this matter. In order to apologize to you, how about we have a drink tonight?"

Captain Ma said embarrassingly.

"Let's not talk about the meal, now that I figured out that I didn't do anything, what about those who beat people?"

He Jincheng stared at Captain Ma and asked.

Captain Ma's face showed a look of embarrassment.

He knew that He Jincheng wasn't talking about those security guards.

Those security guards ran away immediately after beating the person. Whether there was any surveillance, they couldn't find anyone at all.

What He Jincheng was talking about was obviously those bastards of Hu Zhengsheng.

This is even more difficult to handle, with his little captain energy, how dare he touch Hu Zhengsheng's people, he just doesn't want to do it at all.

"If you can't enforce the law impartially, don't you feel ashamed to wear Captain Ma's uniform?"

He Jincheng's words were very blunt, and he blushed at what Captain Ma said, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Ma Xiaoling, who was still doing homework on the side, was not happy. She couldn't see that her brother was said so.

"Doctor He, why are you talking like that? My brother is a good policeman. I don't allow you to say that about him!"

Ma Xiaoling walked over and looked directly at He Jincheng without any fear.

"Hehe, you think your brother is a good policeman, that's because he's your brother, little sister, do you know why I came here? It's because my wife and her friend were beaten by seven or eight men, and I wanted to protect them , it turned out that those who beat people were fine, but I was caught in, so do you think this is right?"

He Jincheng smiled faintly, and looked at Ma Xiaoling without hesitation.

"Impossible. My brother has always enforced the law impartially. You see, he still has so many pennants!"

Ma Xiaoling pointed to the banners on the wall, defending her elder brother.

"That's right, there are so many pennants, but I don't know how many are from the common people, and how many are from rich young masters!"

He Jincheng said with a sneer.

Captain Ma's face turned red and blue, he was really hurt.

Who doesn't want to be a good policeman who does harm to the people, but what is the truth? The energy of those rich kids is far from what he can fight against. Over the years, he has been very guilty of helping those rich kids to do things against his conscience.

But what can be done?If I don't work for those rich kids, I'm afraid I won't even have a job now!

"Oh, Dr. He, I know what I did, but you should also know that most of the time I can't help myself!"

Captain Ma shook his head with a bitter face and said.

"Yeah, you can't even protect your sister, let alone protect the common people!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Doctor He, what do you mean? You can say that I am not a good policeman and have not done anything that contributes, but my sister and I have depended on each other since we were young. I think I am still very responsible for Xiaoling's protection. Why do you bother?" What do you say?"

When Captain Ma heard He Jincheng say his sister, his face immediately darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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