Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 305 Xiaoling was bullied, the energy behind He Jincheng

Chapter 305 Xiaoling was bullied, the energy behind He Jincheng
"Really? If that's the case, then I want to ask, what happened to Lingmei's injury?"

He Jincheng said lightly.

Hearing this, Captain Ma was taken aback, obviously not understanding what He Jincheng meant.

"Injury? What injury, what are you talking about?"

Captain Ma asked.

"Just look at Lingmei's arm and you'll know!"

Captain Ma immediately walked to Ma Xiaoling's side, wanting to roll up her sleeves to check.

But Ma Xiaoling seemed to be a little bit resistant, so she quickly declined.

"Brother, what are you doing, I still have to do my homework!"

As Ma Xiaoling said this, there was a hint of panic in her eyes.

"Let me see your arm, what's going on?"

Captain Ma has dealt with criminals for so many years, how can a person lie escape his eyes, seeing his sister's reaction like this, he immediately noticed that something was wrong.

"It's okay, I'm fine, don't make trouble!"

Ma Xiaoling seemed to be afraid that her brother would look at her arm, so she stood up and ran away.

But she is a little girl, how could she escape the captain of the horse, and she was quickly held down.

Captain Ma stretched out his hand and rolled up Ma Xiaoling's sleeves, and when he saw the bruises and bruises on it, his eyes suddenly burst into flames of anger.

"Who hit this, and what's going on?"

Captain Ma was furious, he had seen a lot of injuries, and he could tell at a glance that there were not only new injuries on his arm, but also many old injuries, some of which were at least half a month old.

Damn it, what kind of policeman am I, but my sister is bullied like this, which bastard did it, I have to tear her alive.

"Brother, it's okay, I fell it myself, no one hit me!"

Ma Xiaoling quickly explained that tears were already rolling in her eyes.

"Did you fall? Do you think my brother is a fool? If you can fall like this, you should tell me the truth!"

Captain Ma said angrily.

"Don't ask, I did it all myself. You only know to be busy with your own affairs all day long, so you are too busy trying to curry favor with those rich young masters. Why do I care?"

Ma Xiaoling suddenly pushed Captain Ma away, and ran out crying.


Captain Ma made a gesture to chase after him, but he thought that He Jincheng was still here, so he stopped quickly.

My sister was being bullied like this, even my brother couldn't see it, but He Jincheng, an outsider, could see it. It seems that He Jincheng should help in this matter in all likelihood.

So he immediately asked one of his subordinates to go after Ma Xiaoling to prevent her from doing anything stupid.

Sitting in front of He Jincheng with a look of remorse, Captain Ma showed a look of self-blame and guilt on his face.

"Doctor He, how did you find out?"

Captain Ma was very puzzled.

His sister's clothes were very thick, and if he hadn't rolled up his sleeves, he wouldn't have been able to tell, so how did He Jincheng tell?
"First of all, as a doctor, it's easy to tell whether a person is injured. This is a natural intuition that doctors are used to. Secondly, when I saw your sister was holding things, her arms were obviously struggling, and there was a piece on her neck that was obviously injured. Someone pinched the bruise, so I concluded that your sister must have been beaten!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

"Is that really being beaten? Bastard, my sister is only 14 years old, she is so well-behaved on weekdays, who would hit her so hard!"

Captain Ma slapped the table angrily. If he found out who did it, he must immediately find that bastard and beat him to death before venting his anger.

"You are the captain, who dares to bully your sister? Unless that person is not afraid of you at all!"

He Jincheng spread his hands.

This is the obvious truth, an ordinary person, who would dare to provoke the sister of a police captain?That is really not afraid of death!
"Doctor He, I thank you for today's incident! Don't worry, I will definitely make them pay the price they deserve. Before this time tomorrow, I will give you a satisfactory explanation. Who is here? No face! Even if he is Hu Zhengsheng, I will still catch him!"

Captain Ma finally realized now that He Jincheng is definitely not a mortal.

Such a person, even if he really beat Hu Zhengsheng, so what?

He couldn't believe that a person like He Jincheng had no energy behind him.

At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open.

Seeing the person coming in, Captain Ma immediately stood up and saluted the person.

"Hello, Director Huang!"

The person who came was Huang Jintang, the director of the Security Bureau, and Captain Ma's immediate boss.

"Well, Captain Ma, let me introduce you, this is Mr. Lu Chang Dong Lu!"

Huang Jintang briefly introduced the visitor.

Captain Ma's eyes lit up immediately.

The Lu family is on the Nandu side, so they are very famous. Even the Hu family dare not make a mistake in front of the Lu family. It is a real wealthy family in the Nandu.

"Mr. Lu, hello!"

Captain Ma didn't dare to neglect anything, so he hurriedly greeted him.

"It is said that a friend of mine was brought here by you, and I bailed him out!"

Lu Changdong said indifferently, but his eyes fell on He Jincheng who was on the side. His originally displeased expression immediately turned into a smile.

"Haha, Xiao He, tell me, why are you still fighting with others? If there is anything wrong, just tell Uncle Lu!"

Hearing this, Huang Jintang and Captain Ma were very surprised.

Huang Jintang was better. Lu Changdong found him and said he was looking for He Jincheng. He must have known each other, but he didn't expect that Lu Changdong valued He Jincheng so much.

Captain Ma was shocked. He thought that a capable person like He Jincheng must have some connections, but he never thought that he had such a good relationship with Lu Changdong.

This time, I almost got myself into trouble. Fortunately, I didn't make things difficult for He Jincheng, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my position!

"Uncle Lu, why did you startle me? In fact, this is all a misunderstanding. Captain Ma has already investigated it clearly and is about to let me go!"

He Jincheng quickly stood up and said with a smile.

Lu Changdong also helped him several times, but this time he didn't go to Lu Changdong to come forward, he didn't expect that after he got the news, he rushed over in person.

"Yes, yes, the matter has been investigated clearly. This matter is entirely the fault of the other party. We will definitely deal with it fairly and will never spare any bad elements who disrupt society!"

Captain Ma's attitude now is even more decisive.

With the Lu family coming forward, he won't have any opinion on how to deal with this matter.

What's more, all kinds of evidence show that the other party is indeed at fault, and even if I act according to the law, I still need to lock up those people for a period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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